Monday, October 30, 2017

7-5-3 Wave - Back & Chest...

Incline Press -165lbs-175lbs-185lbs/175lbs-185lbs-195lbs 

Strict Pull Up - 14-10-6/14-10-6 @ bodyweight

Incline DB Bench Press - 55lbs-65lbs-75lbs/65lbs-75lbs-85lbs 

Dumbbell Row -80lbs-90lbs-100lbs/90lbs-100lbs-110lbs

* Finished my chest & back workout with max reps of chest-to-bar v-handle pull ups with ten push-ups after each set. Got 10-8-5

Friday, October 27, 2017

20 Rep Squats...

Three sets of 20 with a four minute rest in between: 

 195x20 rest four minutes
 175x20 rest four minutes

Cash Out - Barbell Curls: 

1x100 @ 25lbs then, 65x5, 55x4, 45x3, 35x2, 25x1

Thursday, October 26, 2017


For Time

50 Calorie Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Hang Power Cleans 75
20 Push Jerk 75
*10 minute cap* 
* rx was 135

Got off rower at 2:45 but it took me 5:15 to finish t2b. Capped after cleans. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

210 Russian Kettlebell Swings & 20 Hill Runs...

20-19-18-17-16-15-14-13-12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of Unbroken Russian Kettlebell Swings (53)
* 200M Run after each set (100M down hill and 100M back)
39:44 Rx
Max HR - 182
AVG HR - 16
210 Kettlebell Swings and 4000m of running.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 6x10 @ 38lbs

A-2 Barbell Curls - 6x10 @ 95lbs

B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 30lbs

B-2 Bent-over laterals - 3x8 @ 30lbs

4-0-1 tempo

Cash Out: Superset of:

Barbell Shrug - 5x5 @ 385lbs

Plate Curls 5x10 @ 45lbs

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Three rounds (Max Reps) Incline Bench & Bar Muscle Up...

3 Rounds For Max Reps:
Incline Bench Press (135)
Bar Muscle Ups
BP - 15-15-15 - 45 reps
MU - 6-6-6 - 18 reps
Cash Out:
Push Ups - 3x10
Hang High Pulls - 3x8 @ 75lbs
Avg HR - 130 / Max HR - 158 / 20:00 flat!

Saturday, October 21, 2017

20 Rep Squats...

Three sets of 20 with a four minute rest in between: 

 190x20 rest two minutes
 170x20 rest two minutes

Cash Out - Barbell Curls: 

1x100 @ 25lbs then, 60x5, 50x4, 40x3, 30x2, 20x1

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 6x10 @ 37lbs

A-2 Barbell Curls - 1x100 @ 45lbs (40x1, 10x6)

B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 40lbs

B-2 Bent-over laterals - 3x8 @ 40lbs

* 45lb Plate Carry in between each round

Cash Out: Superset of:

Barbell Shrug - 5x5 @ 365lbs

Plate Curls 5x10 @ 35lbs

Overhead Plate Raises 5x10 @ 25lbs

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 6x10,10,10,10,10,8 @ 186lbs
Cable Row - 6x10 @ 180lbs
DB Incline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 55lbs
Foot Elevated Inverted Row - 3x15

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Back Squat - 4 x 6...

Back Squat @ 4x6...

4 x 6 – around 75% of 1RM (Across) @ 260lbs
Then, 1 x 12 – Take 90% of 4 x 6 @ 235lbs
1x12 @ 235 is a 10lb PR from last week! 
“If the same depth, just below parallel, is used for every rep of every set, then you know that if your squat is going up you are getting stronger”.-Mark Rippetoe

Friday, October 13, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 6x10 @ 36lbs
A-2 Barbell Curls - 6x10 @ 95lbs

B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 40lbs
B-2 Bent-over laterals - 3x8 @ 40lbs

* 45lb Plate Carry in between each round.

Barbell Shrug - 10x5 @ 335lbs

Cash Out: Superset of:
Plate Curls 3x10 @ 45lbs
Overhead Plate Raises 3x10 @ 25lbs

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 6x 10,10,10,10,9,7 @ 186lbs

Cable Row - 6x10 @ 180lbs
Incline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 155lbs
Foot Elevated Inverted Row - 3x10
Cash Out: 2x Dumbell Rows @ 70lbs & 3x10 Push Ups on 10lb plate

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

20 Rep Squats...

Three sets of 20 with a four minute rest in between: 
 185x20 rest four minutes
 165x20 rest four minutes
 145x20  rest four minutes

I finished with 225lbs x 12 at the end. Two rep PR after 60 reps. 

Calf Raises - 5x10 @ 210lbs

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Arms/Shoulders...

A-1 Dips - 6x10 @ 35lbs

A-2 Dead Stop Hammer Curls - 6x10 @ 35lbs

B-1 Lateral raises - 3x8 @ 35lbs

B-2 Bent-over laterals - 3x8 @ 35lbs

* 45lb Plate Carry in between each round.

Barbell Shrug - 5x5 @ 315lbs

Cash Out: Superset of:

10 close push Ups 

10 Cable Biceps Pulldowns - 120, 140

* twice through 

“Macho Man”..

20 EMOM:

5 Push Press 95
10/8 Cal Bike
15 rounds plus 5 reps
When you fail rest a minute and get AMRAP
until the 20 minute mark. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

20 rep squats...

Three sets of 20 with a four minute rest in between:


rest four minutes
rest four minutes
140×20 reps
I finished with  ten reps at 225 after I finish my three sets.
Calf Raises - 5x10 @ 200lbs 

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Heavy German Volume Training - Chest/Back...

Bench Press - 6x10-9-8-8-6-6 @ 206lbs
Cable Row - 6x10 @ 180lbs
Incline Bench Press - 3x8 @ 150lbs
Foot Elevated Inverted Row - 3x10

Cash Out: 2x Dumbell Rows @ 65kbs & 3 Superman Push Ups

My bench press goal was 6×10 at 186lbs this morning. I thought the first set but felt heavy but I figured it was just me. Got 10-8-8-8-6-6 for a total of 46 reps. Then I realized that I used the 35s instead of the 25s. It was 206lbs not 186lbs. Goal was 60 reps @ 186lbs and I got 46 reps @ 206lbs #BeingAnIdiotForTheWin

Monday, October 2, 2017

20 rep squats...

Three sets of 20 with a four minute rest in between:


rest four minutes 


rest four minutes 

135×20 reps

I finished with 275×5 but they were all a little bit high not deep enough. Going forward I’m going try to get max reps at 225 after I finish my three sets