Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Russian Swing Ladder...

Every 2 minutes complete: 

for ten minutes then,

for 20 minutes. 

*21 reps each round for 315 reps total in  30 minutes. 

“The ladder method is the ultimate hack for muscle and strength. It helps you smash plateaus, speed up your workouts, and it doesn’t just work on bodyweight exercises—it can blow up your deadlift, squat, and bench press numbers too, as well as your kettlebell lifts.   

The whole point is to end up doing more work on an exercise than you’d normally be capable of. Instead of maxing out every set and burning out quickly, you leave a little in your tank and, subsequently, you’re able to get more total reps. Greater volume means greater overload for your muscles, and ultimately greater gains”. - Onnit

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