Monday, December 31, 2007


I went heavy today for 4 sets .

Goblet Squats - 40kg bell - 4 sets of 8 - 32 reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 225 lbs - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Double KB Row - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

I finished with:

Bent Over Lateral Raises - 12kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Heart Attack Cardio...

Today I did the following with as little rest as possible between sets:

Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 8 sets of 150 feet each
Burpees - 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps

Saturday, December 29, 2007

C & P Ladders, Chin Ups, Dips & Swings

Today I did ladders with the 28kg bell on the C & P, chin ups and dips. I did 3 ladders with 3 rungs on each ladder.

The 3 ladders looked like this:
C & P - L & R
1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps

I did the above 3 times.

There were 6 reps each ladder for a total of:

18 C & P reps left
18 C & P reps right
36 total C & P reps

I also did:
Dips @ my bodyweight - 9 sets of 5 - 45 reps
Chin Ups @ my bodywieght - 9 sets of 5 - 45 reps

I finished with:
Swings - 40kg bell - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

Friday, December 28, 2007

Core - Short

I did a very short core workout today as an active rest after my tough training yesterday.

My workout looked like this:

Gladiator - Bodyweight - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Medicine Ball Throws into Mat - 10 lb ball - 3 sets of 10
Overhead Squats with Broom Stick - 3 sets of 10
Back Extensions - Bodyweight - 3 sets of 10
Knee Inns - 3 sets of 15

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Full Body Blitz..

I felt strong today so I went at it pretty hard. After my full body circuit I had more in the tank so did some core work, farmers walks and snatches as a finisher.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 28kg bells - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps
Iron Cross - 20kg bells - 3 sets of 8 reps - 24 reps
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 3 sets of 8 reps - 24 reps
Double Suitcase Deadlifts - 28kg bells - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps

I finished with:

Hanging Leg Raises - 4 sets of 8 - 32 reps
Ab Wheel - 2 sets of 10 reps - 20 reps
Gladiator - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Farmers Walk - 40kg bells - 4 sets of 150 feet each
Snatch - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 30 reps

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Three 7's

Today I did 7 sets of 10 of three exercises for my whole body. All body weight exercises with almost no rest at all in between exercises and circuits. I did some body weight squats, push ups between two benches with my feet on a ball for better range of motion and chin ups and pull ups with different grips (neutral, under hand and over hand).

My training looked like this:

Chin Ups/Pull Ups - Body Weight- 7 sets of 10
Bench Push Ups w/ Feet on Ball - 7 sets of 10
Squats - Body Weight - 7 sets of 10

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Magic 50!

I got the following training from Ross Enamait's book - Infinite Intensity. It is a great strength endurance workout. I increased the bell size from Monday to 24kg on the snatches and 32kg on the swings.

I performed 5 circuits of the following:

5 snatches left -24kg bell
5 snatches right - 24 kg bell
5 swings left - 32 kg bell
5 swings right - 32kg bell
10 burpees
Rest 60 seconds and repeat!

The total is 50 snatches, 50 swings and 50 burpees....thus the Magic 50.

Sunday, December 23, 2007


I went heavy today for 4 sets of 5.

Goblet Squats - 40kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 225 lbs - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Row - 40kg bell - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Core - Short

I kept my training brief this morning after yesterday intense workout. I do not want to over do it and am trying to avoid over training.

My training looked like this today:

Hanging Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10
Gladiator - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 30 seconds each side
Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 5 each side
Medicine Ball Throws into Ground - 10lb ball - 2 sets of 15
Ab Wheel - 2 sets of 10
Windmill - 25lb barbell - 2 sets of 10 each side

Friday, December 21, 2007

C & P/Chinup Ladders & Dips

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the C & P and Chin up. I did 4 ladders with 5 rungs on each ladder.

The 5 ladders looked like this:

C & P - L & R then Chin Up

1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

I did the above 4 times.

There were 15 reps each ladder for a total of:

60 C & P reps left
60 C & P reps right
120 total C & P reps

60 total Chin Ups

I also did Dips @ my bodyweight - 20 sets of 5 - 100 reps

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 4 sets of 150 feet each

Thursday, December 20, 2007


My training looked like this today:

Windmills- 24kg bell - 5 reps each side
Ab Wheel - 15 reps
Gladiator - 16kg bell - 30 seconds each side

I went through the above circuit 3 times.

I finished with:

Turkish Get Ups - 16kg bell - 5 reps on each side

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I trained for strength today using 5 exercises to hit my whole body. I went a bit heavy for 2 sets of 10. I felt strong enough to get the 3 circuit but though it better to stop there. I have felt like that before and always regret it later because I pushed it too far.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
Double Suitcase DL's - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


In my core training I have been trying to hit as many muscles as possible. I am also trying to mix up the exercises and not do the same ones every session.

My training looked like this today:

Windmills- 24kg bell - 5 reps each side
Ab Wheel - 10 reps
Back Extensions - 16kg bell - 10 reps
Gladiator - 12kg bell - 30 seconds each side
Hanging Leg Raise - 10 reps

I did the above circuit 3 times

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Magic 50!

I got the following training from Ross Enamait's book - Infinite Intensity. It is a great strength endurance workout.

I performed 5 circuits of the following:

5 snatches left -16kg bell
5 snatches right - 16 kg bell
5 swings left - 16 kg bell
5 swings right - 16kg bell
10 burpees

Rest 60 seconds and repeat!

The total is 50 snatches, 50 swings and 50 burpees....thus the Magic 50.

It was actually kind of easy with the 16kg bell but I will continue moving up in weight to a bigger bell until it is a major challenge.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Squats, Incline Presses & Rows

My training looked like this today:

Goblet Squats - 40kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 resp
Smith Machine Incline press - 185lbs - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
One Arm Row - 40kg bell - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm

I finished with:

25 reps of bodyweight squats
25 push ups
25 partial rep chins

Saturday, December 15, 2007

5 Sets...

I focused on strength today with 3 major exercises doing 5 sets of each. At the end I finished with some swings with the 48kg bell.

My training looked like this:

Long Cycle C & P - 20kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Chin Ups - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Dips - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

I finished with:

Two Handed Swings - 48kg bell - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

Friday, December 14, 2007

Day Off...

I am flying back to Boston today from CA and am taking another day off from training.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


My training looked like this today:

Plank - 3o seconds
Gladiator - bodyweight - 30 seconds each side
Windmill - 18lb body bar - 5 reps each side

I did the above 4 times

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

300 Reps...

In CA at the hotel gym and had to improvise. Too many machines! I did some dumbbell goblet squats, push ups between two benches with my feet on a ball for better range of motion and medicine ball throws into the floor (sort of a standing pullover).

My training looked like this:

Goblet Squats - 50lb DB - 10 sets of 10
Bench Push Ups w/ Feet on Ball - 10 sets of 10
Medicine Ball Throws into Floor - 8lb ball - 10 sets of 10

300 total reps in about 25 minutes time.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Another Day Off!

Flew to Orange County, Ca this morning for work. Taking another day off from training. No need to push it.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Squats, Dips & Chins with Xvest

I did my training today while wearing a 40lb Xvest. I also held the 16kg bell in my hands while doing the goblet squats.

My training looked like this:

Goblet Squats - 40lb Xvest & 16kg bell -7 sets of 10 - 70 reps
Dips - 40lb Xvest - 7 sets of 5 - 35 reps
Chins - 40lb Xvest - 7 sets of 5 - 35 reps

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 150 feet each

I am going to California tomorrow for work and will be without kettlebells. I plan on mixing it up with free weight and bodyweight exercises.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Day Off!

I am taking today off from training.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

C & P/Chinup Ladders & Dips

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the C & P and Chin up. I did 4 ladders with 4 rungs on each ladder.

The 4 ladders looked like this:

C & P - L & R then Chin Up

1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps

I did the above 4 times.

There were 10 reps each ladder for a total of:

40C & P reps left
40 C & P reps right
80 total C & P reps

40 total Chin Ups

I also did Dips @ my bodyweight in sets of: 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,8,8,10,14,25 for 102 total reps

Friday, December 7, 2007

Split Snatches & Dips

I kept it short again today but tried to get a full body workout in with just two exercises. I did split snatches (snatch into a lunge) and dips. I supersetted both exercises for 10 sets each.

My training looked like this:

Split Snatch - 16kg bell - 10 sets of 5 each side- 50 reps each side
Dips - Bodyweight - 10 sets of 5 - 50 reps

Again, sometimes less is more. It seems weird to leave the gym when you still feel like you have a lot left in you but I think if I can avoid over training and rest more my body with thank me later.

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I trained my core this morning trying to hit it from all angles. I am starting to feel more flexible from the yoga and hopefully am strengthening the area around the herniated disk in my neck. I can not go back to that place (the pain) again.

My training looked like this:

Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 10
Ab Wheel Rollouts - 3 sets of 10
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 10
Slingshot - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 10

15 minutes and done! Sometimes a quick workout is great mentally.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Goblet Squats

My left forearm/wrist has been sore for a few days so I took it easy this morning. I did 6 sets of 10 of Goblet Squats with the 32kg kettlebell. Good strength and size workout with the added benefit of cardio as well. Some times it is best to keep it simple.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day Off!

I am taking today off from training.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Squat, Dips & Chins

I kept it simple this morning and did squats, dips and chins. Today was the first time I have done dips since March because of my herniated disk. It felt good but we shall see how it feels tomorrow.

My training looked like this:

Goblet Squats - 24kg bell - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Dips - Bodyweight - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Chins - Bodyweight - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps

Sunday, December 2, 2007

AOS Essentials Test & 5 Minutes of Snatches

Today I did the AOS Essentials Test twice and finished with 5 minutes of snatches. There was 17 minutes of total work done in a 20 minute time span. I went through the test once with the 20kg bell - rested 2 minutes - did it again with the 16kg bell - rested for one minute and finished with 5 minutes of snatches with the 16kg bell. Great total body strength-endurance workout!

My training looked like this:

Test Number 1 - 20kg bell - 6 minutes

2 Minute Rest

Test Number 2 - 16kg bell - 6 minutes

1 Minute Rest

5 Minute Snatch Test - 16kg bell - 85 reps

Saturday, December 1, 2007

EDT & Farmers Walks/Shrugs

After yesterdays yoga and a day off from training on Thursday I really wanted to get back to kettlebell training today. I am trying to keep my body guessing with the different training modalities while also trying to injury proof my body going forward by training from every angle.
In addition to wanting to be as strong as I can I also want to be flexible and injury resistant.

My training looked like this today:

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Renegade Row Squat Clean & Press - 20kg bells -4 sets of 4 - 16 total reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 185lbs -4 sets of 5 - 20 total reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Iron Cross - 20kg bells - 5 sets of 5 each arm - 25 total reps
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 5sets of 5 - 25 total reps

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 4 reps of 150 ft each
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 10 reps - 30 reps

Friday, November 30, 2007

Flow Yoga...

I did flow yoga again today and pushed it a bit further. I was able to get into a wheel with some help and really felt the stretch. It is amazing how difficult this is and how different it is from kettlebells.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Day Off!

I am taking a much needed day off from training today. I plan on doing flow yoga tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

"Providence" - Short

I did "Providence" this morning but altered it a bit. I did one minutes rounds with a 30 second rest in between rounds. This got increasingly more difficult as I got to the end of the workout with the limited rest. I finished with 3 minutes of snatches. I used the 16kg bell for all exercises.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I did some overhead squats today in my EDT training and focused on proper body alignment and full range of motion. I backed off on the weight a bit and completed more reps. The yoga and new exercises have my body very sore - but in a good way.

My training looked like this today:

First PR - 15 Minutes

Long Cycle C & P - 20kg bells - 30 reps
Overhead Squats - 16kg bell - 30 reps each side

5 Minute Rest

Second PR - 10 Minutes

Pull Ups - Body Weight - 40 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 48 reps

Monday, November 26, 2007

Core - Short

I have alot of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) from yesterday's yoga and obviously am working muscles that need the work. Hopefully my core strength and flexibility will improve dramatically over the next few months.

This morning I dis a very short (15 minutes) core workout focusing on keeping my movements tight and controlled.

My training looked like this:

Gladiators - Bodyweight - 30 seconds each side
Hanging Leg Raises - 8 reps
Windmills - 16kg bell - 5 reps each side
Super Plank - 10 reps
Punch Matrix - 10 reps
Figure 8/ Hold - 10 reps each direction
Slingshot - 10 reps each direction

I went through the above circuit twice.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Flow Yoga...

I took another flow yoga class this morning. I am going to try to do it at least once a week to strengthen my core and increase my flexibility. I find it alot harder than training with kettlebells and other traditional training methods. Especially for 90 continuous minutes.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


I did Anthony DiLuglio's "Providence" workout today with the 16kg bell. It was the first time I have done it in a long time and it felt good to train strength endurance as I have been training more for strength and size lately. I finished with 3 minutes of snatches and focused on a steady pace without rushing through the reps.

Going forward I am going try to do EDT twice a week, "Providence" and/or "Firepower " twice a week and also work core for at least a day a week. I am also trying to continue practicing yoga at least once a week.

I plan on going to another flow yoga class tomorrow. The room is heated to 120 degrees and it feels great to sweat out the toxins. It is not easy to say the least!

Friday, November 23, 2007

EDT - Power

In a effort to mix up my rep range in my training to train different types of muscle fibers I decided to go up in weight today and do fewer reps - more of a power training session.

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Renegade Row Squat Clean & Press - 28kg bells -5 sets of 2 - 10 total reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 195lbs -5 sets of 5 - 25 total reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Rotational Press - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Double High Pull - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 total reps

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Flow Yoga...

I practiced flow yoga today and loved it. I have never sweat more in my life and my muscles felt relaxed and stretched at the end!

Below is a class description:

"Flow Yoga covers a wide variety of yoga styles. Including; Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Bikram and Baptiste. It is a vigorous practice that strengthens the core muscles in the body, enhances flexibility, while encouraging deep concentration and focus. All Flow Yoga is practiced in a heated room. The heat encourages perspiration, which helps to detoxify and cleanse the body. The muscles respond to the heat by relaxing and allowing us to move deeper into a posture. Be prepared to sweat, and discover your inner strength"!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Full Body EDT & Farmers Walks/Shrugs

I wanted to get a good full body workout in today and try to hit all the major muscle groups. I find that the long cycle C & P's are one of the best full body exercises just by themselves and are even better when used as the base of a training program with other exercises added in for good measure. If you can find the right weight (not too light or heavy) then it is a great exercise for both strength and strength endurance.

My training looked like this today:

First PR - 15 Minutes

Long Cycle C & P - 24kg bells - 35 reps
Double Suitcase DL - 32kg bells - 35 reps

5 Minute Rest

Second PR - 10 Minutes

Chin Ups Ups - Body Weight - 35 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 32kg bells - 35 reps

I finished with 4 sets of farmers walks with the 32kg bells @ 150 feet each followed by 4 sets of 10 of shrugs with the 40kg bells. The farmers walks had my shoulders, traps and forearms screaming which made the shrugs that much harder.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Core & Balance...

I focuses on stretching and core movements today in an effort to find a balance in my training. I have been really pushing the weight training aspect and probably need to de-emphasize that for a bit to give my body a rest.

Today I did:

Turkish Get Up - 16kg bell
Windmill - 20kg bell & 28kg bell
Figure 8/Hold - 20kg bell
Slingshot - 20kg bell

I help my training to 15 minutes on purpose in the mantra of "less is more".

Monday, November 19, 2007


I was a bit sore from yesterday's yoga class and I worked muscles that I obviously do not hit during my regular training. I am going to try to take yoga once a week going forward.

I did another EDT session today mixing in my favorite combination KB exercise - the Renegade Row-Clean-Squat-Press. It is killer and pre-exhausted your whole body for the rest of the training. Good Stuff!

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Renegade Row Squat Clean & Press - 24kg bells - 4,4,4,4,2 - 18 total reps
Smith Machine Incline Press - 185lbs -5 sets of 5 - 25 total reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg bells - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 25 total reps

Sunday, November 18, 2007


In an effort to increase my flexibility and stretch my muscles I took a yogalates class at the gym. It is a combination of yoga and pilates that focuses on flexibility, core stability and strengthening, and balance.

I have a long way to go towards getting more flexible.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Strength Training & Drop Sets

I decided to train 3 sets of 5 exercises today in a more traditional training style. After my third set of each I dropped the weight and did a forth with no rest between the five exercises.

My training looked like this:

Smith Machine Incline Chest Press - 185lbs/8 reps , 205lbs/8 reps, 215lbs/8 reps - 24 reps
Iron Cross - 24kg bell - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Renegade Rows - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 5 each arm - 15 reps each arm
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Chin Ups - Body Weight - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps

Drop Set with no rest:

Smith Machine Incline Chest Press - 185/8 reps
Iron Cross - 20kg bells - 1 set of 8 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 1 set of 5 reps each arm
Double Cleans - 20kg bells -1 set of 8 reps
Chin Ups - 1 set of 8 reps

Friday, November 16, 2007

KB Circuit @ Punch Gym

This morning I drove to Punch Gym in Providence, RI (about 45 miles from my house) to do a circuit training class. The class was about an hour long and consisted of:

Suitcase DL
H2H Sumo DL
Push Ups (regular, walk over & triceps on bell)
Clean & Press
Push Press
Dragon Lunges
Russian Twists

There was also some rope training mixed in for good measure to mix it up. The rope I used was 50 get long and 3 inches thick. Not easy to get moving.

I was pretty happy with my strength-endurance as I felt better than I expected at the end.

When I got home my wife was headed to the gym with my 4 year olds so I decided to go with her mainly just stretch. Of course I ended up doing a little more than just stretching but focused on core movements.

I did:

Gladiators - body weight
Gladiators with body bar - 15, 18 & 22lbs
Medicine Ball Toss into floor mat - 3 sets of 10 each - 4, 8 and 10 lb ball

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Had another good workout today after doing some core work yesterday but mainly taking it easy otherwise. I plan on going Providence, RI tomorrow to Punch Gym to do a circuit KB training class. It has been a while since I have been there and am anxious to see how my strength-endurance holds up.

My training looked like this today:

First PR - 10 Minutes

Long Cycle C & P - 20kg bells - 30 reps
Triple Crush - 16kg bell - 30 reps

5 Minute Rest

Second PR - 15 Minutes

Chin Ups Ups - Body Weight - 65 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 28kg bells - 65 reps

I finished with 3 set of 10 of shrugs with the 40kg bells

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Short and sweet today. Mostly core and stretching exercises although I did some gladiators with the 20kg bell.

Windmill/Overhead Squat - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 5 each side
Gladiator - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 20 seconds each side
Hanging Leg Raises - 2 sets of 10
One Arm Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 5 each side
Child's Pose - 2 sets of 30 seconds
High Plank - 2 sets of 30 seconds
Slingshot - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each direction

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Anabolic Diet Goes Mainstream

If you have read this blog then you know that I have been following the "Anabolic Diet" for over 4 years with much success. Recently I ran across an article in Men's Health touting the TNT Diet which is basically the Anabolic Diet presented in a more mainstream manner. Funny how what was once viewed as strange, weird or extreme is getting great feedback from the general public...maybe because it works?
My only problem is that no credit is given to previous versions of the diet like the original "Anabolic Diet" or "Body Opus" - the reader is lead to believe that the authors are the ones who created this "groundbreaking" nutritional plan for separating carbs from protein and fat.

Attached is a link to the book -
( and a synopsis of the material contained within. Enjoy!
Book Description:
Hey, Guys! Want to trade your fat for muscle? It's finally possible, thanks to the Men's Health TNT Diet. TNT - or Targeted Nutrition Tactics - is a scientifically designed program that can be customized for any body, including yours. It's as easy as knowing what to eat, and when to eat it. So whether you have a lot of fat to lose or just a little, TNT has a plan to fit your goals. In fact, TNT works not only for the guy who wants to lose 50 pounds of flab but also for the guy who wants to trade 10 pounds of fat for 10 pounds of muscle. Just as important, the TNT diet significantly reduces the risk for heart disease and diabetes, a finding that's been scientifically proven in studies at the University of Connecticut. The results of these studies, which you'll read about inside, are amazing. The best part? The TNT Diet and accompanying exercise plan couldn't be simpler. In fact, throughout the book, you'll find out why you can:-Stop counting calories. The TNT Diet reprograms your appetite, allowing your own body to regulate the amount you eat. So you'll never feel like you're on a diet, even though you'll look like it. -Go back to enjoying the foods you love - like prime rib, omelets, and even butter. Through a revealing report, you'll see why fat - even saturated fat - isn't the dietary demon it's been made out to be. -Exercise just 90 minutes a week. Instead of exercising in the so-called fat-burning zone, you'll learn how to exercise in the carb-burning zone. This is the secret to making your workouts both shorter and more effective.So what's stopping you? The Men's Health TNT Diet provides all the tools you need to dramatically transform your body - both inside and out.


I did another EDT session this morning with combination KB exercises mixed in. It is a killer. I still could only get 15 reps on the row/clean/squat/press. They wipe me out!

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Renegade Row Squat Clean & Press - 24kg bells - 15 total reps
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 32kg bells -48 total reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Rotational Press- 24kg bells - 28 total reps
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 28 total reps

Monday, November 12, 2007

Core - Heavier Bells

I trained core today but used heavier bells than normal for Gladiators and Windmills. My training looked like this:

L Bridge - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps
Gladiator - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Windsheild Wipers - 3 sets of 5 reps each side - 30 reps
Windmills - 28kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 30 reps

The gladiators feel great with more weight! I am going to try to keep increasing the poundage as long as I feel comfortable.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

300 Reps For Time - With 40lb Xvest!

This morning I did the 300 reps for time test but added a curve: I wore my 40lb Xvest! I used the 16kg bell. The test looked like this:

25 jumping jacks
25 push ups
25 KB front squats (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 one hand swings (LEFT HAND)
25 bent over rows (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/ other hand)
25 snatches (Switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 figure 8's into hold.
25 presses (switch hands every 3 reps)
25 one hand swings (RIGHT HAND)
25 cleans (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
25 snatches (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
10 windmills (5 each side)
15 burpees

This was killer and really had me winded. The push ups, snatches and burpees were probably the hardest although the whole thing was hard. Towards the end I had to focus on my breathing which made me pace myself.

My time was 19:22 and I was VERY happy about the number. I also measured my heart rate at the end and it measured 161 BPM. My weight this morning was 168.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Here is a great photo of the Kettlebell Gladiator exercise!


Did a core/cardio circuit this morning. Tried to do three rounds of four exercises with no rest.
I felt pretty good. The gladiators are getting easier and I am doing them for 30 seconds per side. It is ALOT harder than it looks. Great for core stability!

My training looked like this:

Gladiator - Body Weight - 3 sets of 30 seconds each side
Pike/Cobra - 3 sets of 5
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 2 sets 0f 10 each direction/24kg bell - 1 sets of 10 each direction
Slingshot - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each direction/ 24kg bell - 1 set of 10 each direction

Thursday, November 8, 2007


I planned on doing 2 PR's of 15 ands 10 minutes respectively today but was wiped after the first 10 minutes of my first PR. The long cycle c & P's wiped me out and the triple crush didn't help. So, I decided to limit my first PR to 10 minute and make my second 15 minutes. I ended up completing the whole training session but am totally spent. I guess I pre-exhausted my whole upper body from my first PR and then proceeded to totally exhaust my muscles with the pull ups and incline presses. My wife and I are going away for the night Friday to Newport, RI(without the kids!) and I am looking forward to a day OFF from training Saturday!

My training looked like this today:

First PR - 10 Minutes

Long Cycle C & P - 24kg bells - 25 reps
Triple Crush - 16kg bell - 25 reps

5 Minute Rest

Second PR - 15 Minutes

Neutral Grip Pull Ups - Body Weight - 70 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 70 reps

Very intense workout!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I trained core this morning. My training looked like this:

Windmill - 24kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side
Saxon Side Bends - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side
Double Overhead KB Sit Up - 12kg bells - 3 sets of 5
Gladiator - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 10 seconds each side

I finished with:

Gladiator/Pike/Cobra - 3 sets of each without resting

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Push, Pull & Legs

I kept it simple this morning and mixed in some body weight exercises with a kettlebell exercise. I did 3 exercises consisting of a push, a pull and some double kettlebell deadlifts for legs.

My training looked like this:

Body Weight Rows - 4 sets of 20
Double KB Suitcase Deadlifts - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 5
Close Grip Push Ups on Kettlebell - 4 sets of 8

I got 9 hours of sleep last night but still feel fatigued. I plan on backing off on my intensity until I feel 100%.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Day Off...

I took my first day off from training today since October 22nd. I guess I have been over training!

It is hard to skip the gym but I figure it is better than having a hard time getting motivated to train. I can't wait to hit the bells again tomorrow!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

300 Reps For Time...

This morning I decided to do a test that was posted on The Art of Strength Forum - ( that consists of 300 total reps in as little time as possible. I used the 16kg bell for all the exercises except for the body weight ones (jumping jacks, push ups, etc)

It looks like this:

25 jumping jacks
25 push ups
25 KB front squats (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 one hand swings (LEFT HAND)
25 bent over rows (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/ other hand)
25 snatches (Switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 reps w/other hand)
25 figure 8's into hold.
25 presses (switch hands every 3 reps)
25 one hand swings (RIGHT HAND)
25 cleans (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
25 snatches (switch hands after 13 reps, and do 12 w/other hand)
10 windmills (5 each side)
15 burpees

I finished in 13:47. I am going to try to improve my time for a few weeks then move up to the 20kg bell.

After the test I did the following:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 4 reps @ 150 feet each
Hanging Leg Circles - 4 sets of 5 each direction
Gladiator - Body Weight - 4 set of 10 seconds on each side
L Bridge - 2 sets of 15 reps
Divebomber/Pike - 2 sets of 5

Saturday, November 3, 2007

EDT w/ Combination KB Exercises

I did another EDT training session this morning incorporating combination kb exercises and a few other exercises that involve rotational and multi-plane moves. My arms are shaking as I type this entry. Great workout!

PR One - 15 Minutes:

Renegade Row Squat Clean & Press - 24kg bells - 3/3/3/2/2/2 - 15 total reps
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 32kg bells -8/8/8/6/5/5 - 40 total reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Rotational Press- 24kg bells - 5/5/5/5/5 - 25 total reps
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 5/5/5/5/5 - 25 total reps

I plan on alternating this EDT workout with my other one that incorporates the Double Split Snatch Sots Press for at least a month and track my progress in terms of strength, size and strength-endurance.

Friday, November 2, 2007


I did more of a freestyle training session this morning without focusing on any one modality in particular. Nice to do once in a while.

My training looked like this:

Gladiator - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 10 seconds each side
Side Press- 20kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side
Hanging Leg Circles - 3 sets of 5 each direction
Farmers Walk - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 150 feet each
Squat Thrust - Body Weight - 3 sets of 10

I finished with:

Cobra/Pike - 2 sets of 5
L Bridge - 2 sets of 15

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Iron Beast Conditioning Promotional Trailer

Here is a trailer for a great new kettlebell DVD called "Iron Beast Conditioning" - Good Stuff!


I did an EDT workout today mixing in combination kettlebell exercises with body weight exercises.

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes

Double Split Snatch Sotts Press - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 3 each leg - 15 reps each leg
Weighted Chin Up - 20kg bell - 5 sets of 4 - 20 reps

5 minutes rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes

Push Up - 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps
Body Weight Squats - 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It has been a while since I just trained core. Today I mixed a few new exercises into my training.

L Bridge - 3 sets f 10
Gladiator - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 10 seconds each side
Windshield Wipers - 3 sets of 5 each direction
Windmills - 24kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Combination Kettlebell Lifts...

I purchased Greg Mihovich's DVD "Iron Beast Conditioning"and got some great ideas to mix up my training. You can check out his products at . One of the main things that I incorporated into today's training was the use of combination kettlebell lifts. As Greg puts it......"They tax your strength, conditioning, coordination and mental toughness". The last is definitely true as I was dying during my sets especially since I mixed two other exercises in with the combination lift.

My training looked like this today:

Rotational Floor Press - 20kg bells - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side
Renegade Rows into Squat Clean & Press - 20kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Double High Pull - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with the one set of the same exercises as above in went up one bell size. So I send with:

Rotational Floor Press - 24kg bells - 1 set of 5
Renegade Row into Squat Clean & Press - 24kg bells - 1 set of 5
Double High Pull - 20kg bells - 1 set of 10

This was one TOUGH workout. The combination lift killed me. The exercise is basically 4 exercises (renegade row, clean, squat, military press) done seamlessly from one exercise to another and then from one rep into another without resting. Good Stuff!

Monday, October 29, 2007


The Sox swept last night so I didn't end up going to Denver. Also, the Pats are on a roll - it is a great time to be a Boston sports fan!

I did "Firepower" this morning for the first time in a few months. It felt great to work on my strength-endurance. I did most of the exercises with the 16kg bells except for the alternating cleans which I still find hard.

I finished with 3 minutes of snatches with the 16kg bell.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

HOC & Core

I wanted to do a High Octane Cardio training session today but also wanted to mix in body weight exercises, core exercises and some shot training. It was a very diverse workout that flowed freely without much prior thought. After I warmed up my heart rate was pretty stead during my training and it made my core work more intense.

My training looked like this:

Warm up:

Snatches - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Slow Run - 1/4 mile - two sets

Then I did the following:

Body Weight Squats - 3 sets of 20 - 60 reps
Body Weight Side Lunges - 3 sets of 15 reps each side - 45 reps each leg
Windshield Wipers - 5 sets of 5 each direction - 25 reps each direction

I finished with the following:

Shot Training - 12lb shot

  • Low Toss
  • High Toss
  • Sling Shot
  • Lunge w/ High Toss

Body Weight Core Exercises

  • Gladiator
  • L Bridge
  • Reverse Russian Twists

I may not train tomorrow or Tuesday if the Red Sox lose tonight. I have a flight for Denver scheduled tomorrow morning and plan on getting tickets for game 5 of the world series.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Heavy Training - Power

I wanted to go heavy today to push the envelope.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 12 - 36 reps
Iron Cross - 28kg bell - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Renegade Rows - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 5 each arm - 15 reps each arm
Double Cleans - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Double Suitcase DL's - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps

Friday, October 26, 2007

Core & Double Racked Windmills

I tried a new core exercise today - Double Racked Windmills. Good Stuff! Clean two bells into the racked position and then press one to the top. Then do a windmill with the one at the top while holding the other in the racked position. It adds another dimension to windmills!

My training looked like this:

Double Racked Windmills - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 3 each side - 15 reps each side

Hanging Leg Raises - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 10 each direction - 50 reps each direction

I finished with 2 sets of Farmers Walks with the 32kg bells @ 150 feet each and 2 sets of Superman Poses for 15 seconds each.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Swiss Ball Incline Press - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Chin Ups - Bodyweight - 3 sets of 12 - 36 reps
See Saw Press - 20kg bells - 3 sets of 10 each arm - 30 reps each arm
Goblet Squat - 32kg bell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Behind the Back Shrugs - 48kg bell - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

* Use two hands to hold the bell behind you and shrug. Pretty simple but a different feel from a regular shrug.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I did another HOC workout this morning but skipped the running. Instead I kept it simple and did double snatches and farmers walks.

My training looked like this:

Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps
Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 8 sets of 150 feet each

My legs will probably be smoked tomorrow as DOMS sets into the muscles. The above combo is pretty stressful to your whole body but probably burns alot of calories. It is pretty cool to do multiple sets of farmers walks with the 40kg bells especially since I only weigh 170lbs.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Short Strength Workout...

Felt a bit tired this morning so I kept my training short. I took yesterday OFF but am still feeling the effects of the lack of sleep from "vacation" and staying up late watching the Red Sox.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 28kg bells -2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
Iron Cross - 24kg bell - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps
Renegade Rows - 28kg bells -2 sets of 5 - 10 reps
Double Cleans - 28kg bells - 2 sets of 5 - 10 reps
Double Suitcase DL's - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps

I plan on doing another HOC - Snatch and Run - training session tomorrow.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

High Octane Cardio

I did a high octane cardio training session this morning to increase my fat burning and work on my strength endurance. It consisted to a set of 10 snatches with each arm with the 16kg bell immediately followed by a 1/4 mile easy run.

My training looked like this:

Snatches - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 10 each arm - 50 reps each arm - 100 reps

Alternated with:

Run - 1/4 mile - 5 times

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 8 sets of 150 feet each
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Strength Endurace..

This morning I was happy to get back to kettlebell training after about 10 days off. I did a training session with 4 exercises trying to rest as little as possible between sets. After being on vacation and not training with kettlebells I need to step up my strength endurance and fat burning.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses -24kg bells - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
Chin Ups - Bodyweight - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 12 - 36 reps
Sumo Squats - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 15 reps - 45 reps

Friday, October 19, 2007

BFL - Upper

Today's training looked like this:

Incline Machine Press:
170lbs x 12
180lbs x 10
190lbs x 8
200lbs x 6
170lbs x 12
Pec Dec: 100lbs x 12

Upright Row:
50lbs x 12
60lbs x 10
70lbs x 8
80lbs x 6
50lbs x 12
Should Press: 100lbs x 12

Cable Curl:
70lbs x 12
80lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
100lbs x 6
70lbs x 12
Underhand Pulldown: 140lbs x 12

70lbs x 12
80lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
100lbs x 6
70lbs x 12
Reverse Curl: 40lbs x 12

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Back & Legs....

I took yesterday OFF and went to Sea World with the family. Great time but it was almost 90 degrees and a killer with 4 kids.

Today is my little ones (Jack, Justin & Jaiden) 4th Birthday!

My training looked like this today:

120lbs x 12
130lbs x 10
140lbs x 8
150lbs x6
120lbs x 12
Cable Row: 100lbs x 12

Prisoner Squats:
4 x 10
1 x 20

Dragon Walks:
4 x 10 each leg
1 x 20 each leg

I finished with one set of 50 prisoner squats. If you want to test your strength endurance try sets of 50 with the prisoner squats. My legs were shaking and my heart was racing! Good times!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

BFL - Upper

I took yesterday OFF and went to Walt Disney World with the family. Good time!

Today's training looked like this:

Incline Machine Press:
130lbs x 12
150lbs x 10
180lbs x 8
200lbs x 6
150lbs x 12
Pec Dec: 100lbs x 12

Shoulder Machine Press:
70lbs x 12
80lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
100lbs x 6
80lbs x 12
Cable Upright Row: 50lbs x 12

Cable Curl:
70lbs x 12
80lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
100lbs x 6
70lbs x 12
Underhand Pulldown: 140lbs x 12

50lbs x 12
70lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
100lbs x 6
70lbs x 12
Reverse Curl: 40lbs x 12

Sunday, October 14, 2007

BFL - Legs & Back

Goblet Squats:
60lbs x 12
70lbs x10
80lbs x 8
90lbs x 6
60lbs x 12
Smith Machine Squats: 135lbs x 12

One Leg DL
35lbs x 10/10
40lbs x 8/8
45lbs x 6/6
35lbs x 10/10
Sumo DL: 35lbs x 12

135lbs x12
150lbs x 10
165lbs x 8
180lbs x 6
135lbs x 12
DB Snatch: 35lbs x 12/12

Friday, October 12, 2007

BFL - Upper Body

I am in Florida and do not have access to KB's so I am going to do a "Body for Life" style workout this week.

Today's training looked like this:

Chest Press Machine:
165lbs x 12
180lbs x 10
195lbs x 8
210lbs x 6
165lbs x 12
Smith Machine Incline Press: 135lbs x 12

Sitting DB Shoulder Press:
30lbs x 12
40lbs x 10
50lbs x 8
60lbs x 6
40lbs x 12
Iron Cross: 25lbs x 12

I did a superset of biceps and triceps-

Chin Ups (Body Weight):
Set of 12
Set of 10
Set of 8
Set of 6
Set of 12
Alt Hammer Curl: 25lbs x 12

Rope Press Downs:
80lbs x 12
85lbs x 10
90lbs x 8
95lbs x 6
80lbs x 12
Kickbacks: 20lbs x 12

Thursday, October 11, 2007

KB Circuit

I did a short KB circuit this morning. I am leaving for Florida today for business/family vacation and will not have kettlebells to train. My triplets 4t birthday is next Thursday and we will be at the Magic Kingdom so it should be great! I plan on doing "Body for Life" type training next week.

Today's training looked like this:

Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Split Snatch - 16kg bell - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Bent Over Lateral Raise - 12kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Chin Up - Body Weight - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Close Grip KB Push UP - 4 sets of 8 - 32 reps

I finished with:

Jump Squats - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Calf Raises - 40kg bells - 1 sets of 15 reps

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

High Rep Snatches & Core

I wanted to do a high octane cardio session and had not done high rep snatches in a while so I did 200 snatches with the 16kg bell. I plan on working snatches back in at least once a week to keep my strength-endurance where it needs to be. I have increased my body weight up to about 178lbs from a low of 152lbs in about 10 weeks. Most of that is from eating A LOT more and being able to train at full strength following my recovery from the herniated disk in my neck.

Also I have been really focus on strength training without worrying about strength-endurance and/or circuit training. I am going to mix that back in a bit to keep my strength to strength-endurance ratio as level as possible.

Snatches - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 20 each arm - 100 reps each arm - 200 total reps

I finished with the following:

Hanging Leg Raises

"Shot" Training - 12lb shot
  • Hot Potato
  • High Toss
  • Low Toss
  • Lunge w/High Toss

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

High Volume...

Today I repeated the exercises that I did last Friday with the heavier bells for triples but instead dropped the weight and did higher reps - between 8 and 15 per exercise. I find that after you complete the exercise with the heavy weight for low reps it is physiologically easier to drop the weight a bit and increase the reps because you have built a base of confidence that you can handle the work.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
Iron Cross - 20kg bell - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Renegade Rows - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
Double Suitcase DL's - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps

I added up the weight I lifted in terms of pounds and on the "Heavy Triples" day. I lifted a total of 6072lbs of weight. Not much but tough because there was a lot of double 40kg work - lifting 176lbs for reps at a body weight of 170.

Today because I lowered the weight I got more reps - the total was 15311 lbs. Almost a three fold increase. I love the idea of cycling the intensity to give your body a "rest" and keep it guessing.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Day Off...

Today I did not train. Much needed rest.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


Today I did a freestyle workout. I intended to train just core but felt like adding a few other exercises in just for variety. I plan on taking tomorrow OFF from training.

I did the following in no particular order:

Hanging Leg Raises
Hanging Pikes
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg & 20kg bell
Slingshot - 16kg & 20kg bells
Windmill - 16kg & 20kg bells
Superman Pose
Dragon Walks
Hand to Hand Cleans - 12kg, 16kg & 20kg bells
Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg & 20kg bells
Hot Potato - 16kg & 20kg bells
Child's Pose
Bent Over Lateral Raises - 12kg bells
Swiss Ball Bent Over Lateral Raises - 8kg bells

I feel like my posterior deltoids are the one muscle group that does not get enough direct work from kettlebell training. I am going to make it a point to train them directly on a more consistent basis.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

'300" for Strength

After yesterdays low volume heavy training I wanted to use a medium poundage for high reps. I built it around the '300' test from Gym Jones ( but did not focus on amount of time until completion. I focused on quality reps and doing a full body workout.

My training looked like this:

Split Snatch - 16kg bell - 8 sets of 5 each arm - 40 reps each arm - 80 total reps
Chin ups - Bodyweight - 8 sets of 10 - 80 total reps
Bench Pullovers - 20kg bell - 8 sets of 10 - 80 total reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 6 sets of 10 reps - 60 total reps

My total body is fried and am having trouble typing this as my arms feel the most fatigued they have ever been. Give this one a try and let me know how it works for you!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Heavy Triples....

I got my new bells yesterday to totally complete my set. The new ones are a 40kg, 28kg and 20kg. I now have two of EVERYTHING. I decided to go heavy today for low reps.

My training looked like this"

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 3 - 9 reps

(I wanted to try the 40kg bells but was having trouble getting them up for the first rep. Plus I did not want to burn out my upper body for the rest of my training. )

Iron Cross - 28kg bell - 3 sets of 3 - 9 reps
Renegade Rows - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 3 - 9 reps
Double Cleans - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 1 - 3 reps
Double Suitcase DL's - 40kg bells - 3 sets of 3 - 9 reps

I finished with 2 sets of Farmers Walks with the 40kg bells - 150 feet each

Heavy training definitely is a blow to your Central Nervous System as your body has to adjust to the increased load. I am going to try to mix in heavy singles, doubles and triples once or twice every two weeks to keep my body guessing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


I trained core today and tried to keep it short.

Russian Twists - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each direction
Slingshot - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each direction
Hanging Leg Raise - 2 sets of 8
Plank - 2 sets of 30 seconds each
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each direction

I also find that Overhead Squats and One Leg Deadlifts are great core exercises especially at the end of a workout after you have pre-exhausted your core muscles.

I finished with:

OH Squats - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 3 each side
One Leg Deadlift - 24kg bell - 2 sets of 3 each side

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Snatches & Pushups

I was still tired this morning form Monday night's lack of sleep (I got about 4 hours sleep) and was not really motivated to train. I kept it short and did more of a cardio/circuit training session. My total training time was about 15 minutes.

Snatches - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 10 each arm - 50 reps each arm
Push Ups - 5 sets of 10

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day Off...

I did not train today after 7 strait days without a day off. I needed a rest. Back at it tomorrow!

Monday, October 1, 2007


I trained core today mixed in a few exercises that I do not regularly do (Double Windmill & Overhead Squat). I find that O.H. Squats are great for ab and core work as well and working the hamstrings. The Double Windmill adds another dimension to the stretching of the obliques and hip flexors.

My training looked like this:

Hanging Pikes - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each arm - 15 reps each arm
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 10 each direction - 30 reps each direction
Double Windmill - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 5 each arm - 15 reps each arm
Ab Wheel - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Over Head Squats - 16kg bell - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Plank - 4 sets of 30 seconds each - 2 minutes total

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Swiss Ball Training & Strength

I did some Swiss Ball training this morning to work my core and to pre-exhaust my upper body before I finished with Smith Machine Incline Presses and Chin ups. Pre-exhaustion works great as long as you only do it once and a while.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Training:

See Saw Presses - 16kg bells - 2 sets of 8 each arm - 16 reps each arm
Diagonal Snatch - 16kg bell - 2 sets of 8 each arm - 16 reps each arm
Pullovers - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps
Triple Crush - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps
"The Ax" - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps

Then I finished with:

Smith Machine Incline Presses -
185lbs - 8 reps
185lbs - 8 reps then drop to 135lbs immediately for more 8 reps

Chin ups - Body weight - 3 sets of 12 - 36 reps

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Strength - 250 total reps

I focused on sets of ten today and tried to hit my whole body. My legs and wrists/forearms of all things were sore this morning from yesterday's training. I think it was from the 32kg windmills and 32kg Figure 8/Hold. Obviously, the additional weight was enough to cause a training overload and fatigue my muscles. Also, the rotational force of the 32kg bell on the Figure 8/Hold really stressed the muscles of my forearms and wrists. Good stuff!

My training looked like this today:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps
Renegade Rows - 24kg bells - 5 sets of 5 reach arm - 25 reps each arm
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps
Sumo Squat - 24kg bell - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps
Shrugs/Hammer Strength - 360lbs - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps

I ordered another 20kg bell, 28kg bell and 40kg bell yesterday. Now I have doubles of everything except the 48kg bell. I am looking forward to increasing the weight on my double kb training!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Core - Heavy - From All Angles

I training core today but decided to go a bit heavy. I used the 32kg bell for some of my exercises. I had never done figure 8/hold with that much weight. It is a commitment for sure. I kept my reps pretty low and tried to hit my core from every angle.

My training looked like this:

Windmills - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 3 reps each side - 12 reps each side
Hanging Pikes - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Back Extensions - 16kg bell - 4 sets of 8 reps - 32 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 reps each direction - 20 reps each direction

Thursday, September 27, 2007

4 Sets of 10

I decided to do four sets of ten for most of my exercises today (except shoulder presses - do not want to push it). I have been doing 5 sets of 5 and 3 sets of 15 so I want to keep my body guessing. I also mixed in two new exercises: The Swiss Ball Incline Chest Fly & Alternating Hang Clean & Presses.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Chest Fly - 16kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Chin Ups - Body Weight - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Alternating Hang C & P - 4 sets of 5 each arm - 20 reps each arm
Goblet Squat - 24kg bell - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Shrugs - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Shot Training and C & P/Snatch the 40kg bell!

I felt strong this morning so I decided to try pressing and snatching the 40kg bell. It went up pretty easy. I am still a long way off from "The Beast" but I will get it eventually.

Then I did some shot training with the 12lb shot.

I did the following:

High Toss
Low Toss
Hot Potato
High Step
Squat w/ Hot Potato
Lunge w/ Hot Potato
Lunge w/ High Toss
Sit Up w/ Hot Potato
Get Up Sit Up

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Michelle & Toby Keith

Our (my wife and I) good friend Michelle got to meet her favorite singer Toby Keith last week at his concert in Massachusetts. Here is her picture with him for all to see!

Higher Volume...

I decided to do a higher volume workout this morning trying for 15 to 20 reps on some exercises. I still had to keep my reps low on overhead presses because of the lack of flexibility in my right shoulder.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
See Saw Presses - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 8 each arm - 24 reps each arm
Chin Ups - Body Weight - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
Swings - 32kg bell - 3 sets of 20 reps - 60 reps

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day Off...

I am taking another day off from training today. I am feeling a bit beat up and need to rest.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Double, Triples & Drop Sets

I decided to do some compound exercises for low reps with heavy weight. I focused on leg movements and whole body training (Goblet Squats and Double Cleans) to get the most muscles involved in pushing the iron around today. After 5 sets I dropped the weight and continued until 10 sets were completed.

My training looked like this:

Super set of the following -

Goblet Squats - 48kg bell - 5 sets of 2
40kg bell - 1 set of 3
32kg bell - 1 set of 4
28kg bell - 1 set of 5
24kg bell - 1 set of 6
20kg bell - 1 set of 7 -10 total sets for 35 total reps

Dead (from the floor) Double Cleans - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 3
24kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 10 total sets for 40 total reps

I finished with a super set of the following:

Hanging Leg Raises - 5 sets of 10

Bottoms Up Clean - 20kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each arm - 15 reps each arm
24kg bell - 1 set of 5 each arm - 5 reps each arm
28kg bell - 1 set of 5 each arm - 5 reps each arm for a total of 52 reps each arm

Saturday, September 22, 2007

EDT - 25 Minutes Total

After yesterday's off from training I felt great this morning and decided to do EDT again. I( did some KB pullovers on a Swiss Ball for the first time to mix up my chest training. It felt good and I got a great stretch. After I completed my EDT training I finished up with some farmers walks and sets of "The AX".

Also, my strength is back to 100% and I am at about 170lbs body weight with a body fat % of between 8 & 9%. Good Times!

My training looked like this:

First PR - 15 Minutes
KB Swiss Ball Pullover - 20kg - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps
Chin Ups- 20kg bell - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps

2 Minute Rest

Second PR - 10 Minutes
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Goblet Squat - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 sets

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 150 feet each walk - 4 times
"The Ax" - 20kg bell - 5 sets of 5 reps - 25 reps

Friday, September 21, 2007

No Training Today!

I took another day off from training today! Back at it tomorrow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

EDT - 25 Minutes Total

I have not done Escalating Density Training (EDT) in a while so.....

PR One - 15 Minutes

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Chin Up - Body weight - 5 sets of 8 - 40 reps

2 minute rest

Pr Two - 10 Minutes

Split Snatch - 20kg bell - 4 sets of 3 each arm - 12 reps each arm
Jump Shrug - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Kettlebell Woodchop

I trained my core today and worked in some "Wood Choppers" which I someone posted on the art of strength forum in response to my post about "The Ax". It is a great rotational core exercise that I will work into my training.


My training looked like this today:

KB Wood Chop - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side
Saxon Side Bend - 12kg bell - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 10 each direction - 30 reps each direction
The Ax - 1 set of 5 w/24kg bell, 1 set of 5 w/28kg bell, 1 set of 5 w/32kg bell, 1 set of 5 w/40kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Strength & "The Ax"

I went heavier with my incline chest presses (32kg bell) than I have in almost 6 months for the first time today! Finally feeling like I am back to almost 100%.

I also tried a new exercise - I call it "The Ax". I have seen people use a medicine ball and do a chopping motion from between their legs and over their head like they are chopping wood. I decided to try that using a kettlebell. It is basically a two handed snatch with the handle of the bell facing forward. You snatch the bell overhead then forcefully bring it back down between your legs as you load your hamstrings - then repeat! Pretty cool! Maybe someone else is doing it with a kettlebell but I have not seen it before. Give it a try.

My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
The Ax - 24kg bell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
See Saw Presses - 24kg bells - 5 sets of 5 each arm - 25 reps each arm
Two Hand Swing - 24kg bell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 each arm - 25 reps each arm

Monday, September 17, 2007

Day Off!

I am taking a much needed day off from training today.

It has been over a week since my last day off and I took my 8 year old son to the Red Sox game last night and am beat. Jared (who is a Yankees fan - do not get me going) got a ball at batting practice from a Yankee player and was pumped! Then we got a foul ball during the game that the guy next to me missed. Good night overall. Not to mention staying up to watch the Patriots put a beat down on the San Diego Chargers!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

325 Reps!

My legs were pretty smokes from yesterday's double cleans so I took it easy on legs today.

I decided to do 5 sets of 5 today in increasing weight but felt strong so after I completed my 5 sets I dropped the weight and did another 5 sets with a lower weight. After I did my compound exercises (Incline Presses, Renegade Rows & Goblet Squats). I finished with Hanging Pikes, Double Shrugs and Reverse Shrugs (one bell - hands behind your back and pull towards your ears) - 325 total reps and a great workout. I am planning on taking 2 days off this week to rest starting with tomorrow.

Training looked like this:

Smith Machine Incline Presses (partial reps) - 5 sets of 5 - 185lbs, 205lbs, 225lbs, 245lbs, 265lbs - then 5 sets of 5 with 135lbs for each set - 10 sets of 5 total - 50 total reps

Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - then 5 sets of 5 with the 24kg bells - 10 sets of 5 total per arm - 100 total reps

Goblet Squat - 28kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - then 5 sets of 5 with the 24kg bell - 10 sets of 5 total - 50 total reps

As I finisher I did the following circuit:

Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 total reps
Shrugs - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 10 - 50 total reps
Reverse Shrugs - 5 sets of 10 - 50 total reps

Saturday, September 15, 2007

4 sets of 10

I decided to do just two exercises today for 4 sets of 10 - a short training session.

It looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Long Cycle Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps

The double cleans were hard especially after tiring my chest, shoulders and tri's with the presses. I am planning to work this type of workout into my training (just two compound movement exercises) and eventually work up to 10 sets of 10.

Friday, September 14, 2007

KB Circuit - Core Work & Swiss Ball KB Work

I mixed it up this morning doing a short kb circuit then some core work and finishing with some snatches while sitting on the Swiss Ball. It was a good all around training session.

My training looked like this:

KB Circuit
Clean & Press - 24kg bell - 2 sets of 5 each arm - 10 reps each arm
Chin Up - 2 sets of 5 - 10 reps
Snatch - 2 sets of 5 each arm - 10 reps each arm
KB Push up - 2 sets of 5 each side - 10 reps each side

Core Work
Hanging Leg Raises - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Back Extensions - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Windmills - 20kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side

Swiss Ball KB Work
Double Snatch - 12kg bells - 2 sets of 8 - 16 reps
Diagonal Snatch - 12kg bell - 2 sets of 5 each arm - 10 reps each arm

Thursday, September 13, 2007

2 sets of 12..

I have been doing sets of 5 recently and decided to mix it up a bit. This morning I did 2 sets of 12 reps with the same weight that I would use for 5 reps. At the end of my kettlebell training I did some high toss lunges with a 12lb shot put. Check out for more info.

Swiss Ball Incline Presses - 24kg bells - 2 sets of 12 - 24 reps
KB Row - 32kg bell - 2 sets 0f 12 reps - 24 reps
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 2 sets of 12 reps - 24 reps
Goblet Squat - 20kg bell - 2 sets of 12 reps - 24 reps
High Toss Lunge - 12lb shot - 2 sets of 12 reps each leg - 24 reps each leg

All of the training focused on strength except for the high toss lunges with the shot - which is more of a cardio/flexibility exercise.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Kettlebell/Swiss Ball Training

Many thanks to Bob Russo on the Art of Strength forum ( for inspiring this workout. He asked me about the presses I do with kb's on the Swiss Ball and it gave me the idea of doing a whole training session on the ball. All of the exercises done below were completed sitting on the ball.

The following was done in a circuit with 3 passes completed -

Diagonal Snatch - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side
Triple Crush - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 8 - 24 reps
See Saw Presses - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 8 each side - 24 reps each side
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Alternating Chest Press w/ Static Hold @ Top - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side

I finished with a super set of:

Double Swiss Ball Snatches - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

This was a very intense workout and something I will be doing more on a regular basis going forward.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bodyweight Ladders...

I wanted to back off on my intensity this morning and did not have much time so I decided to do two ladders of 5 rungs with two body weight exercises - chin ups and alternating kb push ups (one hand on bell).

My training looked like this:

Chin ups - 1,2,3,4,5 - 15 reps total
Alt KB Push ups - 1,2,3,4,5 - 15 reps total

I did the above twice for a total of 30 chin ups and 60 push ups.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

5 Sets of....

I did another workout of 5 sets but did sets of 8 on some exercises. My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball KB Inc Press - 24kg bells - 5 sets of 8 - 40 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps each side
Double KB Snatch - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 8 - 40 reps
Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 150 feet

I finished with 5 sets 8 of Hanging Pikes

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Stretching & Core...

I just did some stretching and core exercises this morning as an active rest. I have not taken any time off in about a week but felt like doing something.

I did the following in no particular order:

Windmill - 16 kg bell
Child's Pose
Downward Dog
Punch Matrix
Saxon Side Bend
Hand to Hand Cleans - 12 & 16kg bell

Friday, September 7, 2007

Fabiana's 40th Birthday!

Today is my wife's 40th Birthday! I want to thank her for being a great wife, mother and best friend! I love you Fab.

Today's Training...

I mixed it up today and had a good workout. Doing the following training in the order I did it wiped me out today. The squats tired my legs for the cleans ....which made the split snatches that much more difficult. I need to back off a bit for a few days. My CNS feels fried.

Smith Machine Incline Presses - 155lbs x 5, 175lbs x 5, 195lbs x 5 - 15 reps
KB Goblet Squat - 20kg bell - 3 sets of 15 - 45 reps
Long Cycle Double KB Cleans - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
KB Split Snatch - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side

Thursday, September 6, 2007


In an effort to hit my core from all angles I did a varied core workout today. My training looked like this:

Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Back Extensions - 5 sets of 10 - 50 reps
Saxon Side Bends - 8kg bell - 5 sets of 5 each side - 25 reps each side
Slingshot - 16kg bell - 5 sets of 10 reps each direction - 50 reps each direction

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Strength - 4 Sets of 5

I increased the weight on some of my exercises today but still am having trouble with the presses if I try the 32kg bells. I will just be patient and let it get stronger gradually.

I like the goblet squats alot because I tend to keep my back more upright then front squats. For a goblet squat you hold the bell upside down like you are holding a goblet and while keeping your elbows tucked to your sides you squat down until your elbows are inside your knees.

Swiss Ball Incline Press - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps each side
Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Goblet Squats - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps
Sumo Squats - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 reps

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Rope Training...

I did some rope training today. This was my first real training session with the rope. I did a minute per exercise with a 30 second rest in between exercises. I only did one pass through the circuit today but plan on doing multiple passes going forward as well as adding time per exercise.

I did the following today:

Double Wave
Alternating Wave
Circle Wave
Double Side Wave
In & Out Wave
Angled Wave

My arms felt great after the training and my wind was a bit short. I am looking forward to stretching this training out a bit.

A short video/description of each exercise can be found at

Monday, September 3, 2007

3 Sets of 5

I decided to back off on my intensity a bit and did 3 sets of 5. I want to mke sure I do not over do it and pace myself. My training looked like this:

Swiss Ball Incline Press - 24kg bells - 3 sets of 5 -15 reps
See Saw Press - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Goblet Squats - 20kg bell x 5, 24kg bell x 5, 28kg bell x 5 - 15 reps
Two Handed Swings - 40kg bell - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps
Split Snatch - 16kg bell - 3 sets of 5 each side - 15 reps each side
Shrug - 32kg bells - 3 sets of 5 - 15 reps

Sunday, September 2, 2007


Felt good this morning except for some soreness in my chest and shoulders. But it was a good soreness not pain. I did a quick core workout.

It looked like this:

Slingshot - 24kg bell - 10 times each direction - 20 reps
Windmill - 24kg bell - 3 reps each side - 6 reps
Get Up Sit Up - 16kg bell -3 reps each side - 6 reps
Hanging Pikes - 5 reps
Planks - 30 seconds

I did the above 3 times with no rest between exercises or circuits except to switch exercises.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Strength - 5 Sets of 5

Today I felt great after training light all week and taking a few days off! I am pain free as of now and am hopeful to feel that way tomorrow. My strength is increasing in my chest and am adding weight on presses. I am trying to increase my weight in my lifts and focus on gaining about 10 pounds in the next few months.

My schedule seems to be working with 3 days a week devoted to strength training - 2 days of core and 2 days off for rest.

My training looked like this:

Incline Smith Machine Press - 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs, 175lbs, 185lbs - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Swings - 48kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps each side
Iron Cross - 16kg bells x 5, 16kg bells x5, 24kg bells x 5, 24kg bells x5, 16kg bells x5 - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 5 times - 150 ft each - 750 feet total
Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Snatches - 20kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 50 reps

Friday, August 31, 2007

New Kettlebell Info Magazine...

Attached is a link to another issue of Kettlebell Info Magazine. Enjoy!

RKC vs AKC...

I wanted to re post a review I did in May of the certification for the American Kettlebell Club. I was planning on going to the RKC in June but had to postpone it because of my disk injury in my neck. I still have my intention to go to the RKC listed on my site so once in a while I get questions on why I did not attend and if it because I like the AKC style better.

Here is my post:

"I have been lazy in posting my review of the Amercian Kettlebell Certification but will now summarize my thoughts.I thought it was very informative. It focused mainly on training for GS events but brought along alot of practical applications that I can use in my training. The focus was on the one arm jerk, the long cycle jerk, and the snatch. The three exercises are the staple of a GS event and I believe it is important to get proper instruction if competing is one of you main goals.

One of the reasons I went was because I am interested in competing in GS as ONE of my motivations for training. I also want to have the knowledge to pass along to clients that I may train in the future who want to compete in GS and increase their numbers.But I also do agree that there can be two styles of kettlebell lifting. GS aims for efficiency in the lifts for better results where I believe the RKC style if better suited for strength and size results because efficiency is not the main goal but the intensity of the training. I think that the RKC style better suits my personality and main goal for training.

I am aiming for a strong as I look body as a priority while "the numbers" are secondary.I would like to get to about 175lbs while maintaining a body fat level of about 8%. Neither of these things have much relevance to GS training. I also enjoy the multitude of KB lift available to me on a daily basis and enjoy mixing up my training very often.

This is the main thing that attracted my to kettlebell lifting in the first place and is why I love it so much.I hope in the future that all the different camps of kettlebell training can come together to unite so our "sport" can be broadcast to the world as the best tool for strength & conditioning available"!

I still fell this way and can appreciate both sides of the argument. There are many ways to train. I think that a person needs to find the system that best fits BOTH their goals and personality/training style. If you are not enjoying your training or seeing the results that you want then you may stop training all together. Whatever motivates you to get better is a good thing in my book. One of my favorite quotes is "you are either improving or regressing - there is no maintaining".

Another Day Off..

I am taking another day off after returning from CA. I am looking forward to returning to training tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Last few days...

I did not have access to a computer for the last few days. Here is my training.

Tuesday 8/28 - Core Work

Windmills - 18lb body bar
TGU's - 18lb body bar
Russian Twists - 16kg bell
Plank - 30 seconds
Side Plank - 30 seconds each side

I did the above 5 times

Wednesday 8/29 - Modified Providence

I did the "Providence" workout from Anthony Diluglio with the training portion being about a minute with almost no rest in between - about 15 seconds.

Thursday 8/30 - Day Off

I am flying home tonight on the red eye and need to take some time off.

Monday, August 27, 2007

16kg Circuit Training

I got my 16kg Ader bell last night and used it this morning at the hotel gym. I have not training for strength-endurance in over a week do I did a circuit today. My training looked like this:

Clean & Press - 5 reps each side - 5 rounds - 50 total reps
Snatch - 5 reps each side - 5 rounds - 50 total reps
Alternating Walk Over KB Push Up - 5 reps each side - 5 rounds - 50 total reps

I finished with 5 sets of 3 reps of windmills - 15 each side - 30 total reps

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Off Day...

I am taking today off from training. I am in Southern California for business until Friday morning and will try to train all week but am thinking of taking a few more days off as I have been pushing it lately.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Strength Again....

I did another heavy workout today as I am leaving on business to CA for a week. I will have access to a 16kg bell not not much else.

I wanted to go heavy again before I rest fora few days next week. My training looked like this:

Incline Smith Machine Press - 135lbs, 145lbs, 155lbs, 165lbs, 175lbs - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Swings - 48kg bell - 5 sets of 5 25 reps
Renegade Rows with Push Up - 32kg bells - 5 sets of 5 25 reps each side
Pec Dec - 180lbs - 3 sets of 6 - 18 reps
Cable Flys - 50lbs,60lbs,70lbs - 3 sets of 6 - 18 reps

I finished with Hanging Pikes for 10 sets of 5.

Friday, August 24, 2007

My Bells & Rope @ Home!

I keep most of my kettlebells at my local gym but have some at home. Attached is a picture of them with my new 30 foot rope. Tried some rope training this morning. It is a great cardio workout and alot harder to sustain the speed that you would think.

Strength Training...

I trained for strength today and rested much more than usual to try to focus on perfect reps and consistent pace. Although I did not keep track of time I structured the workout like EDT with two distinct super sets.

My training looked like this:

Double Clean Drop Sets - 24kg bells x3, 16kg bells x 4, 12kg bells x5 - 5 times through- 60 total reps
Swiss Ball Incline Chest Press - 24kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

The 24kg chest press is the heaviest I have gone for chest in a while and felt good. I am inching closer to returning my right side to complete health strength wise. I still have some size to regain in my right chest and upper arm.

The seconds super set consisted of:

Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

The double snatch felt great and really puts the ballistic nature of the exercise in perspective as you power both bells over your head simultaneously. I have done 32kg double snatches in the past and remember the feeling...good stuff!

What is "Core"?

Stephen B - posted his description of "core" training as a response to my training yesterday. It is pretty cool! Check it out.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I Got My Rope Today!

Anthony DiLuglio has introduced rope training on his site - and I purchased a 30 foot rope that is a 1.5 inch diameter thick. I am looking forward to adding this as ancillary training to my kettlebell, shot and body weight training. My wife thinks I have really lost my mind. She trains with kettlebells, thinks I have lost it with the "shot" but the rope was the clincher. She said..." you will buy a 30 foot rope to stay in shape but complain if you have to mow the lawn". Sad but true!

Attached is a link to a video introducing rope training. Check out Anthony's site for more info. Have fun!

EDT - Core

In an effort to continue to train core separately from my regular training twice a week and to mix up my training I decided to train core today EDT style. I have never done this before but it seemed like a good idea. I used a 12lb "shot" - (go to to learn more) for the first group of exercises.

Here is my training:

First PR - 10 Minutes:

Saxon Side Bend - 12lb shot - 9 sets of 5 - 45 total reps
Hot Potato - 12lb shot - 9 sets of 5 - 45 reps

I wanted to hit my core from all angles and planes so I focused the vertical movement on the side bends and the horizontal movement on the hot potato.

I rested 2 minutes between PRs

Second PR - 5 Minutes

Hanging Pike - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Roman Chair Back Extension - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

Again, I wanted to hit my core from all angles so I did exercises that focused on the front of my core and back of my core/

Most people think of ore training as just abdominal training but I think of it as training the following muscles: Abdominals, Obliques, Hip Flexors, Lower Back, and Hamstrings.

I believe that if you effectively and consistently (twice a week) train your core that the rest of your training will improve because you will be more injury resistant. Also, if you have a strong core your strength will increase because of the carry over effect and strong base of strength for the heavier and more intense lifts like the snatch, clean and press, squat, clean and windmill.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

5 Sets of 5

I decided to focus more on strength today instead of strength-endurance so I did 5 sets of 5 of four exercises. I also focused on my upper body as my legs are still fried from the 150 swings and 100 dragon walks Sunday. My right arm/chest is still weaker than my left because of the herniated disk in my neck so the chest exercises are very light. I need to build up the strength slowly.

My training looked like this:

Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
KB Rows - 24kg bell - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 16kg bells - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 5 sets of 5 - 25 reps

I did the above in a circuit fashion. I rested a little (about 30 seconds) between each cycle of the circuit as I wanted to conserve strength and concentrate on good form. The one problem I see with a strength-endurance type circuit where you are condensing the volume and racing the clock is that there inevitably is a break down in form. A rep should not count unless it is done in good form otherwise it is like lying about your score on the golf course. You are only cheating yourself.