Wednesday, April 22, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

Pelican Eccentric Curls - 9-7-5x2 @ BW (5 seconds)*

Pelican curls — “These are a often quite underrated bicep exercise that will work wonders for building arm size and strength. There are two ways of approaching this exercise. The first method, and usually best if you are new to this exercise, is to use long 6-8 second eccentrics, to break that muscle fiber down and strengthen it in it’s lengthening phase”. -

Close Grip Bench Press - 160-165-170/165-170-175*


PJR Pull Overs - 53-53-70/53-70-97

KB Hammer Curls - 35-53-70x2


Cash Out: 

Max Chin Ups -  30

Max Ring Dips - 27

Two-hand KB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Static Iso Flex

Static 90 Degree Curl Hold - 57 seconds @ 35lbs

“Unlike many exercises, neither the top or bottom of the range of motion is where peak muscle loading occurs. In fact both the top and bottom of the range offer nearly zero load and won’t build biceps at all. For most people the peak loading occurs near or just above the point where the elbow is bent 90 degree”. - Precision Training

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