Friday, October 1, 2021


Wall Walks: 3x5

Green Band Snatch

Green Band Iron Cross

Green Band Face Pull

*Triset - 3x8

Wide Grip Green Bamd Upright Rows - 3x16

Hang Power Clean - 3x8 @ 75lbs

DB Shrugs - 3x8 @ 110lbs

AVG HR - 130 BPM

MAX HR - 155 BPM

Anatomy of the Wall Walk to Handstand

In this exercise, almost all the active muscles contract isometrically.

We can see the chain of muscles that stabilize the body each time the body leaves the floor.

The deltoid muscles stabilize the shoulder in flex position, hands above head.

The rotator cuff stabilizes the shoulder joint.

The core muscles stabilize the spine.

The triceps stabilize the elbow joint and maintains elbow extension.

 Target Muscles



+ Abdominal muscles

+ Triceps Brachii

Synergists Stabilizers

+ Deltoid

+ Trapezius

+ Abdominal muscles

+ Erector spinae

+ Serratus anterior

+ Triceps Brachii

*Via Muscle & Motion

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