Wednesday, August 15, 2007

17 Minutes of Hell - Part 2 (12:29)

This morning I decided to take another run at my 17 minute circuit from last week. I wanted to improve my time substantially and ended up taking 4:31 off my time to complete the training in 12:29. I still had to rest some between exercises as my strength endurance need some work as I recover from my disk injury.

My training looked like this:

C & P - 5 reps L and R
Pull ups - 5 reps
Snatch - 5 reps L and R
Alternating KB Push Up - 5 reps L and R

I ended up finishing all four rounds in 12:29 minutes and rested as little as possible.

The total number of reps completed were:

C & P - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total
Pull ups - 20 reps total
Snatch - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total
Alternating KB Push Up - 20 reps L & 20 reps R - 40 reps total

My eventual goal is 5 cycles in under 10 minutes.

I want to thank John Culotta for pushing me to do better than last time as he smoked me after I posted the 17 minutes from hell. He completed 5 cycles in 12:20. That is the reason for this blog - to share ideas.

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