Sunday, May 30, 2010

C & P/Push Up Ladder...

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the C & P. I did 3 ladders with 5 rungs on each ladder. I also did 15 push ups at the end of each ladder and 150 single unders as part of each ladder.

The ladders looked like this:
C & P - L & R then Pull Up
1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

I did the above 3 times.

There were 15 reps each ladder for a total of:
45 C & P reps left
45 C & P reps right
90 total C & P reps

45 total Push Ups

450 total Single Unders

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning" ...

I did some more two-handed clubbell exercises or "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning". Today I used the 25lb clubbell and increased the volume. I find clubbell training a perfect compliment to my Crossfit & Kettlebell training.

My training looked like this:

Hammer Swings - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
Hammer Throws - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
Gama Cast - 25lb clubbell - 100 reps

I finished with: One-Arm Casts - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps

Friday, May 28, 2010

Barbell Snatch, 400 Meter Sprints & Air Squats...

1. Snatch
7 sets of 1 rep - 65#

2. Four rounds for time of: 13:06
Run 400 meters
50 Squats
I finished 3rd in group (and not near the back of the pack) for once. My performance is improving. I hate running but unfortunately the only way to get better at it - is to run.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning consists of Two-Handed Clubbell exercises. That is two hands on one Clubbell. You may use which ever Clubbell you are capable of using. For anyone who has ever picked up a 45 pound Clubbell and attempted to do anything with it except put it back down on the floor you realize this workout is a commitment!

My training looked like this:
Front Swing - 45lb clubbell - 50 reps
Clean to Order - 45lb clubbell - 50 reps
Gama Cast - 45lb clubbell - 50 reps

I have attached a video for people not familiar with clubbell training to get an idea what it is like.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Deadlift & "Giving The Middle Finger To Gravity"...

1. Deadlift
7 sets of 1 rep - 315,325,335,345,355,295,295

I completed 7 sets of 1 rep. All seven reps were 80 - 105% of my1-rep Max.

2. "Giving The Middle Finger To Gravity"...
3 rounds for time of: 22:56 as Rx
600 meter Run
2 Rope Climbs (15')
15 Box Jumps, 24"

I wore a 20 lbs weight vest for the entire WOD and it was 86 degrees! That might have been the hardest workout I have ever done! The rope climbs and box jumps with the 20lb vest were a mental and physical commitment.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Double Kettlebell Training...

I was going to go to Crossfit this morning but it came up "Annie" which is 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time Double Unders & Abmat Sit ups. I just did that workout on May 3rd and have been doing a fair amout of jumping rope lately. I decided to do a moderately-heavy,  double kettlebell workout.

My training looked like this:

Double Floor Press- 32kg bells - 50 reps
Double Snatches - 16kg bells - 50 reps

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Mixed Bag...

I had a sugar hangover this morning after having Creamsicle Ice Cream last night. I wanted to work all the crap out of my system so I went for a high rep total body blitz today. I will say this...I felt like Superman at the gym but it came at a price - waking up feeling like Nikki Sixx after a 3 day binge.

My training looked like this:

Single Unders (running style) - 500 reps
Kettlebell Swings (CF style) - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
Hammer Swings - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
Hammer Throws - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps

I finished with: Knees to Elbows - 25 reps

I am planning on resting tomorrow before I go back to Crossfit New England on Tuesday.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Kettlebell Training From All Angles...

After yesterday's German Volume Training I decided to back off a bit in intensity today but use only kettlebells. I concentrated on some exercises that I have not done in a while. For example - The kettlebell snatch. I had not done ANY kettlebell snatches since March 10th before today. I really burnt myself out in my quest for 50,000 and really needed a break from them.

You can check out the Snatch Race Leader Board 

My training looked like this:

Snatches - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Hand 2 Hand Clean - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Overhead Squat - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Windmill - 16kg bell - 50 reps

Friday, May 21, 2010

Kettlebell German Volume Training & Clubbell Training...

Crossfit has been a great addition to my training but I feel like I need to add back more strength training to balance out all the metabolic conditioning I have been doing. German Volume Training seems like the solution.

The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180 lbs for this exercise.

My training looked like this:

Kettlebell Incline Press- 28g bells - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin-Ups - 12kg bell - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Then I did:
50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left) - 15lb clubbell
50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell

I finished with: 50 Knees to Elbows

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Barbell Snatch & "Dark & Stormy"...

1. Snatch
3 x 3 across - 65#

These were performed as Squat Snatches. Reps were stop and go - no bouncing.

2. "Dark and Stormy" - 11:25
25 Deadlifts (135#)
50 Pull ups
25 Deadlifts (135#)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bench Press & "Boat Race"...

1. Bench Press
3 x 5 reps across - 205# - 5/5/3

2. "Boat Race"
3 rounds for time of:
500 meter Row
400 meter Run
3 minutes rest
1st round - 4:06
2nd round - 4:26
3rd round - 4:11
I hate to run and I hate rowing. Thankfully that is over!

I am taking tomorrow off from training.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Light Day...

I took it easy this morning:

Single Unders (running) - 500 reps
Knees To Elbows - 50 reps

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heavy Metal...

My training looked like this:

Swings - 48kg bell - 50 reps
Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 10 reps @ 150 ft each
1 Mile Run - 40lb Xvest - 8:39

I finished with:
Single Unders- 250 reps
Knees to Elbows - 25 reps

Saturday, May 15, 2010

German Volume Training & Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180 lbs for this exercise. I have not done it in a while so I started with 6 sets of 10 today and will jump to 10x10 next week.

My training looked like this:
Kettlebell Incline Press- 24kg bells - 6 sets of 10 - 100 reps
 KB Bent-Over Lateral Raise - 12kg bells - 6 sets of 10 - 60 reps

Then I did some work with the 45lb Clubbell or "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"

Front Swing - 5x10 - 50 reps

Front Swings are the foundation for all frontal lifts in ABC. They may seem basic, but as
with every lift, there are performance goals that must be learned and followed in order to
do them safely and to good effect.

Performance Goals:
• Fold at the hips to grasp the Clubbell® with your chosen grip.
• Exhale forcefully as you lock down your core.
• Pack your shoulders and crush-grip the Clubbell®.
• Rise from your hips and let this expansion pull air into your lungs.
• Maintain spinal alignment as you swing the Clubbell® between your legs.
• Fold at the hips to allow the deepest backswing possible.
• Drive your hips forward with a powerful Hip Snap to swing the Clubbell®

Two-Step Performance Mantra: Fold, Drive.

Gama Cast - 5x10 - 50 reps

Truly the lift that spawned Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning the Gama Cast is the foundation of two-handed Circular Strength Training.
Performance Goals:

• Begin with your Clubbell® in Order position.
• Ring your grip tightly into the handle with a forced exhalation.
• Check your alignment and lock down your core.
• Allow the head of the Clubbell® to fall toward the shoulder of the top hand of the
• As the Clubbell® head nears your shoulder, push it over your shoulder and behind
your back along the line of the handle.
• To move the Clubbell® to Back position, “thread” your head between your arms
(do not reach your far arm across your face, as this could lead to injury).
• Catch the Clubbell® in Back position, hanging vertically with a forceful
exhalation and tightening of the shoulders and core.
• Lead from your abs as you pull the Clubbell® forward over the same shoulder
over which it traveled to Back position.
• “Thread” your head back between your arms and catch the Clubbell® in Order.

Three-Step Performance Mantra: Reach, Cast, Catch.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left) - 15lb clubbell
50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell
50 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell
25 Knees to Elbows

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Rest Day...

What is a "rest" day? It is the 24 hours between workouts when you contemplate your next workout.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Clean & Jerks/30" Box Jumps

1. Clean and Jerk
5 sets of 3 reps Across - 115#

Reps were stop and go. no bouncing. No rest between reps.

2. AMRAP 5 Minutes of: 5
3 Clean and Jerks (115#)
5 Box Jumps, 30"

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kettlebell Circuits & The Anabolic Diet...

Attached is a link to an article I wrote back in 2006 when I was following the Anabolic Diet. It worked wonders for me while I followed it and was my go to diet until I found The Paelo Diet. Check it out!

Active Recovery...

I did some work with the 15lb clubbell this morning as an active recovery.

  • Hammer Swings (two-handed & one-handed)
  • Hammer Throws (two-handed & one-handed)
  • Figure 8/Hold
  • Slingshot
  • One arm swipes

Monday, May 10, 2010

Paleo in a Nutshell...

This video describes the rationale and philosophy behind eating as our ancestors did and provides me and hopefully you with a way to tell others why it makes sense.

Deadlifts & "Christine"...

1. Deadlift
3 sets of 5 across - 275#

2. "Christine"
3 rounds for time of: 14:47
500 meter Row
12 Deadlifts (Bodyweight - 160#)
21 Box Jumps (20")

1st WOD as Rx!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

100 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
100 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 50 Clockwise / 50 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell
100 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 50 Clockwise / 50 Counter-Clockwise) - 25lb clubbell
Single Unders - 500 reps

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Kettlebell & Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

KB Incline Press - 32kg bells - 25 reps
KB Bent-Over Lateral Raise - 12kg bells - 25 reps
KB Swings - 24kg bell - 150 reps
Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Hammer Throws - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 50 reps

Friday, May 7, 2010

Double Friday....

Second session today.

I did:

Single Unders - 500 reps
Knees To Elbows - 50 reps

Max Squat Clean & "The Chief"...

1. Clean
1-rep Max - 115#
This was performed as a squat clean.

2. "The Chief"
Max rounds in 3 minutes of:  4,5,5,4,4/22
3 Power cleans (85)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats

Rest 1 minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles. Your score is the total rounds completed in all 5 cycles. No partial rounds.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Overhead Press 1-Rep & HSPU/C2B Pull-Ups...

1. Overhead Press
1-rep Max - 150# PR @ BW of 158!

2. 4 Rounds for time of: 15:00
12 Handstand Push ups
15 C2B Pull ups
I got my first set of 5 full range of motion HSPUs! Also, spent alot if time working on kipping pull-up.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day Off & Training Going Forward...

I am taking another day off today.

Also, after almost two months off from doing kettlebell snatches I plan on working them back into my training once a week Viking Warrior Conditioning style. I burnt myself out on my quest to 50,000 and just needed a break. Crossfit has been a nice addition because of the variety. Going forward my training will consist of 3 days of Crossfit, 1 day of VWC and 1 day of clubbells. I am going to force myself to take 2 days a week off to keep myself rested and try to not overtrain.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Clubbell Training...

My training looked like this:

5 rounds for time: 9:34
10 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells) - 15lb clubbell
10 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 5 Clockwise / 5 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbell
10 Hammer Throws (two-handed: 5 Clockwise / 5 Counter-Clockwise) - 15lb clubbel
5 Knees to Elbows

I finished with: 250 "Running" Single Unders
"There are no short-cuts or magic pills. Train Hard, Eat Clean and you Get Results... Period." - Ben Burgeron

Monday, May 3, 2010

Max Chin-Up, Max Bench, & "Annie"...

1. Weighted Chin-Up
1-rep Max - 132#

*I was pumped to get this. Never attempted this much before.

2. Bench
1-rep max - 235#

*Doing "Murph" on Saturday (200 push-ups) did not help my bench #

3. "Annie"
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of: 13:47
Double Unders
Abmat Sit ups
Working on my double unders bgit time.

My CNS is fried!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day Off...

I am taking a much needed Day Off today.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


1 mile Run
100 Pull ups
200 Push ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

After completing the 1 mile run, break up the pull ups, push ups and squats as needed, and finish with another 1 mile run.
49:37 - Almost 10 minutes slower than my PR. Killing me! The pull ups were done dead hang. I need to work on my kip! Also, today was supposed to be my DAY OFF but I had to do "Murph" when it came up on the board.