Saturday, November 21, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning (MV02) - 40 Sets of 8, Bruiser Clubbell Front Swings & Xvest Training...

My training looked like this:

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

Then I did:

Bruiser Front Swings - 45lb clubbell - 50 reps

I finished by alternating walking @ 4mph for a half mile @ a 10% incline while wearing the 40lb Xvest. It took me 8 minutes. It felt great to get the vest off at the end!


  1. Nice work with the 45lb club. That must be a heavy thing.

    I've just pulled out my 15lb indian clubs and did a bit of mill work yesterday, posted the video on my blog.

    Say do you do things like mills often in your training?

  2. Boris,

    Thanks! I like the 45lb club alot. I try to so mills once a week. I have a video on my blog/you tube of myself doing them as well.

