Friday, December 11, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 100 Sets of 8!

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time last Friday 12/4 in the 15:15 protocol and I planned on trying to complete it for a fifth today but felt great at 80 sets so I kept going to complete 100 total sets of 8 for 800 snatches in 50 minutes.  My hands are hamburger but whatever!  I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 41,880.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 100 sets of 8 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 800 reps
I decided to wear my heart rate monitor to get a feel for the intensity of the training and ended up with the following data over the 50 minute workout:

My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 180 or 100% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 192 or 107% of max

According to a great website I found I burned 970 calories in 50 minutes based on an AVG heart rate of 180 over 50 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

PS - I was also motivated by my wife  - Fabiana O'Brien RKC - as she completed 700 swings with the 16kg bell next to me as I was training.


  1. damn man thats great! and JUST after I tweaked my back this week and can't snatch now! arghhh!
    well done, very impressive. I will do this too.

  2. and oh yeah, doesnt training with your wife rock? so inspiring.

  3. Thanks Mark! It was killer but felt great to blow past 80 sets. Get better and I have no doubt you will do it. Training with my wife rocks. She did RKC with me and it made it that much more special.

