50 power Cleans (185). Not for time.
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...
Hammer Strength BP - 195lbs- 3x5-4-3-2-1
Hammer Strength BP - 195lbs- 3x5-4-3-2-1
BTN Pull Up - 3x5-4-3-2-1
Pec Fly - 150lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
BTN Pull Up - 3x5-4-3-2-1
Pec Fly - 150lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 95lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 95lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Cash Out: (Super Set)
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 50lbs - 2x8
Dips - 2x8
Cash Out: (Super Set)
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 50lbs - 2x8
Dips - 2x8
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Friday, April 29, 2016
"Bar Muscle Up Nate"..:
For Total Reps: AMRAP 20
2 Bar Muscle-ups
4 Strict Handstand Push-ups
8 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70)
15 rounds plus one rep
In honor of Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy, who was killed Sunday February 4th
during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant
son Parker.

Bar muscle Up Nate,
Heavy Density Training - Arms...
Barbell Curls - 2 sets - 95lbs
Rope Push Downs - 2 sets - 100lbs
Dips - 2 sets - 70lbs
*then 15 reps at bodyweight
Hammer Curls - 2x8 - 45lbs
* after last set of hammer curls: 40x1, 35x2, 30x3, 25x4, 20x5
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
Cash Out - 21s - 2 sets - 45lbs
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Hang Power Clean OTM:15...
Had 15 minutes to spare before work so I did this in the driveway:
5 Hang Power Cleans (115) On-The-Minute for 15 minutes.
Monday, April 25, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Shoulders...
Seated BTN Press - 3x5-4-3-2-1 - 95lbs
Face Pulls - 3x5-4-3-2-1 - 90lbs
Cash Out:
Barbell Shrugs - 5x10 - 225lbs
OH Plate Raise - 5x10 - 35lbs
Sunday, April 24, 2016
7 rounds for time of:
11 body-weight back squats (155)
1,000-meter row
1,000-meter row
49:03 Rx
RIP Special Agent Nathan "Ned" Schuldheiss
pennant crossfit
Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...
Hammer Strength BP - 190lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
BTN Pull Up - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Fly - 50lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
BTN Pull Up - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Fly - 50lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 90lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 90lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Cash Out: (Super Set)
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 50lbs - 3x8
Dips - 3x8
Cash Out: (Super Set)
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 50lbs - 3x8
Dips - 3x8
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Saturday, April 23, 2016
For Time: 5 Rounds
400m Run
12 Push-ups
9 Strict Ring Dips
6 Strict Handstand Push-ups
23:42 Rx
That. Sucked.
pennant crossfit
Friday, April 22, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Arms...
EZ Bar Curls - 2 sets - 90lbs
Neutral Grip DB Bench Press - 2 sets - 70lbs
Dips - 3 sets - 60lbs
* Hammer Curls - 3x8 - 40lbs
* After last set of hammer curls: 35x1 30x2, 25x3, 20x4, 15x1
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
Cash Out - 21s - 2 sets - 45lbs
Thursday, April 21, 2016
"Hilly Hang Cleans"...
400M Hill Run
Remaining Time, Max Hang Power Cleans (155)
6-6-7 - 19 reps total
*Rest 2 minutes. Repeat for a total of 3
rounds. Score is total Power Cleans.
Monday, April 18, 2016
Marathon Row...
4:31:02 plus 76 burpees
Batteries died at 3k. Then it kept resetting when I got off the rower to do my four burpees (every 1k). I just rowed the last 23k without burpees. Splits were 2:31 first half and 2:00 second half. Every pull hurt the last 25k or so.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
100 Bench Press for Time...
For Time:
100 Bench Press (135)
Six 400m runs
* Run 400M every time you rack the barbell or rest it on your chest.
Heavy Density Training - Shoulders...
Strict Press - 3x5-4-3-2-1 - 115lbs
Upright Row - 3x5-4-3-2-1 - 95lbs
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Cash Out: OH Plate Raise - 10x10 - 35lbs
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Next Step - Strict Muscle Ups...
Been working bar muscle ups more and more lately. Trying to reduce the amount of body swing or kip gradually until I can get them strict. Baby steps...
Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...
Incline DB Bench - 85lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Bar Muscle Up - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 70lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Bar Muscle Up - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 70lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 85lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 85lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 40lbs - 3x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 40lbs - 3x5-4-3-2-1
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Friday, April 15, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Arms...
Strait Bar Curls - 2 sets - 85lbs
Neutral Grip DB Bench Press - 2 sets - 65lbs
Dips - 3 sets - 50lbs
Hammer Curls - 3x8 - 35lbs
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
Cash Out - 21s - 3 sets - 45lbs
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
"Deadlift and Run For The Hills"..
15 Romanian Deadlifts - 205lbs
400M Run
15 Romanian Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Romanian Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 155lbs
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
400M Run
90 deadlifts and 1.5 miles of running
* Deadlifts done in sets of 5-4-3-2-1 with 15 second rest in between sets
* Done at 4-0-1 tempo
400M Run
15 Romanian Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Romanian Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts - 155lbs
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
400M Run
15 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
400M Run
90 deadlifts and 1.5 miles of running
* Deadlifts done in sets of 5-4-3-2-1 with 15 second rest in between sets
* Done at 4-0-1 tempo
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Shoulders...
Seated DB Press - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 55lbs
Upright Row - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 85lbs
DB Lateral Raise - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 35lbs
Bent-over Lateral Raise - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 30lbs
Cash Out:
OH Plate Raise - 5x5 - 45lbs/5x5 - 35lbs
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...
Incline BP - 165lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 65lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline BP - 165lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 65lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Neutral Strict Pull-Up - 25lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Neutral Strict Pull-Up - 25lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 80lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 80lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 40lbs - 3x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest - 40lbs - 3x5-4-3-2-1
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Friday, April 8, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Arms...
EZ Bar Curls - 2 sets - 80lbs
Close-Grip BP - 2 sets - 185lbs
Neutral Grip DB Bench Press - 3x8 - 60lbs
Cable Curls - 3x8 - 42.5lbsx1/37.5lbsx2
* Sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
Cash Out - 21s - 2 sets - 45lbs
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Legs & "Smooth Hoperator"...
Romanian Deadlifts - 185lbs - 3 sets - 45 reps
Snatch Grip Deadlift - 135lbs 3 sets - 45 reps
* off 4 inch platform (45lb bumper)
* 3 sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
Snatch Grip Deadlift - 135lbs 3 sets - 45 reps
* off 4 inch platform (45lb bumper)
* 3 sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
"Smooth Hoperator"
For Total Reps, Teams of 2: AMRAP 20
Calorie Row
432 reps (with Jackie)
Monday, April 4, 2016
Up and Down Salmon Ladder...
Up and down salmon ladder. This was a fail halfway down. I eventually got it all the way down! Failure is a GOOD thing.
Sunday, April 3, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Shoulders...
Seated DB Press - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 50lbs
Upright Row - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 75lbs
DB Lateral Raise - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 30lbs
Bent-over Lateral Raise - 2x5-4-3-2-1 - 25lbs
Cash Out:
Plate Front Raise - 5x10 - 35lbs
Saturday, April 2, 2016
Heavy Density Training - Back & Chest...
Incline BP - 155lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 60lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Incline Pullover - 60lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Strict Pull-Up - 25lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Strict Pull-Up - 25lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 75lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
One-arm Row - 75lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest Pulls - 27.5lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1/ 22.5lbs - 1x5-4-3-2-1
Low-to-High Cable Chest Pulls - 27.5lbs - 2x5-4-3-2-1/ 22.5lbs - 1x5-4-3-2-1
* 3 sets of 5-4-3-2-1 (15 second rest)
* 4-0-1 tempo
Friday, April 1, 2016
"Falkel" ...
Complete as many rounds as possible in 25 minutes of:
8 Handstand push-ups (Strict)
8 Box jump, 30 inch box
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
8 Box jump, 30 inch box
15 foot Rope climb, 1 ascent
11 rounds even. (PR of 1 round plus eleven reps!)
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