Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 2009 Snatch Numbers...

At the end of October I decided to start snatching more and counting my snatches on a daily basis. I found a website that makes my job easier in a effort to reach 50,000 snatches.

It is -

According to the website: "We have added Snatch Challenge to the menu. This is a temporary add-on feature supporting a current 50,000 snatch challenge. The feature will display a list of all participants complete with their total number of snatches and total number of points. In addition, you will be able to view details for each daily entry (what date, how many snatches, which kettlebell and notes)."

As of today I completed 5,670 snatches in the month of December and feel great. My snatch total is 45,670. I only need 4,330 to reach my 50,000 goal. My target date is my 41st birthday of 2/3/10.

Various Snatches...

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Double Snatch - 20kg bells - 50 reps (100 snatches)
Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 75 reps (150 snatches)
Hanging Pikes - 50 reps

I alternated the hanging pikes with the double 16kg snatches at the end. My forearms were fried but the stretch felt good going from one exercise to the other.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kettlebell Doubles - 5 Sets of 5...

 I did some double kettlebell exercises today trying to got my whole body.

My training looked like this:

Double Military Press - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Snatch - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Floor Press - 32kg bells - 25 reps
Double Snatck Into Double Viking Push Press - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps

The double snatches with the 24kg bells felt great! Yoyu can really feel the power and strength in the exercise.

Finally I wanted to post a link to my 6 year old daughter Jaiden doing pullups after her gymnastics class today. She has been putting up impressive numbers over the last few weeks and today pulled a 29!!!! I had trouble posting it on YouTube but I have one from Monday when she idid 24 reps. I bet most of the guys I know can't do 29 consecutive pullups. She is an animal!

Check it out:   Jaiden Pull Ups!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - MVo2 - 25 sets of 8 & Double Snatches...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 25 sets of 8 in 12 minutes and 15 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 25 sets of 8 - 200 reps

Then I did:

Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 25 sets of 5 - 125 reps - 250 snatches

After my MV02 warm up I decided to train for power and strength and switched to double snatches. My heart rate stayed elevated for the whole time during my 25 sets. I am going to do alot more double snatches going forward.

I am now at 45,310 snatches in my quest for 50,000. Check out the leaderoard - Snatch Race Leaderboard

Monday, December 28, 2009

Swing That Bell...

I was going to take today off from training but since I am on vacation this week and went a bit crazy with ice cream (1/2 gallon!) and Chinese food yesterday I decided to get some work in with the 24kg bell.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg  bell - 400 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 24kg bell - 100 reps

Doing heavy Figure 8s/Hold really works your arms especially after 400 reps of swings. My hands are pretty beat up as the 24kg bell really pulls as you rotate the bell diagonally.

Whatever.....Back to MV02 snatches tomorrow.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I decided to mix it up today and just do whatever came to mind.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Renegade Rows - 24kg bells - 50 reps
Floor Press - 24kg bells - 50 reps
Walk/Run with 40lb Xvest for 10 minutes
Farmers Walk - 40kg bells - 10 reps @ 150 ft each
Hanging Pikes - 25 reps
Windmills - 16kg bell - 50 reps

I finished with: Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 100 reps

Saturday, December 26, 2009

500 Reps...

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 5/5 - 400 reps
Dips - 24kg bell - 20 sets of 5 - 100 reps

Snatches - 14,080lbs
Dips - 21,280lbs (160lbs body weight + 24kg bell)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

No Training Xmas Day....

I want to enjoy the day with my family and need to rest after a week of hard training. Back at it on Saturday! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

I used the 45lb clubbell this morning.
My training looked like this:
Front Swing - 3x8- 24 reps
Clean to Order - 3x8 - 24 reps
Front Pendulum Lunge - 3x8 each leg - 24 reps each leg
Barbarian - (Gama Cast to Flag Position) - 3x8 -24 reps
Barbarian Squat - (Gama Cast into Flat Foot Squat in Order Position) - 3x8 - 24 reps

I finished with:

•30 Double Swipes - 15lb clubbells - (2 Clubbells)
•30 Mills Alternating (- 15lb clubbell - 15 Right / 15 Left)
•30 Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - (two-handed: 15 Clockwise / 15 Counter-Clockwise)

High Toss Lunge - 12lb shotput - 30 reps

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Revised Weekly Training Schedule...

Now that I am back on track to hit 50,000 snatches by my 41st birthday (2/3/10) I have revised my weekly training schedule to get back to a more balanced training regimen. It is 6 weeks from today and if I do about 900 a week I will hit 50,000 on my birthday! That is the plan.

It is as follows:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Kettlebell Circuit Training
Wednesday - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Thursday - Off
Friday - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Saturday - Kettlebell Circuit Training
Sunday - Bruiser Clubbell Training or Viking Warrior Conditioning

I also want to work in the "shot" & "Xvest" from time to time

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the fifth time today in the 15:15 protocol. I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am @ 44,460 total.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps
Today totally sucked as I was hurting the whole way. I am reminded of a great quote...“Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.”
I plan to take the next few days off from snatches.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snatches & Push Ups...

I kept it simple this morning.

My training looked like this:
Snatch - 16kg bell - 400 reps
Push Ups - 150 reps

There is something about just keeping it simple. Snatches and push ups sounds boring but when you think about it by just doing a push and a pull you are hitting your whole body and just doing one rep at a time. I completed a fair number of reps with my eyes closed to concentrate on the "feel" of each rep and make sure I was completing each one perfectly.

Many times we are all caught up and the next great program when sometimes simplicity is the key. Albert Einstein put it best: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler".

Monday, December 21, 2009

Just Snatches....

Kept it real simple:

Snatches - 16kg bell - 25x5/5 - 250 reps

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - V02max - 16kg & 20kg Bell....

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

I kept going and increased the intensity of my VWC by increasing the bell size from 16kg to 20kg on the 15:15. The 20kg bell definitely made it alot more challenging. I dropped the reps from 8 to 6 because my callous started to rip on my right hand and I wanted to get 20 sets.

I did timed snatches with the 20kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 6 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 20kg bell - 20 sets of 6 - 120 reps
I was planning on trying to finished with 10 sets of 5 with the 24kg bell and got 2 sets done before the callous ripped and I started to bleed. They tend to freak out at the gym when you are bleeding and not stopping training. Oh well....should have brought my gloves but I like the feel better with bare hands.
Snatch - 24kg bell - 2 sets of  5 - 10 reps
Not a bad session overall but far below what I wanted as I try to close the gap between Rif and myself as we approach 50,000 total snatches.
Total for session:
Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps
Snatch - 20kg bell - 20 sets of 6 - 120 reps
Snatch - 24kg bell - 2 sets of 5 - 10 reps
450 reps
Check out the leader board: Snatch Race to 50k!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Providence" & Snatches...

I did AOS "Providence" this morning for the first time since January 12th. I did 2 minute rounds with the 16kg bell and kept my rest at one minute. I finished with 150 snatches.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day Off today And Finally Home!

I got back form CA this morning and am happy to be able to get back to my routine.....although cold - it was in the 70s there and was about zero when I got off the plane @ 5AM!

The Ader bell that I had tore a callous the first morning doing 36:36. I might have to go back to 15:15 until hands heal.

The weeks training looked like this:

Monday - Off

36:35 10x18 - 180 reps
15:15 5x8 -40 reps
Tore callous on hand. Whatever.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 150 reps
Push Ups - 150 reps
Swings - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Dive Bomber/Pike - 25 reps
Flip & Squat - 50 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 50 reps
Crush Curl - 50 reps
Snatch - 50 reps
All with 16 kg bell
I am taking today OFF from training and will get back at it tomorrow. I only got 440 snatches in 3 days of training but I need to manage my hand injuries.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This Weeks Training....

I have to go to San Diego, CA tomorrow for a training class for work and will be there until I take the Red Eye home Thursday night. Luckily I have a friend who lives in CA that is picking me up @ the airport. I sent him a 16kg kettlebell a few years ago to use when I go to CA. (My previous company is located in S. CA and I would have to go there a few times a year - so i figured why miss out on kettlebell training. It has been work the investment)

So, after probably taking tomorrow of from training I plan to train in the 36:36 & 15:15 this week. I may do double sessions a few days since I will have extra time. Plus I need to close the gap between Rif and I as I approach 50,000 total snatches.

I am currently @ 42,150 and have done 2,150 in the last 9 days! I am hoping to be able to get about 2,000 snatches done this week. Which may be pushing it but..... whatever!

Viking Warrior Conditioning - 36:36 - 15 Sets of 18...

Today was my first attempt at the 36:36 protocol since May 6th. After getting 100 sets of 8 in the 15:15 on Saturday it is time to progress to the next protocol. I am still planning on mixing in some 15:15 training as well.

There is a definite difference from the 15:15 protocol as your grip and strength wane a lot quicker and it was more difficult to regulate my breathing. Only having 36 seconds of rest after 36 seconds of snatching forces you to hone in your breathing skills. Thirty five sets is going to be a killer. I am planning on increasing my volume by 5 - 10% each workout with a few back off days depending on how I feel .

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch. I did 15 sets of 18 in 15 minutes and 54 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 18 - 270 reps
My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 167 or 930% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 182 or 102% of max

According to a site I found I burned 279 calories based on an AVG heart rate of 167 over 16 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clubbell "Trial By Fire" Practice & Misc...

After yesterdays snatches my hands are still fried so I decided to do more of a recovery training session and make it light and short. I did 50 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

My training looked like this:

•50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
•50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left)
•50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise)

I finished with:
Windmills - 16kg bell - 50 reps (25 Right/ 25 Left)
Ab Wheel Rollouts - 50 reps

Friday, December 11, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 100 Sets of 8!

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time last Friday 12/4 in the 15:15 protocol and I planned on trying to complete it for a fifth today but felt great at 80 sets so I kept going to complete 100 total sets of 8 for 800 snatches in 50 minutes.  My hands are hamburger but whatever!  I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 41,880.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 100 sets of 8 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 800 reps
I decided to wear my heart rate monitor to get a feel for the intensity of the training and ended up with the following data over the 50 minute workout:

My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 180 or 100% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 192 or 107% of max

According to a great website I found I burned 970 calories in 50 minutes based on an AVG heart rate of 180 over 50 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

PS - I was also motivated by my wife  - Fabiana O'Brien RKC - as she completed 700 swings with the 16kg bell next to me as I was training.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 24kg  bell  - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Two Handed Kettlebell Curls - 28kg bell - 100 reps
One-Handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps each arm
Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 30 reps each arm

My strength has going through the roof with the GVT! To be able 100 strict dips with a 24kg bell around my waist blows my mind. This will be my last week using GVT for a while as it has been 5 weeks. I plan on going back to more of kettlebell circuit training (AOS Providence or The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout), clubbell training and Viking Warrior Conditioning.

My main goals over the next 6 weeks are to lose 2% body fat and reach 50,000 snatches by 2/3/10 - My 41st BD.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - V02max - 40 Sets of 8...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps
I kept going and finished with:
two-handed swings with the 24kg bell. I did 10 sets of 10 in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. I did sets of 10 with approximately 15 second rest between round.

Swings - 24kg bell - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 149 or 83% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 182 or 102% of max

My heart rate was in the 170s the last 15 sets of snatches but dropped into the high 150s when I switched to swings. You can really see why Kenneth Jay says the snatch is THE kettlebell exercise to maximize V02. I plan on wearing my heart rate monitor more as I train and am looking forward to seeing the numbers from a training session of 80x8.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

Feeling strong today so I pushed it.

My training looked like this:
Smith Machine Incline Press - 185lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- 24kg bell - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Incline Clubbell Flys - 15lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 40kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm

Monday, December 7, 2009

Recovery Day - VWC - 15 Sets of 8...

After the last four days of training:
  • GVT - Arms & Shoulders
  • VWC - 16kg bel - 80x8 - 640 reps
  • Swings - 24kg bell - 1000 reps
  • GVT - Legs 
I needed to back off big time. I just did 120 snatches this morning and called it a day.

My training looked like this:

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 15 sets of 8.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 120 reps

Sunday, December 6, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Legs...

My training looked like this today:
Swings - 48kg bell - 10x10 - 100 reps
Overhead Lunges - 16k bell - 10x10 each side - 100 reps each side
Bruiser Clean To Order - 45lb clubbell - 10x5 - 50 reps

Saturday, December 5, 2009

1,000 Swings In 50 Minutes - 24kg Bell!

After last weeks swing workout in which I did 200 swings with the 24kg bell and 800 swings with the 20kg bell Mark Reifkind informed me that his wife Tracy has completed ALL 1000 reps with the 24kg bell in 50 minutes. So, obviously I had to man up and take the challenge.

Here is what Tracy had to say about the experience:

"I knew right away this was going to be a long one! Geez, looking at the clock in the beginning and realizing the I had to do the same thing over and over for 50 minutes....5-0!

You can check out video of her completing the event by clicking  HERE.

I need to give much respect to Tracy because this kicked my ass! I did do 640 snatches yesterday with 80 sets of 8 with the 16kg bell but I am not making any grip was friend @ 65 sets and I had to grind it out.

I decided to wear my heart rate monitor to get a feel for the intensity of the training and ended up with the following data over the 50 minute workout:

My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 156 or 87% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 179

Tracy is an inspiration. If you do not know her story please check out the following article on her 100 lb weight loss in less than a year!

My training looked like this:

I did timed two-handed swings with the 24kg bell today. I did 100 sets of 10 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds. I did sets of 10 with approximately 15 second rest between round.

Swings - 24kg bell - 100 sets of 10 - 1000 reps - 52,800 lbs

According to a geat website I found I burned 789 calories in 50 minutes based on an AVG heart rate of 156 over 50 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I felt really strong this morning after eating about 1/4 gallon of Creamsicle ice cream last night. I have been pretty strict for the last three weeks eating more of a 40% protein, 40% carb & 20% fat diet instead of my modified low carb diet and needed to curb by sweet tooth. I think the change in my diet has helped my strength significantly and positively effected my body composition.

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time today in the 15:15 protocol. I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 40,640!

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps

Thursday, December 3, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 45lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Two Handed Kettlebell Curls - 24kg bell - 100 reps
One-Handed Shield Cast - 15lb clubbell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 50 reps

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day Off...

First one in a week.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

My training looked like this:

Smith Machine Incline Press - 165lbs  - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- 45lbs- 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps
Kettlebell Flys - 20kg bells- 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 32kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm