Friday, December 11, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Chest/Biceps...

Reverse LeverEdge Bench Press - 180lbs*

Incline DB Press - 60lbs*


Incline KB Fly - 3x8 @ 44lbs*

Standing High Cable Curl - 50lbs*

Standing KB Curls - 26lbs*


Cash Out: 

Pelican Curls - 3x8

Bear Push Ups - 3x8

Bear Push Ups - “Plant your feet into the wall and keep the knees bent as shown. Now push-up. Without the help from the lower body you normally get during the standard version of the exercise (yes you actually do get a LOT of help from your legs and regular push-ups) you’ll find this to be a true ball buster”. - @athleanx

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