Tuesday, February 19, 2013

1RM Box Squat & "Catapult"...

1RM Box Squat - 305# (20# below PR)
9-7-5 of:
Box Squats (115)
Bar Muscle Ups

Legs were smoked fom the Pistols in Mary yesterday so I scaled the original 9-7-5 reps @ 225# to 155# box squats from the floor. Got 7 consecutive first set. Pumped after 105 Pull Ups yesterday.

Time to easy back as I head into this weekends Masters Competition.

I did this WOD on  Wednesday, May 30, 2012 as follows:


9-7-5 of:

 * Back Squat (off rack - 225)

* Bar Muscle Ups

16:23 Rx

Bar Muscle Ups went CONSIDERABLY better this time!

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