Sunday, January 18, 2009

Training for the RKC in April...

I decided to test myself for the 5 minute snatch test using the 24kg bell today. I did 40 in 2 minutes - took about 45 seconds off and finished with 40 more before the 5 minute time limit - 80 total with a good rest in the middle. I will really need to step it up if I want to eventually get the SSST done (200 reps in 10 minutes).

Then I did 120 more snatches with the 16kg bell just because...

I finished with some overhead walk & press with the 16kg bells. I used a 150 foot area down the middle of the gym and pressed the bells approximately every 15 feet - 10 presses per set. I ended up doing 10 sets of the walk/press which totaled 100 presses with the 16kg bells. Needless to say my back, arms and shoulders were fried when I was done. Good times!

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 24kg bell - 80 reps in 5 minutes
Snatch - 16kg bell - 120 reps
Overhead Walk/Press - 10 sets of 150 feet with 10 presses per set - 100 presses

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