Thursday, August 23, 2007

EDT - Core

In an effort to continue to train core separately from my regular training twice a week and to mix up my training I decided to train core today EDT style. I have never done this before but it seemed like a good idea. I used a 12lb "shot" - (go to to learn more) for the first group of exercises.

Here is my training:

First PR - 10 Minutes:

Saxon Side Bend - 12lb shot - 9 sets of 5 - 45 total reps
Hot Potato - 12lb shot - 9 sets of 5 - 45 reps

I wanted to hit my core from all angles and planes so I focused the vertical movement on the side bends and the horizontal movement on the hot potato.

I rested 2 minutes between PRs

Second PR - 5 Minutes

Hanging Pike - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Roman Chair Back Extension - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

Again, I wanted to hit my core from all angles so I did exercises that focused on the front of my core and back of my core/

Most people think of ore training as just abdominal training but I think of it as training the following muscles: Abdominals, Obliques, Hip Flexors, Lower Back, and Hamstrings.

I believe that if you effectively and consistently (twice a week) train your core that the rest of your training will improve because you will be more injury resistant. Also, if you have a strong core your strength will increase because of the carry over effect and strong base of strength for the heavier and more intense lifts like the snatch, clean and press, squat, clean and windmill.


  1. When I think "core" I always have this muscle group in mind:

  2. Stephen B.

    Goos stuff! Thanks for the reply and site info. I hope you don't mid if I put it on my blog?

