Friday, January 31, 2020

Yoke “Runs” AFAP...

30M Yoke “Runs” (185) - 50 “runs” AFAP

Ab-wheel Rollout Static Holds - 10 seconds 

Wall Sits - 20 seconds 

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Isometrics - Arms...

Isomeric Chin Ups - 6 x 10 seconds 

Isometric Pseudo Planche Push Up - 6 x 10 seconds 

Isometric Dips - 6 x 10 seconds (bottom) then, 90lbs for 8 second & 135lbs for 8 seconds 

Isometric Close Grip Push Ups - 6 x 10 seconds (bottom) 

Elbow Lowers - 5x5

Tiger-bend Push Ups -  6 x 10 seconds (bottom) 

3 position Isometric Barbell Curl Hold - 6 reps for 10 seconds at each angle (90 degrees - 45 degrees - 90 degrees) @ 45lbs - 180 seconds total

“Since you’re not relying on movement to fatigue your muscles, you’ve gotta squeeze them — and we mean hard. The technical term for this is “maximal voluntary contraction,” which means you should tighten up your muscles as much as you can.

Try this one at the end of your arm workout:

Self-Arm Wresting:  Muscles worked: Biceps, triceps

Bend your right arm at a 90-degree angle. Grab your right hand with your left hand. Push them together as hard as you can. While your right biceps prevents your arm from dropping, your left triceps is trying to push your right arm down. Repeat on the other side.

Pro tip: People often tense their upper bodies in this position, so be sure to ease up on your shoulders”. - Greatist.Com

Enjoy the pump! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Shoulders & Traps...

Seated Bent-Over Laterals - 8x8 @ 25lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 8x8 @ 35lbs


DB Up & Out - 6x6 @ 10lbs

TRX Rear Delt Row 8x8 @ BW 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups - 2x8*

DB Shrugs - 2x8 @ 100lb*


Super Slow HSPUs - 46 seconds (facing away from wall & 12 seconds facing wall. 

Finished with:

Front Levers 

Bent-arm Planche

V-Sit Hold

Sunday, January 26, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Back & Chest...

LeverEdge Rows - 90-110–140/110-140-160

LeverEdge Press - 200lbs-215lbs-230lbs/215lbs-230lbs-245lbs-

1.5 Rep Incline DB Bench Press - 35lbs-45lbs-55lbs/45lbs-55lbs-70lbs

Cable Row - 130-140-150/140-150-160 Superset: Low-to-High Cable Flys - 6x8 @ 30lbs

DB Hex Press - 3x8 @ 30lbs

Benefits Of The Dumbbell Hex Press

1. Extra Chest Tension

2. Stronger Contraction

3. Easier On The Shoulders

4. Great Triceps Workout

5. Skin-splitting Pumps

Cash Out: Dynamic Front Levers & Tiger Bend Push Ups - 3x6 (Superset) 

Technique to do tiger bend pushup

“This is an advanced progression of regular push-ups. So if you’re not comfortable with regular push-ups, you should not try tiger push-ups at all. However, this is a great exercise and can be used to work your way up to the freestanding handstand push-ups. Following are the steps involved in executing the perfect tiger push up.

1. Get in the top position of a push-up and extend your arms. The neck and the back must be in a straight line. Place your hands a little wider than the shoulder width and tighten up your core. This is your starting position for the push-up. 

2. Now lower yourself to the bottom position until your chest almost touches the floor. Push yourself back by getting the forearms and back of the elbow to the ground position. At this point, the hip may rise a little high.

3. Now go back to the bottom position of push-up by pushing forward, and later go back to the starting position by pushing up.

4. Repeat. Perform as many repetitions as possible.

Muscles involved in tiger bend push-ups

Tiger bend push-ups is an effective exercise that targets various smaller and larger muscle groups. The primary targets of this exercise are the triceps and the shoulder muscle. This exercise enhances the quality of pectorals, deltoids, trapezius, and triceps”. - Superhuman.Fitness

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Yoke Walks & Sprints......

30M Yoke Walks (185)

20M Sprints

20 of each - Superset 

Avg HR - 133

Max HR - 162

Friday, January 24, 2020


Rope Hammer Curls - 4x8 @ 70lbs

Standing High Cable Curls - 4x8 @ 40lbs*

*(level 13 on rack) 

Mace Push Ups & Pull Throughs - 5x5 

Headbanger Chin Ups - 3x8

Pseudo Planche Push Up - 3x5 

Dips - 4x8

Barbell Tri Extensions - 4x8 (BW)


How can a push-up help you with the development of your biceps? We know; it sounds silly. And we agree with you.

That being said, the pseudo planche push-up is the exception to that rule; especially if you make one slight adjustment.

Instead of doing the push-up with your fingers pointing forward, do it with the fingers pointing backward.

This grip change, coupled with the mechanics of the exercise, will force your biceps tendon to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

How to do it:

1. Get in a high plank with your fingers pointing backward

2. Protract the scapula and lean forward as much as you can

3. When you find the maximum leaning point, descend to the bottom position of a push-up, then push yourself back up

4. Hold the lean throughout the entire movement. 

You will feel your biceps work and your anterior deltoid burning.

The pseudo planche push-up is a difficult exercise, but it’s certainly worth your while as one of the best bodyweight bicep exercises.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Shoulders & Traps..

Bent-Over Laterals - 8x8 @ 25lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 8z8 @ 35lbs


The 6-Way Delt Raise - 6x6 @ 10lbs

TRX Rear Delt Row 8x8 @ BW 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups - 4x8 

DB Shrugs - 4x8 @ 75lbs

TRX 45 Degree HSPUs - 2x8

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Chest & Back - 6x6...

Smith Machine Press - 6x6 @ 185lbs

Machine Fly - 6x6 @ 85lbs

Rolling Medicine Ball Push Up - 6x6 per arm 

Face Pull - 6x8 @ 50lbs

Dynamic Front Lever - 6x6

Close Grip Row - 6x6 @ 130lbs

Low-to-High Cable Rows - 6x6 @ 15lbs

Finished with some cable front levers (tried to defend while remaining strait! 

Monday, January 20, 2020

Jump Back Squats...

Barbell 4x5 @ 95lbs

Smith Machine 4x5 @ 135lbs

“The jump squat is the ultimate combination exercise and it's a real ass kicker to boot, taking the mechanics of a squat and adding the power component of a jump”. - T Nation

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Shoulders & Traps..

Forward Leaning Cable Shoulder Press - 

8x8 @ 17.5 (each side) 

Seated Bent-Over Laterals - 4x8 @ 20lbs

Lying Reverse Seal Swings - 4x8 @ 20lbs*


Delt Sweeps - 4x8 @  35lbs

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups - 4x8 

Finished with a few sloppy freestanding HSPUs 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Chest & Back...

Smith Machine Press - 6x8 @ 165lbs

Machine Fly - 6x8 @ 70lbs

Face Pull - 6x8 @ 47.5lbs

Dynamic Front Lever - 1x6 & Ice Cream Makers - 5x6 

Ab Wheel - 2x5 

Ice cream makers ire calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the middle back and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, biceps, chest, lats, obliques, shoulders, traps and triceps.

How to do Ice Cream Makers:

Step 1: Grab onto a chin up bar with your palms facing away from you and your grip about shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Pull yourself up so that your chin is even with the bar (starting point).

Step 3: Make your body into a straight line.

Step 4: Let your arms back out straight and as you do lift your feet up and make your body parallel to the floor.

Step 5: Pull yourself back up and rotate your feet downwards as you do.

Step 6: Continue this motion for the desired amount of reps.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Hip-Belt Squat Workout & Yoke Walks ...

* Set 1: Warm up set, 20 reps. @ 200lbs - 4000lbs

* Set 2 Warm up set, 15 reps. @ 290lbs - 4350lbs

* Set 3: Warm up set, 10 reps. @ 380lbs - 3800lbs

* Set 4: Working set, 8 reps @ 450lbs - 3600lbs

* Set 5: HEAVY set, 5 reps @ 500lbs - 2500lbs

* Set 6: HEAVY set, 5 reps @ 550lbs - 2750lbs

* Set 7: HEAVY set, 2 reps @ 625lbs (4x body weight!) - 1250lbs 

*21,120 total pounds lifted 

Sissy Squats - 5x10 @ BW

Yoke Walks @ 365lbs, 325lbs & 185lbs

Finish with: Front Lever - 6x10 seconds 

Monday, January 13, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Leaning Cable Shoulder Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80 (each side) 

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 30-35-40/35-40-45*

Incline Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50*

*SuperSet: 2-0-2 tempo.

Front Lever then, Back Lever

Finish with: 

Advanced L-sit (L-sit with hips ahead of hands) x 3 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Up - 3x8

One-arm Cable Upright Row - 60x5/70x5/80x5/90x5

Sunday, January 12, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...KettlebellRob

Strict Pull Up - 45-55-75/55/75-85 then 100 pound plate for TWO reps from a dead hang! 

Low-to-High Cable Raise - 40-50-60/50-60-70

1.5 Rep LeverEdge Press - 235-255-275/256-275(4)-295(2)

V-Handle Rows - 130-150-170/150-170-190

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Keg Carries...

150lb Keg Carries (basically my body weight).

While I was doing this they were having a push-up contest at the gym. Most push-ups in 60 seconds. Bob Popp asked me to join the contest and even though I was out of breath I got 64 in 60 seconds. Probably won’t win but I was very happy with that number.


Friday, January 10, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

Rope Hammer Curls - 110-120-130/120-130-140

*finish with Standing High Cable Curls - 40x10/50x10/60x10/80x5 (on level 13 on rack) 

Triceps Wheel Turns 5x5 & Sledgehammer Push Ups 5x5

Foot Elevated Bar Curls: 3x8

Neutral LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press -


Head Under-the-BarHeadbanger Chin Ups - 3x15

Pseudo Planche Push Up - 3x5

Cash Out: Planche Practice: Got about a one second strait arm planche! Progress. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Forward Leaning Cable Shoulder Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80 (each side) 

TRX Rear dealt dealt rows - from a floor position - 6x8

Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50*


Monday, January 6, 2020



AFAP complete 10 sets of:

40M Dumbbell Runs - 200lbs

10 Bodyweight Sissy Squats 

“What are the benefits of using a sissy squat bench? The sissy squat exercise is perhaps one of the best, and most challenging, quad isolation exercises there is. If done correctly with the body angled back and the hips driven forward, quad isolation is greatly amplified lessening the engagement of the posterior chain such as the glutes and hamstrings. The sissy squat can be used as a standalone bodyweight exercise, or for more advanced users, can be used while holding a weight plate, kettlebell, dumbbell or even a sandbag for added resistance. Dont like doing leg extensions? The sissy squat is a great alternative to the leg extension machine. It also makes the greatest finishing exercise imaginable after squats, hack squats or leg presses. The sissy squat is capable of producing the most intense burn in the quadriceps and can deliver great strength and muscle gains”. IronCompany.Com

Sunday, January 5, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Arms...

Rope Hammer Curls - 110-120-130/120-130-140

*finish with Standing High Cable Curls - 40x10/50x10/60x10

Close Grip Push Ups - 25-35-45 then Sledgehammer Push Ups x3x5

Bar Curls: 3x8

How to perform the exercise:

  • 1. Find a bar that is chest high or lower and position yourself underneath it
  • 2. Use an underhand grip keeping a straight line from your head to your toes
  • 3. Keep your face is right underneath the bar, as opposed to an inverted row where the chest is under the bar
  • 4. Pull from your biceps by flexing the elbow; do not pull from your lats by bringing the elbows down.

Neutral LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press - 195-215-235/215-235-255

Cash Out: 

Up & Down Headbanger Chin Ups - 2x5 @ 64lb chains

Pseudo Planche Push Up - 2x5

How to do it:

  • 1. Get in a high plank with your fingers pointing backward
  • 2. Protract the scapula and lean forward as much as you can
  • 3. When you find the maximum leaning point, descend to the bottom position of a push-up, then push yourself back up
  • 4. Hold the lean throughout the entire movement

Saturday, January 4, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

Standing Cable Shoulder Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80 (each side) 

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 30-35-40/35-40-45*

Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50*

*SuperSet: 2-0-2 tempo.

Front Lever then, Back Lever

Wide Barbell Upright Row 75-95-95/85-95-105


Tip: Use a Wide Grip on Upright Rows. A wider grip has been shown in studies to increase deltoid and trapezius activity, and correspondingly, less biceps brachii activity. In addition to maximizing recruitment of the muscle we're trying to develop. - T Nation 

Finish with: 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Up - 2x8

Advanced L-Sit (Floor) 

Friday, January 3, 2020

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Strict Pull Up - 37.5-47.5-67.5/47.5/67.5-80 (got FOUR!)

LeverEdge Press - 230lbs-250lbs-270lbs/250lbs-270lbs-290lbs

Incline 1.5 DB Bench Press - 60lbs-65lbs-70lbs/65lbs-70lbs-75lbs*

C2B Archer Pull Ups - 3x8

Cash Out: 

Psuedo Planche Push Ups - 7-5-3 

Planche Slides - 1x5

*A recent study examined chest activation at various points within the performance of different angles of pressing. The researchers found significant upper chest activation with the incline bench particularly in the second quarter of the lift. 

So, to really hit the upper chest, not only is the angle important but the range of motion as well. You can do this by using the 1.5 method.

How to Do It

1 Lower the dumbbells to your chest.

2 Push the dumbbells halfway up and lower it back down.

3 Now push the dumbbell all the way up.

That's one rep. It's brutal and extremely effective. - T Nation 

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Trap Bar Death March...

Short on time? Here's a nasty, versatile, total-body workout

The trap bar is one of the most versatile tools in the weight room. It can stimulate the entire body, torch the lower body without the spinal compression of having a barbell on your back, and build tons of muscle on your upper back and traps.

The trap bar can even be used for conditioning. Enter the "Trap Bar Death March" set. This challenges overall work capacity and grip strength (both static and dynamic). And the neutral loading of the handle placement allows for heavier weight on the bar for a powerful loaded conditioning movement.

In a nutshell, you're going to do the trap bar deadlift and take a short farmer's walk between mini-sets. 

The 3 and 3 Method

Do 3 reps, walk 3 steps, do 3 reps, walk 3 steps, etc., until you can't do any more. 

100 Deadlift & 100 Steps. 

Finished with: Ketttlebell Death March - 30 steps with 16kg bells 

Finished with: 6x10 second ring front levers. A lot harder (for me at least) than bar front levers