Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 Goals...

“The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.” - Jim Rohn

As I look toward 2013 and try to better myself as a person and athlete I want to reflect on the 2012 goals I achieved:

175# Press 
465# Deadlift (3x bodyweight)
275# Front Squat
205# Clean (got 225#)
155# Snatch (bw - got 165#)

My 2013 Goal are:
  • "Fran" - sub 4 minutes - 4:11 now
  • "Helen" - Sub 10 Minutes - 10:06 now
  • "Murph" - sub 40 minutes - 40:04 now
  • "Nicole" - 100+ Pull Ups - 98 now
  • 1 Mile Run - sub 6 minutes - 6:39 now
  • 1000 CF Total - 917 now
  • 15 Consecutuve bodyweight OHS (155) - 11 now
  • 180lb Press - 175lb now
  • 180lb Press - 175lb now
  • 1:10 L-Sit - 58 seconds now
  • 20 rep back squat 225lb - 205lb now
  • 20 rep deadlift 335lb - 320lb now
  • 200 Meter Run - 29 seconds - 34 seconds now
  • 200lb Snatch - 165lb snatch now (power)
  • 250lb Clean - 225lb now
  • 250lb OHS - 231lb now
  • 30 Consecutive HSPUs - 25 now
  • 30 Muscle Ups for time - Sub 5 minutes - 6:17 now
  • 300lb Bench Press - 250lb now
  • 300lb Front Squat - 275lb now
  • 400 Meter Run - 1 Minute Flat - 1:06 now
  • 400lb Back Squat - 335lb now
  • 50 Burpees - Under 2 Minutes - 2:19 now
  • 50 Consecutive Double Unders - 27 now
  • 50+ Consecutive Pull Ups - 40 now
  • 500lb Deadlift - 465lb now
  • 500m row - sub 1:35 - 136.3 now
  • 800 Meter Run - Sub 2:30 - 2:42 now

Sunday, December 30, 2012

6K Row...

6K Row - 28:34

"No matter how slow you row - you're faster than someone on their couch". 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"Ladder 29"...

3 Round Ladder 0f : 5-4-3-2-1-2-3-4-5


Cleans (4)

Hang Cleans(3)

Front Squats(2)


Then climb back up the ladder

* – that is one round
* – each round you increase your weight

Round One- 4 min time cap
Round Two- 6 min time cap
Round Three- 8 min time cap

If you finish before the cap, you have the remaining time to rest and change your weight for the next round.

Round 1 - 95
Round 2 - 125
Round 3 - 130

Finished with 5 burpees on the minute for 10 minutes.

Did not have it today. 

Friday, December 28, 2012

20 Rep Deadlift - 320# (5# PR!)


"Shark Attack"
3 rounds for time:
200M Row
6 Lateral Jump over Ergometer Rail
3:02 Rx 

That sucked! I need to do it again.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

1RM OHS & "Super Freak"...

1RM OHS – Failed at 240 twice (depth) – might try again tonight!
“Super Freak”
15-12-9-6-3 of:
Hang Squat Cleans (95)
C2B Pull Ups
12:39 (Rx was 135#)
CNS was still smoked from Monday's “12 days/150 burpess” and today's  1RM OHS.

That was brutal solo!

Monday, December 24, 2012

"Twelve Days of CrossFit Christmas”

Once up the ladder 1-12:

1 – 500m Row
2 – Turkish Get Up 53/35
3 – Clapping Push Ups
4 – Front Squat (cleaned) 145/105
5 – Mountain Climbers
6- Push Press 95/65
7 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
8 Cleans 135/95
9 Box Jumps/Step Ups 30/24
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65
11 Ball Slams 20/14
12 Buckin Furpees

Then reverse order back to 1


26:17 RX - then immediately into 5 Burpees on the minute for 30 minutes.

Like ·  · 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Snatch Grip Deadlift - OTM:25

Snatch Grip Deadlift 

5 On the Minute for 25 Minutes

185# for 125 reps

That's gonna leave a mark!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

"Fraggle Rock"...

5 rounds for time:
200M Run
10 Toes-to-Bar
8:52 Rx

Last round of T2B was brutal!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

1RM Back Squat & "Shazam!"...

1RM Back Squat
335x1 (7# PR)


Back Sqaut (135)
Row (calories)
6:34 Rx

"It was a good day"! - Ice Cube

Sunday, December 16, 2012

"Enter Sandman"...

3 Rope Climbs (15)

7 Power Cleans (115)

4 Shoulder to Overhead (115)

8 Box Jumps (24)

11 rounds + 8 reps with Mike Burnes.

 The sandbag runs sucked as I knew they would but that WOD was exactly what I needed to put my perception of my fitness lever in check. My metcon has a LONG way to go!

"A bad day for your ego is a great day for your soul". - Jillian Michaels

Friday, December 14, 2012

Snatch Grip Deadlift...

Minute 1 -1 Snatch Grip Deadlift 155# (bodyweight)
Minute 2 -2 Deadlifts
Minute 3 -3 Deadlifts
…until you run out of time or tap out

11 Rounds + 10 reps @ 155# (BW) - 76 reps total
(did not use platform - went from floor because of the volume I was aiming for)

Much more difficult than regular deadlfits. 

Strength and conditioning expert Charles Poloquin as he talked about his #1 exercise in an interview a couple years back:
"The snatch-grip deadlift, specifically a snatch deadlift on a four inch platform. The idea here is to get a large range of motion by standing on the platformand using the wide grip.
If you told me you were going to jail and only had a barbell and didn’t want to get raped in the showers and could only do one exercise to put mass and strength on, then I’d tell you to do the snatch deadlift on a platform.
This exercise alone makes people gain weight like crazy. Any time I have someone who needs to gain weight fast and doesn’t have a whole lot of time, I have them do snatch deadlifts. And with the snatch grip deadlift, straps are okay because you’ll be doing reps above three, but don’t use them until you get to your working weight.
If you think about it, this is the opposite of the sumo deadlift, which shortens the range of motion. Likewise, some powerlifters will lift in ballet shoes to shorten the ROM. What we want to do here is lengthen it. The snatch grip and platform will take care of that".

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

1RM Deadlift & 12-12-12

1RM Deadlift - 465# (10# PR & 3x my BW)

12 Rounds for Time:
12 Push Press (45)
12 Walking Lunge
12 Toes to Bar
12 Ball Slam (20)
12 Single Unders
12 Wall Balls (20,14)
12 Kettlebell Swing (53)
12 Pushups
12 Back Extensions
12 Ring Dips
12 Air Squat
12 Sit-ups

45 Min Cap
4 rounds + 25 reps

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

1RM Strict Press

1RM Strict Press - 175# (6# PR)

This is the first time I have strict pressed since 7/30.

CrossFit for the win!

2013 Training Goals...."Everybody Needs Them"!

The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them" - Jim Rohn

  • "Helen" - Sub 10 Minutes - 10:06 now
  • "Murph" - sub 40 minutes - 40:04 now
  • "Nicole" - 100+ Pull Ups - 98 now
  • 1000 CF Total - 917 now
  • 15 Consecutuve bodyweight OHS (155) - 11 now
  • 175lb Press - 169lb now
  • 1:10 L-Sit - 58 seconds now
  • 20 rep back squat 225lb - 205lb now
  • 20 rep deadlift 335lb - 315lb now
  • 200 Meter Run - 29 seconds - 34 seconds now
  • 200lb Snatch - 165lb snatch now (power)
  • 250lb Clean - 225lb now
  • 250lb OHS - 231lb now
  • 30 Consecutive HSPUs - 25 now
  • 30 Muscle Ups for time - Sub 5 minutes - 6:17 now
  • 300lb Bench Press - 250lb now
  • 300lb Front Squat - 275lb now
  • 400 Meter Run - 1 Minute Flat - 1:06 now
  • 400lb Back Squat - 327lb now
  • 50 Burpees - Under 2 Minutes - 2:19 now
  • 50 Consecutive Double Unders - 27 now
  • 50+ Consecutive Pull Ups - 40 now
  • 500lb Deadlift - 455lb now
  • 800 Meter Run - Sub 2:30 - 2:42 now
  • sub 1:35 - 500m row - 136.3 now
  • sub 4 minute "Fran" - 4:11 now
  • sub 6 Minute Mile - 6:39 now

These goals WHEN achieved with move me toward my main objective - to become as fit as I have ever been in my the age of 44.

Monday, December 10, 2012

1RM Bench Press & Max 500M Row...

500M Row - 1:36.2 (0.2 PR!)

1RM Bench Press - 250# (5# PR)

You know you left it all on the floor during a 500M row when your "Fran Cough" is worse than when you did your best "Fran".

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Front Squat 1RM & "Speedball"...

Front Squat 1RM - 275# (10# PR)

1 round of:
25 Front Squats (135#)
25 GHDS Sit Ups
25 Hand Release Push Ups

4:32 Rx

* Front Squats from rack

Friday, December 7, 2012

Snatch Grip Deadlift...

Snatch Grip Deadlift (on 45# plate) - 315# x 3 

First time doing them.


Spaced out and did not use the hook grip until last set. Made a huge difference. Really need to work on flexibility to get better at these!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Back Squat 3x3 & "100M Row OTM"...

Back Squat 3x3 - 280# (5# PR!)

100M Row

1:31/500M pace

Monday, December 3, 2012


In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy,

who was killed Sunday February 4th during

combat operations in Iraq.

Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his

infant son Parker.


* 2 Muscle Ups

* 4 Handstand Push Ups

* 8 Kettlebell Swings (70)

Pulled plug after round 7 at 10 minute mark after I recovered a missed muscle up in a bad position. My arm felt it. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Everlong" & 1RM Overhead Squat

3 rounds for time of:
10 Overhead Squats (95)
3 Rope Climbs
10 T2B

7:43 Rx

Then I attempted Max Rep of OHS at my body weight (155). I got 11 (tied my PR) but a few had questionable depth.


1RM OHS - 231# (1# PR!)

Been a LONG time since I have attempted anything over 155#. Felt good having that much weight overhead!