Saturday, February 29, 2020

Chest & Back - 4x16

Football Bar Bench - 4x16 (Elite 38lb bar) *2 inch deficit* 

Kneeling High-to-Low Cable Fly  - 4x16 @ 50lbs*

Bear Push Ups- 4x8 (15 sec rest)

Incline DB Fly  - 2x16 @ 30lbs

Strait Arm Pulldown - 4x16 @ 50lbs

Close Grip Row - 2x16 @ 130lbs

Wide Grip Pulldown- 2x16 @ 110lbs

Cash Out: 

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5*

*Supine DB Hollow Press - 3x5 @ 5lbs*


Pseudo Planche Push Up - 3x5 (fingers to side)

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Sprint Repeats...

Sprints - 75 x 20M

Cash Out: Running Dragon Flags  - 5x10 seconds 

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Arms - 4x16...

Dips - bodyweight

Machine Close Grip Press - 75lbs

Smith Machine Reverse-Grip Bent Over Row - 95lbs

ISO Biceps Holds/Prayer Hold

DB Hex Press - 45lbs*

Hammer Curl - 4x8 @ 15lbs*


Cash Out:

High Bar Curls - 4x8

Zottman Curls - 4x8 @ 5lbs

*Planet Fitness/Plattsburgh 

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...


Machine Press - 4x16 @ 75lbs

Lean Back Cable Laterals - 4x16 @ 25lbs

Delt Sweeps - 4x16 @ 25lbs

Behind-the-Back Smith Machine Shrugs - 4x16 @ 185lbs

Rear Pec Dec Fly - 4x16 @ 100lbs


PM: Shoulders Part 2

Seated Ez Bar Front Raise & Press - 2x16 @ 20lbs then, Seated Ez Bar Front Raise 2x16 @ 20lbs

Wall Facing HSPUs - 3x10

* Chest to wall more properly mimics the way your body will move in a freestanding handstand pushup. When doing it back-to-wall, you're encouraging high back arch and also allowing for wide elbows - something you cannot do in a freestanding HSPU if you want to maintain balance. 

Bent-over Lateral Raises - 4x16 @ 15lbs

L-Sit - 10 x 10 seconds 

Muscle Snatch - 30/40/50/60x10

Seated DB Snatches - 3x8 @ 20lbs

Monday, February 24, 2020

Chest & Back - 4x16...

H-Strength Incline Press - 80lbs

Incline DB Fly  - 4x16 @ 25lbs

Bear Push Ups- 3x16

Strait Arm Pulldown - 4x16 @ 40lbs

Close Grip Row - 2x16 @ 120lbs*

Wide Grip Pulldown- 2x16 @ 105lbs*


Cash Out: 

Plate Push Ups - 3x5*

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5*

*Supine DB Hollow Press - 3x5 @ 5lbs*


Supine DB Hollow Press: This exercise nails the clavicular pectoralis. 

* At Planet Fitness - Plattsburgh, NY 

Sunday, February 23, 2020


Yoke Runs - 25x30M @ 185lbs

BW Sissy Squats - 5x10

Walking Lunges - 100 steps @ 32lb chain

Didn’t feel it today: “Training is like moving a pile of dirt-some days you get a shovel, and other days you get a spoon, but as long as you get to move a little dirt every day, you are moving toward your goal.” - John Welborn 

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Arms - 4x16...

Dips - bodyweight*

DB Hex Press - 40lbs*


then, 100lbs x 10 & 18 second “Bottoms Up”  ISO Dip @ 100lbs

Barbell Kickbacks*

Box V-Sit Static Hold*

*Superset @ 2x16

Horizontal Ab-Wheel Rollouts

Finish with: ISO Biceps Holds/Prayer Hold

Friday, February 21, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...

LeverEdge Press - 4x16 @ 110lbs

Bent-Over Laterals - 4x16 @ 15lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 4x16 @ 25lbs


V-handle Cable Shrugs - 4x16 @ 205lbs

Parallel Elbows HSPUs - 5x3 then, 2x2*

* These are the hardest handstand push-ups you've ever done!  🚀

Enormous burden for your shoulders! 

📁 For: Planche, handstand, hspu ⚙️ 

Technique: Take back to the wall position, lean forward. Shift your body line forward keeping body straight. (I need to work on this). Try to keep hbp. Only feet should touch the wall still. Do push-ups with elbows parallel to each other”. - Calisthenics School 

Finished with: 20 second L-Sit Hold

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Rest Week...

It’s been almost a year (last March) since I took five consecutive days off. Zero training from today until Friday. My body is junk and I need the rest. Hopefully my aches, pains and tendonitis improves this week!
Guilty as charged: A stimulus addict is someone who fell in love with the actual act of training and using his muscles not so much for the gains but for the feeling and sensation derived from the workout itself. For these guys and gals, the training itself is its own reward. Being a stimulus addict has its pros. You'll rarely lose motivation to train, you'll stick to it over the long run, and you'll never frown upon hard work.

However, you are the perfect candidate to train excessively, pushing yourself too hard, for too long, too often. A stimulus addict often prides himself on working harder than everybody else instead of getting better results than everybody else. As such, a stimulus addict is likely to become his own worst enemy – engaging in training practices that lead to stagnation (or even regression) and feeling like crap all the time”. - T Nation
The hardest (for me at least) - and one of the most important - things about training is recovery. “I’ve said this before: you don’t get big and strong from lifting weights – you get big and strong by recovering from lifting weights. And this entails more sleep and more food than the vast majority of you people seem to understand.
If you’re going to grow, you have to train hard and recover from that training. You have to understand why growing is important, why recovery is important, and how to do it correctly. You have to understand that it may even be the most difficult part of the program for you, perhaps physically or perhaps even psychologically – maybe harder than the training itself. If it is sufficiently important, you’ll figure out a way to deal with it. And that’s how you distinguish yourself from the rest of the gym – the guys who can’t, or won’t achieve the goal they have set for themselves”. - Mark Rippetoe 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Chest & Back - 4x16

LeverEdge  Press - 180lbs

High/Low Cable Fly  - 4x16 @ 40lbs

Bear Push Ups- 2x16/CG Bear - 4x8

TRX Push Ups - 2x16

Face Pull - 4x16 @ 40/50/60/70

Close Grip Row - 2x16 @ 110lbs

Wide Grip Pulldown- 2x16 @ 100lbs

Cash Out: 

Offset Push Ups - 3x5*

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x5*


Friday, February 14, 2020

Yoke Walks AFAP & 20M Sprints......

30M Yoke Walks (185) - AFAP

20M Sprints 

10 of each

Sledgehammer Climbs

Windshield Wipers

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Arms - 4x16

Dips - bodyweight 

DB Hex Press - 35lbs

TRX Triceps Extensions*

Box V-Sit Static Hold*


Finish with: 

TRX Planche Leans 

ISO Biceps Holds/Prayer Hold

*Got ONE one-arm chin up. First ever! Success! 

“The planche lean on rings. This exercise is totally different from all the exercises for planche you’ve ever done. As all the exerciseleas on rings it requires a lot of strength of muscles-stabilizers but also this exercise is mechanically different and will load your muscles in a different way.⁣


⁣In the regular planche lean you lean forward. When leaning on rings you should move your arms towards your feet. You will see noticeable difference in the level of burden. ⁣



⁣1. Get into the plank position. Rings should be moved forward, that’s how you will reach additional burden when you move your arms backward.⁣

⁣Keep core stressed, scapulas protracted.⁣

⁣2. Move your arms backward (towards feet). Be careful because burden will increase radically and if careless you can easily fall down. Hold the final position as long as possible.⁣



⁣7 sets * max time ⁣



⁣— Front deltoid⁣

⁣— Middle deltoid⁣

⁣— Core muscles⁣

⁣— Serratus⁣

⁣— Muscles stabilizers⁣

⁣— Chest muscles⁣

⁣— (Biceps as well) 



⁣This exercise is for intermediate level athletes who mastered tuck planche, elevated planche lean and pseudo push-ups.”  - The Calisthenics School



Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...

LeverEdge Press - 4x16 @ 100lbs

Cable Bent-Over Laterals/Cable Lateral Raises - 2x16 @ 20lbs


V-handle Cable Shrugs - 4x16 @ 200lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 2x16 @ 15lbs

Pike HSPUs - 4x16 (sets of 16 are no joke!)

Cash Out: Iron Cross Reverse Push Up - 2x16

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Chest & Back - 4x16...

Incline LeverEdge Press - 115lbs

TRX Flyes - 4x16

“Bear Push Ups” - 8x8

*”Plant your feet into the wall and keep the knees bent as shown. Now push-up. Without the help from the lower body you normally get during the standard version of the exercise (yes you actually do get a LOT of help from your legs and regular push-ups) you’ll find this to be a true ball buster”. - @athleanx

Face Pull - 4x16 @ 30lbs

Close Grip Row - 4x16 @ 100lbs

One-arm High Pulley Rows - 4x16 @ 40lbs*

*”There is no better lat spreader than this - the one arm pulley row! You can keep your hip and pelvis back will you let the arm go up and away from your hips… Placing an amazing tension on the lats”. - @ athleanx 

Dynamic Front Lever - 3x6

Cash Out: five assisted one-arm pull


Monday, February 10, 2020

One hour of 20M sprints...

Sprint down. Walk back. 4,842 steps & 129 avg HR. 

Sunday, February 9, 2020

“Yoke Runs”...

Wall Jogging“ & Banded V-Sit Progressions. These crushed my core! 

Also did 25x30M “Yoke Runs” @ 185lbs. 

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Arms - 4x16...

Dips - bodyweight 

DB Hex Press - 25lbs

TRX Triceps Extensions*

Box V-Sit Static Hold*


Finish with: 

Parallel Bar Press Ups

ISO Biceps Holds/Prayer Hold

Friday, February 7, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 4x16...

LeverEdge Press - 4x16 @ 90lbs

Bent-Over Laterals - 4x16 @ 15lbs

Incline Seal Rows - 4x16 @ 25lbs


TRX Rear Delt Row 8x8 @ BW 

V-handle Cable Shrugs - 4x16 @ 200lbs

Overhead Plate Raise - 2x16 @ 15lbs

Finished with: V-Sit Hold x2 - Next stop: Manna

“The manna, when performed properly, looks almost impossible: the ability to perform an L-Sit, hands behind you, legs off the floor and the impressive magic that happens when the body compresses in on itself, supported only by the arms. For most new to Gymnastics Strength Training™, the manna is completely unknown

As you can imagine, training towards the manna involves many different components, but fortunately, that also means it prepares the body in several varied ways. First, there is a ton of scapular retraction strength required to take the L-sit back and up through a V-sit and into a manna. This greatly increases the load on your triceps to keep your elbows extended, and it also strengthens your entire upper back in order to lift your hips above your torso.”. - Gymnastics Bodies

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Chest & Back...

1.5 Smith Machine Press - 6x6 @ 155lbs

Machine Fly - 6x6 @ 100lbs

TRX Fly - 6x6 

Face Pull - 6x6 @ 50lbs

Dynamic Front Lever - 6x6

Close Grip Row - 6x6 @ 140lbs

Low-to-High Rope Rows - 6x6 @ 50lbs

Wednesday, February 5, 2020


Smith Machine Squats

3x3 @ 275lbs - 2475lbs 

3x5 @ 225lbs - 3375lbs

3x7 @ 185lbs - 3885lbs 

3x9 @ 155lbs - 4185lbs

73 reps for 13.920lbs total 

Leg Lifts - 5x5

Dragon Flags - 5 consecutive reps then, ten second hold! 

Monday, February 3, 2020


Rope Pushdown - 4x16 @ 32.5

Medicine Ball Crush Curls - 4x16 @ 15lbs

Rope Triceps Extensions - 4x16 @ 32.5

Decline Pseudo Planche Push Ups - 3x8

Elbow Lowers - 3x8

Finish with - 2 finger front lever - 6 seconds! 

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Shoulders & Traps..

Standing BTN Smith Press - 8x8 @ 75lbs

Angled DB Shoulder Press - 8x8 @5lbs

Bent-Over Laterals - 4x8 then 2x16 @ 25lbs

Cash Out: 

Shoulder Taps - 3x8

Overhead Plate Raise - 3x8 @ 35lbs


Saturday, February 1, 2020

9-7-5 Wave -Chest/Back...

Smith Machine Rows - 95-115-135/115-135-155

1.5 Rep Smith Machine Incline Bench Press - 115-135-155/135(7)-155(3)-175(1.5)*

*then, 20 second iso hold at top  & 10 second hold at bottom @ 175lbs

Hammel Strength Fly - 115-130-145/130-145-160*

*then, 10 second iso hold at bottom 

Front LeVer Row - 5x3 

Cash Out: Dynamic Front Levers & Archer Push Ups - 3x6 (Superset) 

“The Archer Push-Up is perfect for creating a variation that places the majority of the body’s weight on one side. The Archer allows you to take a higher percentage of your own bodyweight, with one arm, but also still allows the other arm to assist (slightly). Since the straight arm is extended and at a “mechanical disadvantage”, it can add just enough help while you are conditioning. Eventually you will no longer need the other arms assistance.

This exercise is also incredible for shoulder stability and strength. Both arms are playing an important roll and both of their connecting shoulder blades must create a solid connection with the torso as well as the entire body” - Global Bodyweight Training