Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kettlebells Put To The Test....

Below is a link to a good article from T-Nation about kettlebells. The author had never used them before and tries them for an 8 week period and is happy with the results.

He says -"So what do I have to show for two months of serious training with kettlebells? First, I've improved my conditioning in a pretty dramatic way. I ran the M two more times, and finished in less than 11 minutes the final time.
But I've gained more than endurance. My shoulders and upper arms look more muscular than ever, my deadlift has increased by 15 pounds (thanks to all the swings, I'm guessing), and I've picked up a new style of training that will keep me entertained and progressing for years to come".

"Would I recommend buying some kettlebells and learning a few drills? Absolutely. I think they're great to incorporate into a traditional training program, and they also provide a fun and useful way to recover on your off days. But would I train exclusively with kettlebells? Never. For pure strength and hypertrophy, nothing can replace barbells and dumbbells".

"Thanks to the kettlebells, I have another tool in the toolbox, another skill acquired, and another goal reached. And for me, that's good enough".

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