Sunday, February 24, 2013

Shoreline CrossFit Masters Competition...

WOD #1:
Ground-To-Overhead "Tie Breaker" - Max Calories Row

Men's Weights: 115-135-155-175-195-205-215-225-235-245-255-265-275-285-295

Clean - 235# (10 PR)

Jerk - 225 (30# PR)
16 calories on 30 second row

Was in 17th place out of 47 athletes after WOD 1.

Rules: Once an athletes fails or completes the ladder they will rest the remainder of that minute, at the start of the next minute, there's a 30 second max calorie row as a tie breaker. Each calorie is worth .01 points (for example 100.15).

Note: Athletes can have as many G2O attempts as possible within the minute. They can use any remaining time to sit and set up their rower.

Scoring System: each station is worth 10 points. We will give 1/2 credit (5 points ) for those hit the clean, but fail at the jerk portion. You will not receive credit for additional cleans.


WOD #2:
AFAHP or 8 Min Time Cap:
400 Meter Run
25 KB Swings
25 Burpees to Target (2012 Open Standards)
25 KB Swings
25 Burpees to Target (Rings set 6" inches above reach)

Age Divisions: 40-44 (53/35)


I was at 5:45 when I started the final burpees and had a shot at sub 7:00 but imploded. Overall very happy with my effort. I tried this WOD last week and only got 88 reps in the 8 minutes so it was a success!

Was in 21st place out of 47 athletes after WOD 2.

Scoring System: any reps not completed will be added to your score at the end of the workout. Your score will be 8 mins + 1 sec per rep for each movement not completed. (e.g. 8 mins + 25 reps = 8.25 as your score)


There was a 4+ hour wait between when I finished WOD 1 and Started WOD2. We got to the box at 8am. I finished WOD 1 around 11:30am and did not start WOD 2 until 3:40 PM. We decided to leave around 5pm because of family commitments and did not complete WOD 3. The event did not end till almost 8pm. 


WOD #3:
10 min AMRAP of:
Hang Squat Cleans
HR Push Ups (2011 Open Standards)
Box Jumps (Step Ups/Downs Allowed)

Age Divisions: 40-44 (115/80) (24/20)

Scoring System: Each rep is worth one point. Complete as much work as possible in the allotted time.

Competition Scoring and Ranking: We will be using the CrossFit Games scoring standards- lowest score after 3 events wins. (e.g. 1 place =1 point, 2nd place =2 points, etc...)


I finished in 30th place out of 47 athletes even after taking a zero on WOD 3. 

Overall it was a great experience and I thought the judging was excellent. In my opinion they should have capped the entries at 100 or 125 to keep it manageable or tweaked the WODs a bit (maybe have athletes jump onto a 45# plate instead of using the ring which limited the heats to 12 athletes at  a time) to enable more athletes to compete at the same time. That being said 200+ athletes is a great turnout and they did their best to keep the competition running smoothly.

Don’t define yourself by your numbers and your times. Define yourself by who you are and what you are about. CrossFit is something that you do, it is not who you are. That can help keep things in good perspective. - Chris Spealler

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