Wednesday, August 22, 2007

5 Sets of 5

I decided to focus more on strength today instead of strength-endurance so I did 5 sets of 5 of four exercises. I also focused on my upper body as my legs are still fried from the 150 swings and 100 dragon walks Sunday. My right arm/chest is still weaker than my left because of the herniated disk in my neck so the chest exercises are very light. I need to build up the strength slowly.

My training looked like this:

Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
KB Rows - 24kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 16kg bells - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

I did the above in a circuit fashion. I rested a little (about 30 seconds) between each cycle of the circuit as I wanted to conserve strength and concentrate on good form. The one problem I see with a strength-endurance type circuit where you are condensing the volume and racing the clock is that there inevitably is a break down in form. A rep should not count unless it is done in good form otherwise it is like lying about your score on the golf course. You are only cheating yourself.


  1. Good post. I agree on the form issue.
    Also very good to see you training after that injury. How's it doing by the way?

  2. Thanks Royce! I appreciate your support and I am feeling much better but need to temper my intensity so I don't slide back down the hill. The disk is still herniated but I am training around it.


    PS - I checked out your wife's blog...good stuff!
