Sunday, February 2, 2025

Arms - 6-12-25...

Three Rounds of :.


  • KB Curls x 6 reps (35)
  • TRX Pelican Curl x 12 reps
  • Band Curls x 25 reps (Black)


  • Mutt Bar Extension x 6 reps (66)
  • TRX Skull Crusher x 12 reps 
  • CG MB Press x 25 reps (66)

Cash Out:

Isometric Flex

Kettlebell L-Sit - 1x35 seconds & 1x 25 seconds 

The L-sit stimulates the smaller muscles in the shoulders, elbows, and wrists that are used for stabilization and control.

The more consistent of a practice you have, the more these muscles will develop which will have a massive carry over to the balance and control required to master skills like the handstand and planche. On an entirely different level of anatomical observation, you may notice that a regular L-sit practice can produce long-term benefits for lower back and hip health. When holding an L-sit, your body recruits many of the muscle fibers in the back and hips which in turn receive increased blood flow and grow stronger”. - BodyweightTrainingArena

AVG HR - 126 BPM

MAX HR - 149 BPM


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