Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

AM: Metfit
DB Bent-over Laterals - 25lbs
Incline Seal Row - 35lbs

Wide Grip Cable Upright Row - 100lbs

Cash Out: 
DB Farmers Walks - 4x250lbs (both) & 4x125lbs (single)

PM: Garage

One-arm Kettlebell Press 

3x3 @ 70lbs

3x5 @ 53lbs

In the modern fitness world you’d be forgiven for thinking the only type of press that mattered is the bench press. But until about 1920 benches didn’t even exist. So how did the early fathers of strength - men like Sandow, Hackenschmidt, and Saxon - build such impressive upper bodies? 

The answer is from various other forms of pressing. Pavel Tsatsouline wrote in Enter the Kettlebell that, “…if you work your overhead presses hard, you will hardly need to do anything else for your upper body.” Looking at the herculean torsos and shoulders of the strongmen of yesteryear it would seem to be correct.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs (Hack Squats)...

Hack Squats - 165lbs* - 8x8 then, 225x1, 315x1,  365x1 
Dumbbell Romanian DLs* - 8x8 @ 60lbs then 100lbs x 5x2
Seated Calf Raises - 110lbs* - 8x8 

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

L-Sit Ups 
Wide Handle Pulldowns - 110lbs (2 second pause at bottom)
PJR Pullover - 55lbs*
Dips - 40lbs* 

Cash Out: Lat Pullover - 3x8 @ 55lbs 
Also, got two Iron Crosses 

Friday, July 26, 2019

4x8 - Chest/Biceps...

AM: Metfit

Incline Dumbbell Press - 70lbs*

LeverEdge Bench - 235lbs*


Hanging Ring Flyers. - 3x8 

Arm Blaster Rope Hammer Curl - 4x8 @ 90lbs*

Arm Blaster Standing Two Hand Kettlebell Curls - 4x8 @ 53lbs


*Rested 15-30 seconds in between sets. 

Cash Out:  

Seated Calf Raises - 3x8- 70lbs

Rotational DB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Kettlebell Curl Farmers Walk - 53lbs

PM: Garage

Crush Curl - 8x8 @ 70lbs then, 16 reps @ 35lbs

This exercise will not only work your biceps but also your chest and forearm muscles. You don’t realize how much you use your chest muscles to “crush” until you try to hold heavy kettlebell in between the palms of the hands. 

To perform the kettlebell crush curl, you simply grasp the kettlebell on each side with a palms-facing grip. Squeeze as hard as you can This will serve to keep the kettlebell from falling to the ground.

Starting at the bottom position, your elbows will be fully extended and the kettlebell should be in front of the thigh area. Keep your back straight throughout this exercise. While squeezing the kettlebell, slowly curl the kettlebell up. Pause at the top and lower the kettlebell in a controlled manner, all the while "crushing" the kettlebell. It’s a lot harder than it looks! - Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1011029 #kettlebellcrushcurls #crushcurl #garagegym ##sobostrengthandconditioning #kettlebellrob

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Kettlebell Hack Squats...

Kettlebell Hack Squats - 8x8 @ 26lbs then, 35x5, 53x3 @ 70x1 (very wobbly on the ascent). 

“Do a hack squat with your feet pretty close together and coming up on your toes. Let the knees track out over the toes. Hold a kb behind you. Important points: open up the joints, “pull the hip out of the socket”, instead of going down, think of pulling your hips out of the sockets while you pull yourself down into a squat. Let your chest open and pull your shoulders back to let the kb open up your chest a bit. When you can sit on your heels in the bottom, pretend there’s a cable attached to your belly button tilting your pelvis, let this pretend cable pull your hips even further open by tilting the pelvis up”.  — Steve Shafley

“The Hack SQ, unlike a poor technique SQ with the knees forward, is a leverage drill which means it forces you to use minimal weight. E.g., generally you have to SQ over 300 to Hack a 32kg bell. Which is why it is not hard on a healthy knee. By the same token, the volume is low and we do not have the repetitive wear and tear”. — Pavel Tsatsouline

“The Hack differs from the Hindu Squat in that it lacks momentum or bounce. In fact, the secret to doing safe Hack Squats is maintaining high-tension in the feet, calves, hamstrings, glutes and thighs for the duration–do NOT relax at the bottom, but actually attempt to press the calves hard against the hamstrings. This high-tension effort will pay off richly with rock-solid stability at the bottom, plus great conditioning in the feet, ankles and calves”. —— Steve Maxwell

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs (Hack Squats)...

Hack Squats - 155lbs* then, 225x5, 275x4, 315x3
Seated Calf Raises - 110lbs* then, 130x5, 140x5
Finished with: Dumbbell Romanian DLs - 8x8 @ 50lbs then 100lbs x3 

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Shoulder/Traps Kettlebell Complex

Got home from Italy late last night and wanted to get a quick workout in to start the week off right. Felt great to throw the kettlebells around after an eight hour flight and long travel day. 

Shoulder/Traps Kettlebell Complex 
Double Kettlebell Clean x 8 
Semi Bent-over lateral raises x 8
Double Kettlebell High Pull x 8 

*24 consecutive reps per round 
*Repeat 5 times for 144 total reps in 19:11. It got tough doing 24 consecutive reps after the second round. Had to rest longer than anticipated. 
*35lb Kettlebells 

Cash Out: 
3x3 Double Kettlebell Windmill - 35lbs 
3x8 Kettlebell Upright Row - 70lbs

"The double kettlebell high pull is an outstanding upper-back developer, punishing the trapezius, rhomboids, and rear delts". - Geoff Neupert

“Building a gym in my garage was one of the best thing I’ve ever done. I love the training environment of a gym but when life gets in the way - which is most of the time - I have zero excuses. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Discipline equals freedom”! - Jocko Willink

Thursday, July 18, 2019

4x16 - Back & Triceps...

Pulldowns - 35lbs

Seal Row - 31lbs

PJR Pullover - 31lbs

Diamond Push Ups 

*At Hotel Continental Sorrento

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

4x16 - Chest & Biceps....

Machine Chest Press -35lbs
Preacher Curl - 20lbs
Machine Fly - 25lbs
Rotational Dumbbell Curls - 26lbs (12kg)

*At Hotel Continental Sorrento

Monday, July 15, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Shoulders & Traps...

Rock Hang Clean & Press (one set from floor) 
Rock Upright Row

*At Villa Adelina

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Rock Deadlifts...

Rock Deadlifts - 8x8 

Cash Out: 
One-legged Rock Deadlift - 3x4 each leg 
One-legged Calf Raise - 3x8 each
"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are." - Theodore Roosevelt 
*At Villa Adelina 

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Gironda 8x8 -Arms

Close Grip Strict Pull Chin 
Close Grip Push Ups 
Rock Curls 
Rock Triceps Extensions 

*At Villa Adelina

Friday, July 12, 2019

Strict Gironda 8x8 - Strict Pull Ups & Decline Push Ups at Villa Adelina...

Strict Pull Ups - 8x8
Decline Push Ups - 8x8 
Cash Out: Overhead Rock Raises - 3x8 

* at Villa Adelina. 

Monday, July 8, 2019

Kettlebell Windmill...

This movement will add stability and strength your shoulders as well as flexibility to your entire frame. There’s no need to go too heavy with this as it can put a lot of stress on your lumbar spine and puts you in an awkward position. Treat this movement with respect by performing it under extreme focus and control.
Step 1: Clean and Press a kettlebell overhead with your left arm
Step 2: Turn your feet 45 degrees to your right
Step 3: Kick your left hip out to the side as if trying to touch a wall right next to you keeping your left leg straight and vertical
Step 4: Hinging at your hips lower yourself in the direction of your feet
Step 5: Stand up and repeat

Tips and safety: Maintain a long spine throughout the entire movement to avoid rounding or twisting. Keep your eyes on the bell at all times to ensure a vertical arm. Time your breathing to exhale as you rise up from the bottom of the motion. - Onnoit.com

Gironda 8x8 - Trap Bar Deadlifts...

Trap Bar DLs - 330lbs then: 420lbs x 1, , 510lbs x 1, FAILED @ 560lbs, FAILED @ 535lbs x1. 

*530lbs is my PR on that Rogue Trap Bar! 

I had both 560 & 435 off the ground. Failure is just one step closer to success! 

Finished with:  Seated Calf Raises - 90lbs

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Gironde Sternum Chin Ups - 8-8-8-8-6-5-5-5 
V-Handle Pulldowns - 105lbs (2 second pause at bottom)
PJR Pullover - 50lbs 
Dips - 35lbs -  then, Max Reps
@ BW (152.5) x 2! 

Cash Out: Lat Pullover - 3x8 @ 50lbs 

Gironda Sternum Chin-up

  1. Right as you begin the pull, tip your head back and try to look behind you as if you were attempting to do a back flip.
  2. Continue looking back as you pull while keeping your chest elevated and your lower body still.
  3. Depending on the length of your arms, you should make contact with the bar anywhere between your lower chest and mid-abdomen.

If done correctly, the contraction you get in your upper back will be unparalleled and your lats will be on fire after just a few reps. This is an extremely advanced exercise, so make sure you've mastered other easier variations first before trying it. -T Nation

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

AM: Metfit 
Incline Dumbbell Press - 65lbs*
LeverEdge Bench - 230lbs*
Seated Low-to-High Cable Fly - 30lbs x 4 x 8 & 40lbs x 4 x 8
Rope Hammer Curl - 80lbs*
Standing Kettlebell Curls - 8x8 @ 53lbs
*Rested 15-30 seconds in between sets. 
Cash Out:  
Seated Calf Raises - 8x8 - 80lbs
Rotational DB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

PM: Garage 

Figure 8/Hold - 8x8 - 53lbs

Step 1: Single Arm deadlift a kettlebell to the standing position. 

Step 2: Pass the kettlebell through your legs behind you into your other hand.

Step 3: As the bell whips around your leg stand up utilizing a hip snap and catch the bell with your other hand. 

Step 4: As the weight drops transfer it through your legs and repeat.

Tips and Safety: Maintain a long spine even though the transfer to avoid rounding at any point. Maintain core tension throughout the movement and snap your hips as you bring the kettlebell around to avoid cheat curling the weight. - Onnit.com

Friday, July 5, 2019

“Team DT”...

Teams of 2 - AMRAP 15:
12 Deadlifts 95/55
9 Hang Power Cleans 95/55
6 Push Jerks 95/55

6 rounds plus 14 reps with Fabiana 

*Partner 1 completes 1 whole round, then partner 2 does*

“In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on February, 20 2009 supporting operations in Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and eight year old son T.J.”

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Switch Grip Pull Ups - 8x8*
V-Handle Pulldowns - 105lbs (2 second pause at bottom)
PJR Pullover - 50lbs - 6x8 
Dips - 35lbs - 6x8, then, 100lbs x 9 reps! 

*Switch-grip pull up: This pull up variation is very similar to clapping pull ups. But, instead of clapping in the air, you switch your grip. So, you start with an overhand grip, do an explosive pull up, release your hands near the top of the motion, put your hands back on the bar using an underhand grip, and then you lower yourself. Then you do an explosive chin up, release your hands, switch back to the overhand grip, and so on. #switchgrippullups #pjrpullover #onehundredpounddips #kettlebellrob

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

4 Sets of 8 - Chest/Biceps...

4x8 of: 
Incline Dumbbell Press - 65lbs*
LeverEdge Bench - 230lbs*

Standing low-to-High DB Fly - 8x8 - 20lbs 

4x8 of
Rope Hammer Curl - 80lbs*
Kettlebell Squat Curls -  53lbs*
*Rested 15-30 seconds in between sets. 
Cash Out: High Cable Double Bicep Curl - 8x8 - 50lbs 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

LeverEdge Deficit DLs - 270lbs (45lb plate)
Then, 360x1, 450x1, 540x1 & 630x1!
*630 pounds is the most I have ever picked up! 
LeverEdge Deficit Stiff Leg DL - 180lbs
Close Stance Heel Elevated Goblet Squats - 50lbs 
Seated Calf Raises - 70lbs