Saturday, October 2, 2021

Trap Bar Deadlift - Low Bar & Heels Elevated Back Squats...

245lbs x 2

335lbs x 1

425lbs x 1

475lbs - FAIL. Not feeling it today. 

Heels Elevated Back Squats

135lbs x 5

185lbs x 5 

185lbs x 5 

185lbs x 5 

95lbs x 15

Advantage of the Barbell Back  Squat Heels Elevated

Heels elevated squats improve the recruitment of quadriceps muscle fibers for a few reasons.

  • Elevating the heels decreases range of motion at the hip and improves range of motion at the knee, helping to recruit more quadriceps muscle fibers.
  • When the heels are elevated, it forces the ball of the foot to make greater contact with the surface. The neural receptors in the feet send signals to the central nervous system to increase recruitment of quadriceps fibers.
  • Heavier loads can be lifted with heels elevated squats because of improved range of motion and improved neural drive.

VIA @ Physiqology.Com

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