Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I contemplated not training today as I am still sore from Sunday's training but I decided to keep it short and light with an emphasis on core training with some easy stuff (slingshots & halos) just to get the blood flowing and loosen up my shoulders and upper back.

My training looked like this:

Slingshot - 16kg bell - 10 reps each direction
Double Windmill - 16kg bells - 5 reps each side
Halos- 12kg bell - 5 reps each direction
Dive Bomber Push Up/Floor Pike - 5 reps each
Plank - 30 seconds

I did the above 3 times.

I finished with 5 sets of 5 hanging knee raises bringing my knees as close to my elbows as possible.

Not the most intense workout but just what I needed - an active rest and an easy training day.

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