Friday, July 31, 2009

Day Off & This Weekend's Carb Load...

I am taking my first day off from training today in two weeks. I plan on doing my "300" tomorrow with more lbs. I hope to go over 30,000lbs for my workout. My legs are fried from yesterday but it is a good soreness.

I have been pretty strict this week during the low carb phase and might try to eat very clean during my carb up phase this weekend: fruit, high fiber, lower fat instead of the all out eating spree that usually included alot of ice cream, pizza, french fries, etc. I am wondering what effect it will have on my body composition.

You can check out my regular diet/eating plan at the following link:

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Escalating Density Training (EDT) - Legs...

I focused just on legs today as I try to push my training to the next level.

My training looked like this today:

PR One - 15 Minutes

Goblet Squat - 24kg bell - 68 reps - 3590lbs
KB Deadlift - 48kg bell - 68 reps - 7181lbs

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Dragon Walks - 30 steps each leg - 9900lbs
One Leg DL - 24kg bell - 30 reps each leg - 3168lbs

25 minutes of work - 256 reps - 23,839 lbs lifted!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Core & Misc...

I did not sleep well last night and am beat from my training lately (1000 reps in the last 4 days) so I just did some flexibility and core work.

My training looked like this:

Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps
Arm Behind the Back Windmills - 24kg bell - 20 reps
Punch Matrix - 20 reps

Attached is a link to a video on the Punch Matrix:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I added weight to most exercises today but reduced the reps from 300 to 200. I also decided to go through the whole circuit in order twice instead of bunching the exercises together in blocks.

My training looked like this:

Pull Ups - 165lb body weight - 20 reps - 3300lbs
Snatch - 20kg bell - 20 reps - 880lbs
Dead lift - 40kg bell - 20 reps - 1760lbs
Incline KB Press - 32kg bells - 20 reps - 2816lbs
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 20 reps - 3520lbs
Squats - 28kg bells - 20 reps - 2464lbs
Triple Crush - 20kg bell - 20 reps - 880lbs
Two Hand Curl - 36kg bell - 20 reps - 1584lbs
One Arm Row - 48kg bell - 20 reps - 2112lbs
Calf Raise - 40kg bells - 20 reps - 3520lbs

22,836lbs lifted. Next time I will try to get 300 reps

Monday, July 27, 2009

Swings & Deadlifts...

I am going to work in more leg work on my swing/snatch days in an effort to do more of what I normally do not do training wise. Squats, Deadlifts, etc.

My training looked like this today:

Swings - 24kg bell - 150 reps
Deadlifts - 24kg bells - 50 reps

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I decided to do a full body training session utilizing 10 exercises for 30 reps each. I may stick to this for a month or so and increase the weight, decrease the training time, and mix up order of the the exercises to change the stimulus.

My training looked like this:

Pull Ups - 165lb body weight - 30 reps - 4950lbs
Snatch - 16kg bell - 30 reps - 1056lbs
Dead lift - 32kg bell - 30 reps - 2112lbs
Incline KB Press - 28kg bells - 30 reps - 3696lbs
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 30 reps - 5280lbs
Squats - 24kg bells - 30 reps - 3168lbs
Triple Crush - 16kg bell - 30 reps - 1056lbs
Two Hand Curl - 32kg bell - 30 reps -2112lbs
One Arm Row - 40kg bell - 30 reps - 2640lbs
Calf Raise - 40kg bells - 30 reps - 5289lbs

31,350lbs lifted!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Changing My Training....

After some thought I am planning on taking a break from "Return of the Kettlebell" for a while.

I am going to mix up:

- EDT (Escalating Density Training)
- ETK (Enter the Kettlebell):(C&Ps & Pull Ups)
- VWC (Viking Warrior Conditioning)
- Bodyweight Training
- Xvest Training
- Shot Training
- Tabata

I have been making good progress with "ROTK" but have been getting burnt out and need to change the routine. I plan on returning to "ROTK" in the near future.


I was not in the frame of mind for clean & jerks today so I just did some swings.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 32kg bell - 100 reps - 7040 lbs
Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps - 5280 lbs
Swings - 20kg bell - 100 reps - 4400 lbs

300 swings. 16,720 lbs total.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Core & Stretching...

My hip flexors and groin have been bothering me lately so I decided to mix up my training a bit with some "core" work and streching.

My training looked like this:
Hanging Leg Raises - 15 reps
Windmills - 16kg bell - 15 reps per arm
Figure 8/ hold - 16kg bell - 15 reps per arm
Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell - 15 reps per arm
Punch Matrix - 15 reps per leg
Spiderman Plank - 15 reps per leg

I finished with:
- Low Bridges
- Pikes
- Dive Bombers
- 50 reps of medicine ball throws (10lb ball) into the ground

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Variety Day...

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Chin Ups - 50 reps
Push Ups - 50 reps

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" Week 8 - Day 2 - Long Cycle C & J...

My training looked like this:

I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders.

"Medium" Day

I used the 24kg bells

Clean before each jerk:
set of 2
set of 4
set of 6

I did the above 5 times

60 cleans @ 48kg
60 jerks @ 48kg

12,673 lbs lifted

I did the above in 24:30. I will try to reduce the training time going forward.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Variety Day - ROTK - Modified Tabata Protocol - 16kg Thrusters...

Pick your exercise and then work for twenty seconds and rest for twenty seconds - I doubled the normal rest in Tabata from 10 seconds to 20 seconds because I am already pushing it with my "Return if the Kettlebell" training.

Repeat and rinse. For 5 minutes and that will be eight intervals.

I did thrusters with the 16kg bells and ended up getting 57 total in 5 minutes. Not bad considering I did not get to train till late last night (instead of 5AM) and did Viking Push Presses so my legs were beat.

I needed to rest for a few minutes before I finished with:

Push Ups - 30 reps
Pull Ups - 30 reps
Dips - 30 reps

Monday, July 20, 2009

ROTK - Week 4 - Day 1 - Viking Push Press...

My training looked like this:

I timed my training today to escalate the density (EDT)

Viking Push Presses - 16kg bells

Double Snatch into VPP
1x2 2 rep
1x4 4 reps
1x6 6 reps

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Front Raise Snatch - 16kg bell - 3x10 each arm
Side Raise Snatch - 16kg bell - 3x10 each arm

15 double snatches
60 Front Raise Snatches
60 Side Raise Snatches

9504 total lbs lifted

I did the above in 17:20.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" ...

I kept it simple this morning on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

Incline KB Press - 32kg bells - 50 reps
Upright Row - 32kg bell - 50 reps
Swings - 24kg bell - 50 reps

Saturday, July 18, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" Week 7 - Day 3 - Long Cycle C & J...A Bump In The Road

I ran into a bump in the road during my training this morning. I riped a huge callous off my right hand below my pinkie finger during my first ladder. All the torque of the 32's from the long cycle must have been really wearing on my hands. I put a band-aid on it wrapped it with duct tape. I made it through three ladders but was losing my concentration during the jerks and felt my form deteriorating. I did't want to tweak my back just it make it through one workout.

So, reluctantly....I wrapped it up - left the gym - and went home.

My training looked like this:

"Heavy" Day

I used the 24kg bells

Clean before each jerk:
set of 2
set of 4
set of 6

I did the above 3 times

36 cleans @ 64kg
36 jerks @ 64kg

10,138 lbs lifted

Friday, July 17, 2009

Another Day Off...

I am taking another day off today. That will make it 3 days off (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)this week but I feel like I need it.

My tri's and quads are fried from the 60 long cycle clean and jerks yesterday with the 24kg bells (12,672lbs) and I have to do 60 more tomorrow with the 32's (16,896). That is a 33% increase in total lbs lifted from one workout to the next!

Once the volume starts building up with this training program the variety days and ancillary training need to decrease.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Questions And Answers....

Below is a few questions I recently received on my ROTK training. I thought they were good ones and decided to post them for good feedback for anyone considering trying this training method.



First off...very impressed with you snatching two 32kg KBs before your presses! How do you feel about the "off-set" weight snatches prior to pressing? I just read ROTK and plan on starting but feel a bit concerned on the torque placed on the low back with a 32 and 16kg bell being snatched and the possibility of rotation that can be placed upon the core?


Thanks Rick. It is a commitment and a bit scary sometimes. My form is pretty good but not perfect. I am decreasing the time right now and feeling stronger but it will be interesting as I add some more volume. I do not know how far I can go at 165lbs. I have gained strength and added muscle while leaning out at the same time. I do would like to gain about 10 more pounds but at 5 ft 8 in I look stupid over 175lbs.

The offset weight snatches actually feel pretty good if you concentrate on bringing the bells up evenly. Switching back and forth the bells evens out the load and there does not seem to be a problem with back instability. Plus, it seems to make doing double snatches with an even load (even the 32’s) seem easier because you do not have to think about the weight differential and manually controlling the speed of the bells to even out.

The cleans and jerks make the snatch, press, squat and deadlift block feel like a breeze!

"Return of the Kettlebell" Week 7 - Day 2 - Long Cycle C & J...

My training looked like this:

I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders.

"Medium" Day

I used the 24kg bells

Clean before each jerk:
set of 2
set of 4
set of 6

I did the above 5 times

60 cleans @ 48kg
60 jerks @ 48kg

12,673 lbs lifted - which is up from 10,137 lbs lifted last time....20% increase! I was sweating bullets and feeling it.

I Am Back...

I got back from Dallas last night and hope to do Jerks today from Return of the Kettlebell. I did Viking Push Presses on Tuesday but had to use 35lb dumbells instead. I took yesterday off. I will post my training later after I complete it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Day Off..

I have to go to Dallas till Wednesday night for work and took today off from training. I will not have kettlebells available but will do my best to get some training done.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Variety Day - ROTK - 10x10 (German Volume Training)...

I decided to do some high volume to mix it up. I did 10 sets of 10 (German Volume Training).

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 10x10 each arm - 200 reps
Incline KB Press - 24kg bells - 10x10 - 100 reps

I finished with:

Swings - 24kg bell - 10x10 - 100 reps (10 second rest between sets)

22,880 lbs lifted

Saturday, July 11, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Week 6/ Day 3 - Reduce the Training Time...

I am back to the grind block today: Double Snatch, Double Press, Double Squat and Deadlifts. I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders of 3 rungs.

I completed my training in 24 minutes today down from 32 last week (escalating density) which is a 33% reduction in time! I am going to try to shave a bit more time off next grind block and then add another rung to my 5 ladders to make it 5 ladders with 4 rungs.

I used the 32kg bells - "Heavy" day

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps and 5 squats

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 32kg bells - 2x20

15 double snatches
30 double presses
25 double squats
40 deadlifts

110 reps @ 64kg per rep = 15,488lbs lifted

Friday, July 10, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - 5x5...

I kept it simple this morning on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

Iron Cross - 28kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 245lbs - 5x5 - 25 reps
One Arm Bottoms Up Clean - 28kg bell - 5x5 each arm - 25 reps each arm

12,285 lbs lifted

I finished with:

Medicine Ball Close Push Ups - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 25 reps

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Week 6/ Day 2 - Reduce the Training Time...

I am back to the grind block today: Double Snatch, Double Press, Double Squat and Deadlifts.

I completed my training in 19 minutes today down from 24 last week (escalating density) which is a 21% reduction in time! I am going to try to shave a bit more time off next grind block and then add another rung to my 5 ladders to make it 5 ladders with 4 rungs.

I used the 24kg & 32kg bells - "Medium" day

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps and 5 squats

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 24kg & 32kg bells - 2x20

15 double snatches
30 double presses
25 double squats
40 deadlifts

110 reps @ 56kg per rep = 13,552lbs lifted

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - VWC & Xvest Training...

I did some Viking Warrior Conditioning and Xvest Training today on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

As a warm up I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 13 sets of 8 in 6 minutes and 15 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 13 sets of 8 - 104 reps

Then I did some training with the 40lb Xvest:

Push ups on Bosu Ball - 10x5 - 50 reps
Pull Ups - 10x5 - 50 reps

I finished by alternating walking @ 4mph and slow run at 6.5mph for 5 minutes. It felt great to get the vest off at the end!

Monday, July 6, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Week 6/ Day 1...Reduce the Training Time...

I am back to the grind block today: Double Snatch, Double Press, Double Squat and Deadlifts.

I completed my training in 15 minutes today down from 20 last week (escalating density) which is a 25% reduction in time! I am going to try to shave a bit more time off next grind block and then add another rung to my 5 ladders to make it 5 ladders with 4 rungs.

I used the 16kg & 32kg bells

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps and 5 squats

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 16kg & 32kg bells - 2x20

15 double snatches
30 double presses
25 double squats
40 deadlifts

110 reps @ 48kg per rep = 11,616 lbs lifted

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - Heavy...

I kept it simple this morning on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

One Arm Incline KB Press - 40kg bell - 15 reps per arm
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 15 reps
One Arm KB Jerk - 40kg bell - 9 reps per arm

I finished with:

25 consecutive pull ups!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Week 5/ Day 3...

I am back to the grind block today: Double Snatch, Double Press, Double Squat and Deadlifts. I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders of 3 rungs.

I used the 32kg bells - "Heavy" day

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps and 5 squats

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 32kg bells - 2x20

15 double snatches
30 double presses
25 double squats
40 deadlifts

110 reps @ 64kg per rep = 15,488lbs lifted

I completed my training in 32 minutes today.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training although I am getting a massage. Tomorrow is my "heavy day" with "Return of The Kettlebell" - 110 reps of double snatches, double presses, double squats and deadlifts with the 32's.

15,448 lbs to be lifted!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Variety Day - "Return of the Kettlebell" - 5x5...

I kept it simple this morning on variety day during "Return of the Kettlebell".

My training looked like this:

Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 225lbs - 5x5 - 25 reps
One Arm Bottoms Up Clean - 24kg bell - 5x5 each arm - 25 reps each arm

10,905 lbs lifted

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

"Return of the Kettlebell" - Week 5/ Day 2...

I am back to the grind block today: Double Snatch, Double Press, Double Squat and Deadlifts. I added another ladder to make it 5 ladders of 3 rungs.

I used the 24kg & 32kg bells - "Medium" day

Double Snatch into Press:
1x1 1 rep
1x2 2 reps
1x3 3 reps and 5 squats

I did the above 5 times

I finished with:

Deadlifts - 24kg & 32kg bells - 2x20

15 double snatches
30 double presses
25 double squats
40 deadlifts

110 reps @ 56kg per rep = 13,552lbs lifted

Next week I will try to decrease the time from start to finish. I completed my training in 24 minutes today.