Sunday, December 13, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - 36:36 - 15 Sets of 18...

Today was my first attempt at the 36:36 protocol since May 6th. After getting 100 sets of 8 in the 15:15 on Saturday it is time to progress to the next protocol. I am still planning on mixing in some 15:15 training as well.

There is a definite difference from the 15:15 protocol as your grip and strength wane a lot quicker and it was more difficult to regulate my breathing. Only having 36 seconds of rest after 36 seconds of snatching forces you to hone in your breathing skills. Thirty five sets is going to be a killer. I am planning on increasing my volume by 5 - 10% each workout with a few back off days depending on how I feel .

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch. I did 15 sets of 18 in 15 minutes and 54 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 18 - 270 reps
My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 167 or 930% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 182 or 102% of max

According to a site I found I burned 279 calories based on an AVG heart rate of 167 over 16 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.


  1. damn man, already back at work!I better get my back better fast or you will beat me to 50 k!

  2. Your wife is motivating me...making me feel foolish for whining about my hands. I need to keep up the pace!

    Maybe we can get there on the same day?

