Saturday, October 31, 2020

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

Kneeling Snatch - 20lbs

DB Shrugs- 8x8 @ 100lbs (200)

Rope Upright Row - 95lbs*

Cash Out: Pike HSPUs - 3x20

Friday, October 30, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Wide Grip Pulldowns - 8x8 @ 120lbs

One-arm Cable Horizontal Rows - 8x8 @ 50lbs

BTN L-Sit Pull Up - 1x8 (bird pull ups) 

L-Sit Pull Up into Front Lever 2x3

L-Sit Pull Up - 1x8

Rope Triceps Extension - 8x8 @ 80lbs

LeverEdge Close Bench - 180lbs


Cash Out: 

LeverEdge Reverse BP - 3x8 @ 180lbs

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps..

Kettlebell Incline Fly - 26lbs*

Machine Guillotine Bench - 135lbs*


Rope Hammer Curl - 100lbs*

Double KB Curls - 26lbs*


Cash Out: KB Static Hold @ 53 & 44lbs

Tried to keep rest @ 15-30 seconds 

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Yoke Carries & Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Throws...

Yoke Carries - 10x30M @ 185lbs.

Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Throw - 20 reps @ 100lbs

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

Seal Row (shoulders)– 20lbs^

Lying Reverse Seal Swings - 20lbs*

*Superset (15 second rest)

DB Shrugs- 8x8 @ 100lbs (200)

Rope Upright Row - 90lbs*

*Dynamic Front Lever in between sets 

Cash Out: DB Shrugs - 2x8 @ 125lbs (250)

Monday, October 26, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Wide Grip Pulldowns - 8x8 @ 120lbs

One-arm Cable Horizontal Rows - 8x8 @ 40lbs

Around-The-World Pull Ups - 3x8 (4&4)

Seated DB Triceps Extension - 8x8 @ 35lbs

LeverEdge Close Bench - 180lbs


Cash Out: 

1/2 Rep Smith Machine Reverse BP - 5x5 @ 185lbs 

Barbell Kickbacks - 3x8 @ 45lbs

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Low-to-High Cable Fly - 40lbs*

Reverse Machine Bench - 135lbs*


Bear PU - 3x5

Rope Hammer Curl - 100lbs*

Headbanger Chin Ups*


Kettlebell Squat & Curl- 3x8 @ 35lbs

Tried to keep rest @ 15-30 seconds 

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Trap Bar Deadlfits & Yoke Carry...

Trap Bar DL - High Bar:





520lbs - Fail x2

Yoke Carry 

465lbs x10M

500lbs x10M 

500lb Yoke Carry @ 153lbs. That’s 3.26x bodyweight! 

Getting under a heavy yoke will instantly give you an idea of the benefits. The squatdeadlift, and bench pressare the kings in the gym. They are certainly full-body movements, yet still don’t quite compare to picking up a heavy yoke and walking in terms of top-to-toe muscle recruitment. Given the fact that you’re putting your body under a much heavier load than it is used to, a heavy yoke walk elicits an awesome physical response in the body.

More specifically, yoke training will strengthen:


  • Your upper back - That’s where you are holding the weight, after all. Expect your back to thicken up and get stronger.
  • Your posterior chain - Glutes, hamstrings, and lower back are all working hard and will reap rewards.
  • Your legs - And not just the posterior, this is a quad strengthener too.
  • Your hips - Through the walk element, you will build strong and powerful hips

Via - Breaking Muscle

Friday, October 23, 2020

Gironda 8x8- Shoulders & Traps..

DB Lateral Raise – 15lbs

DB Bent-over Laterals - 15lbs

*Superset (15 second rest)

Lean Back Cable Laterals - 8x8 @ 30lbs*

Cable Upright Row - 80lbs

*Front Lever in between sets 

Cash Out: 

150lb Keg Carries x2

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups - 3x8

“The keg carry is a free weights and cardiovascular exercise that primarily targets the quads and to a lesser degree also targets the biceps, calves, forearms, glutes, hamstrings, middle back and traps”. - Exercise.Com

Reverse Iron Cross Push-Up (Bodyweight Alternative to 'Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise')

This is a fantastic move that you can do anywhere to target the rear delts.

Execution method:

  • Lie face up on the floor with your arms outstretched. Your knees should be bent.
  • Now push into the floor with your forearms to bring your torso off the floor. Lo

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Double Cable Curls - 60-80-100-60

Machine Reverse Bench Press - 


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Rope Hammer Curls - 115-135-155-100

Leaning Rope Triceps Extensions - 


Cash Out:

Triceps Rope Pushdowns - 80-90-100-110-120-110-100-90-80 x8 (72 reps)

Cheat Curl & Negative - 130x1 then 152.5x1


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Machine Reverse Bench Press -


Cable Horizontal Row - 


TRX Fly/Push Up Combo - 3x8/7

One-arm Row - 3x8 @ 75lbs

Cash Out - 

Incline Reverse KB Bench - 3x8 @ 26lbs

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5

Cash Out: Iron Cross

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

30 Burpees for Time...

3.5 Mile Walk - 
129 AVG HR
139 MAX HR


30 Burpees for Time - 1:02

Do do a burpee then, repeat 29 times. As fast as possible. How hard can it be? Brutal! 

Monday, October 19, 2020

Double DB Hang Power Snatch...

10x10 @ 25lbs (50)

* At Planet Fitness - Vestal, NY

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB C&P - 25-35-45-20 then, 3 seated DB cleans @ 55lbs

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Seated DB Cleans - 5x10 @ 35lbs then, 65x3

Cash Out: 

Mace Climbs x3

Human Flag x3 

Human Flag Practice 

Did 3 attempts - the longest I can’t currently hold it is 3-4 seconds. Goal is ten. I can’t train it too often because the amount of strain it puts on the tensions in my elbows. 

“Training for this unique exercise will strengthen every muscle in your body, as well as toughen up your tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. The ability to do a human flag demonstrates a high level of strength and control, but even just the process of working toward this skill will help you improve those attributes.

“Human flag training builds mental fortitude, too. The body and mind must both be strong to perform this ferocious feat”. - GMB Fitness 

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Double Cable Curls - 60-80-100-60

Machine Reverse Bench Press - 142.5-172.5-202.5-127.5

*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Rope Hammer Curls - 110-130-150-95

Leaning Rope Triceps Extensions - 70-90-110-60

Cash Out:

Max Dips @ 100lbs - 12 reps

Seated Double KB Curls - 8 @ 35lbs then, 5 paused reps 

Double Kb Static Hold - 15 seconds at 53lbs

Friday, October 16, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15...

Machine Reverse Bench Press -


Cable Horizontal Row - 


TRX Fly/Push Up Combo - 3x8/7

L-Sit Pull Up - 3x10

Cash Out - 

Cable Fly - 40-50-60x8

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5

PM - Garage

5x5 of:

Reverse KB Bench Press (35)

Reverse KB Row (35)

Then, 2x8 Reverse KB Bench Press @ 53lbs

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Yoke Walks & Trap Bar DL - High Bar...

Yoke Walks - 20x30M (185)

Trap Bar DL - High Bar:







545x1 - 2.5lb lifetime PR! 

Cash Out - Sandbag C&J - 2 @ 100lbs

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Box Pelican Push Ups - 5x5

Standing Leaning Cable Press  -60-80-100-60

Long Rope Upright Row - 100-120-140-90

Cash Out: 

Front Lever into Muscle Up x1

Lying Seal Swings - 3x8 @ 15lbs

Log Hang C&P - 2x10 @ 51lbs

Sledgehammer Climbs - 2x2

PM - 1.5 mile farmers walk - 35lb bells (70)

Monday, October 12, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Double Cable Curls -60-80-100-40

Machine Reverse Bench Press -


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Rope Hammer Curls - 


Leaning Rope Triceps Extensions



Cash Out:

Double KB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Over-the-Shoulder Sandbag Throw - 3x5 @ 100lbs

I like the sandbag over the shoulders because it takes several of the lifts we’re already familiar with and makes a few slight modifications to make the lift a little more “real life”.  It has some of the motions of the deadlift, squat, clean, and even the kettle bell swing but keeps everything very tight to the body.  It also forces you to use your core and upper body and not just the legs”. - Huntingfit.Com

Empty EX Bar Curls - 2x25 @ 40lbs

Sunday, October 11, 2020

“Kettlebell Lynne”...

3 Rounds:

30 Double KB Bench Press (35)

30 Double Kettlebell Row (35)

90 reps each 

Note:  2 minute rest in between rounds. 


Headbanger Pulls UPS - 2x15*

Hanging Ring Flys - 2x15*

*20lb vest 

Cash Out: 1.5 mile power walk - 20lb vest

“Researchers at McMaster University in Canada have done a study that shows that 20-30 rep sets are just as effective, and in some cases more effective, in building muscle than low or lower-rep sets.

The low-load, high volume (high rep) training had similar effects as the high-load, low volume training protocol in anabolic signaling molecules, MyoD and myogenin (proteins that regulate muscle differentiation) mRNA expression, and muscle protein synthesis.

However, the high rep training activated the anabolic signal protein 4E-BP1 more than the low rep workouts. 

These results suggest that low-load high volume resistance exercise is more effective in inducing acute muscle anabolism than high-load low volume or work matched resistance exercise modes." - T Nation

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Trap Bar DL - low bar*






*The low bar handle is 4.75 inches high and the high bar is 9 inches high. 

2 mile power walk - 20lb vest 

AVG HR - 129 / MAX HR - 141

Double Kettlebell Snatch - 3x5 @ 53lbs

In garage/driveway...

Friday, October 9, 2020

Shoulders 10-8-6-15...

Standing Smith Military Press - 95-115-135-75

Lateral Plate Raise - 25-35-45-25

Lean Back Cable Lateral - 


Standing Military DB Press - 2x8 @ 60lbs

Planche Lean x 5

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 30-35-40-25

Machine Reverse Bench Press -


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Rope Hammer Curls - 


Cable Triceps Extensions


Cash Out:

Dips - max reps at 80lbs - 15 reps 

Stato-Dynamic KB Curls - 3x8 @ 26lbs (15 second hold)*

Empty EX Fat Bar & Regular Curls - 1x10 oof


Box V-Sit Static Hold - 2x10 Seconds 

Stato-Dynamic Curls

This one is awesome if you have problems feeling your biceps when doing curls. Why is that important? Because there's a strong correlation between feeling a muscle when training it and the growth you get.

In fact, when someone has a lagging muscle group, the first thing I want to work on is his or her capacity to feel that muscle when training it. My favorite method to do that? The stato-dynamic pre-fatigue method.

Sounds complicated, but it simply refers to doing one long isometric hold before your regular reps. You'd focus on contracting the target muscle as hard as you can. The position of the hold should be the one where you naturally have the most tension. For a free-weight curl, this is at the mid-range position, or when the forearm is parallel to the floor.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Curl the weight up until your forearm is parallel to the floor. Then hold this position for 15-30 seconds (I like to progress by five seconds per week) while focusing on tensing the biceps as much as you can.
  2. After the hold is done, bring the bar back down under control, then immediately start doing your reps.
  3. Do 8-12 reps after the hold.

The hold has several effects and benefits:

  • You have 15-30 seconds to practice contracting a muscle. Contracting a muscle is a motor skill; the more your practice it, the better you get. And just like pretty much any skill, it's easier to do it statically or very slowly than with a dynamic action.
  • You sensitize the neuromuscular junction which will immediately improve your capacity to recruit the biceps during your reps.
  • You pre-fatigue the biceps during the hold so that even if you're not yet efficient at contracting the biceps, you'll still get a greater training effect than what you'd get by simply doing reps.
  • During the hold you accumulate lactate in the muscle. This leads to the release of local growth factors, which can help trigger growth.
  • You'll immediately feel the muscle more after the hold. If you feel the muscle more during your reps, you'll be able to improve 
  • your capacity to use your biceps properly.

I go with three work sets using this method. Use it with any standard curl, reverse curl, or hammer curl variation.


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Chest/Back - 10-8-6-15...

Machine Reverse Bench Press -

12 0-150-180-105

LeverEdge Horizontal Row - 


Incline DB Press - 


V-Pull Up 10-8-6-15

Cash Out - 

Tuck Planche Push Ups - 3x5

One-arm DB Row - 3x5 @ 100lbs

PM: Garage

Max Reps Push Ups in 60 seconds - 60 

reps off my PR.  got 38 on first 30 seconds Goal is 70+

Monday, October 5, 2020

Swings & Snatches...

DB Hang Power Snatch - 5x10 @ 30lbs

KB Swings - 5x10 @ 30lbs

DB Hang Power Snatch - 10x5 @ 50lbs (100)

These totally sucked !

DB Romanian Deadlifts - 5x10 @ 75lbs (150)


Sunday, October 4, 2020


AM: Metfit 

DB Standing/Kneeling/Sitting Complex 

7 lateral raises

7 front raises

7 rear delt rows 

10 overhead presses 

One set of each @ 20-15-10 

+ 2 minute rest in between sets. 

It actually gets harder as the weights get lighter and you go from standing to kneeling to sitting as the tension increases. 

Hang Power Cleans - 10x10 @ 75lbs

Wall Walks x 5 

Max Angled TRX HSPUs - Start at about 70% angler and get steeper. Got 22-18-10.

PM - Garage

Haven’t tried a heavy strict press in a while. Decided to test my 1RM. 




165x1 - fought for that one!

*In jeans and slides! 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Arms: 10-8-6-15...

Seated DB Curls - 30-35-40-25

Close Grip Reverse-Grip Floor Press - 


*Don't bring the bar all the way down to your chest. Lower it to a few inches above to make sure the triceps are under tremendous tension the entire time.

Double Sanding High Clable Curls - 80-120-160-80

Cable Triceps Extensions


Cash Out:

Reverse Bear Push Ups - 5x8

Fat Bar Empty EZ Bar Curls - 1x25

Fat Bar DB Hammer Curls - 5x8 @ 15lbs

Friday, October 2, 2020

Chest/Back: 10-8-6-15

Reverse Leveredge Bench Press -


LeverEdge Horizontal Row -  110-140-170-90

Incline DB Press - 65-75-85-55

Headbanger Pull Up 10-8-6-15

Cash Out - 

Bar Muscle Ups - 1x10

Headbanger Pull Up - Max Reps x2  I got 25 then 32! 

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Trap Bar DL - High Bar & Bent-arm Planche...






500x7 - TWO rep PR @ 500lbs! 


Leg Curl -30lbs

Leg Extension - 50lbs 

Standing Calf Raise - 90lbs

Cash Out: Bent-arm Planche x2 

“The bent-arm planche requires you to balance on just your hands so your chest hovers a few inches above the ground. "Since your feet aren't involved, your pecs, back, arms, and abs have to support your body weight," says Josh Halbert, Director of Education at Kinetic Systems Strength and Conditioning in Columbia, Maryland, “It takes extreme strength and muscle control”I. - Men’s Heath