Saturday, December 12, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

V-handle Pulldowns - 8x8 @ 130lbs

Strait Arm Pulldown -  8x8 @ 120lbs

Bird Pull Ups - 3x5

“The Bird pull up is an L-sit behind the neck pull up and one of the hardest pull up variations for both strength and mobility.

The demands for the shoulder girdle strength and mobility are high: the legs create counter balance which almost forces your body to stay upright. This places your muscles in a difficult position to pull. 

Then, when you pull it behind the neck, it not only requires a high level of flexibility, but your arms will fly completely to the sides, which forces you to pull with shoulder adduction alone. 

This will heavily train the teres major muscle in addition to lats and other back muscularity”. - Vahva Fitness

Rope Triceps Extension - 8x8 @ 100lbs

LeverEdge Close Bench - 190lbs


Cash Out: 

1/2 Rep LeverEdge Reverse BP - 3x5 @ 230lbs

Tucked Elbows Pike HSPUs - 3x5

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