Friday, May 31, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/30-35-40

Seal Rows - 40-45-50/45-50-55

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

Then, complex of:
6 hang snatches 
6 snatch grip presses
6 clean grip presses
6 hang cleans 
6 high pulls

*all at 85lbs. Repeat once for 60 total reps.  

Cash Out: Overhead Cable Raise - 3x10 @ 40lbs then, 1x5 @ 50lbs

Thursday, May 30, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

Barbell Curls - 85-95-105/95-105-115

then, 14 reps @ 90lbs!

Neutral LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press 

Cannonball Shoulder Touch Chin Ups - 3x10

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Chest/Back...

V-Handle Negative Pulldowns -

LeverEdge Press - 
240-250-260/250-260-270 then, 360x8! 

Incline DB Bench Press - 60-70-80/70-80-90(3) then, 105x3! 

DB Rows - 80-90–100/90-100-110 then, 125x5 with each arm! 

Cash Out: Unstable Cannonball Pull Ups - 2x10 

Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Legs... (Heavy Trap Bar DLs)...

Trap Bar Deadlift 

5x3 @ 400lbs then, 1x10 @ 400lbs

Walking Lunges - 50 steps @ 64lb Chains 

Monday, May 27, 2019


  • For Time:

    1 Mile Run

    2K Row

    1 Mile Run

     26:41 with Fabiana & Diane

    Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 during High Altitude High Opening (HAHO) training while assigned to Army USSOCOM preparing for deployment to Afghanistan. 

    Jerry is survived by his wife Milely and his sons Chad, Cody, Chase, and Connor.

Friday, May 24, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/30-35-401

Seal Rows - 40-45-50/45-50-55

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

Cash Put: Wide Grip Upright Rows 3x5 @ 135lbs

Tip: Use a Wide Grip on Upright Rows. A wider grip has been shown in studies to increase deltoid and trapezius activity, and correspondingly, less biceps brachii activity. In addition to maximizing recruitment of the muscle we're trying to develop. - T Nation 

Thursday, May 23, 2019



Close Grip Bench Press 135

Hang Power Clean 75

Chin Up


* Finished my arm workout with 3x3 of dumbbell cheat curls with the 65lb bells. #dumbbellcheatcurls #kettlebellrob 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Chest/Back...

V-Handle Negative Pulldowns -


LeverEdge Press - 

235-245-255/245-255-265 then, 360x8! 

Incline DB Bench Press - 55-65-75/65-75-85 then, 100x3!

*First time getting the 100s up on the incline!

DB Rows - 70-80-90/80-90-100

Cash Out: Slow Pull Ups - 2x10 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Trap Bar Deadlifts...

10x5 @ 330lbs

Focused on slow negatives. 

Muscles used in the trap bar deadlift: Hamstrings, Quadriceps, Glutes, Spinal Erectors, Trapezius and Forearm flexors (grip strength). 

Sunday, May 19, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/35-40-45

Seal Rows - 35-40-45/40-45-50

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

Then, complex of:
6 hang snatches 
6 snatch grip presses
6 clean grip presses
6 hang cleans 
6 high pulls

*all at 75lbs. Repeat once for 60 total reps. 

Finished with 5 reps of LeverEdge Shoulder Press @ 360lbs (up 1.5 pins)

Saturday, May 18, 2019

“Arm Blast”...

10 rounds of:
5 chin ups
8 close grip push ups
5 chin ups
7 dips

Cash Out:
EZ Bar Curls - 3x3 @ 130lbs - Slow Negative 
Triceps Extensions - 3x3 @ 100lbs

Friday, May 17, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Chest/Back...

V-Handle Jumping Negative Pulldowns - 130-150-170/150-170-190 (video)

Jumping negatives! The purpose of this exercise is to work the negatives for your lats and rear delts with a heavier weight (just about your bodyweight). Jump up - pull the weight down - and focus on a slow negative. Jump again and repeat! 

LeverEdge Press - 230-240-250/240-250-260 then, 360x7! 

Incline DB Bench Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80
Then, 95x3 

Cash Out: Max Reps:

Banded-leg Pull UPs - 20 reps

Weighted Push Ups - Drop Set of:
90lbs x 5
45lbs x 5
BW x 10

9-7-5 Wave - Chest/Back...

V-Handle Jumping Negative Pulldowns - 130-150-170/150-170-190 (video)

Jumping negatives! The purpose of this exercise is to work the negatives for your lats and rear delts with a heavier weight (just about your bodyweight). Jump up - pull the weight down - and focus on a slow negative. Jump again and repeat! 

LeverEdge Press - 230-240-250/240-250-260 then, 360x7! (Video)

Incline DB Bench Press - 50-60-70/60-70-80

Then, 95x3 (video)

Cash Out: Max Reps:

Banded-leg Pull UPs - 20 reps

Weighted Push Ups - Drop Set of:

90lbs x 5

45lbs x 5

BW x 10

Wednesday, May 15, 2019


Dead Stop Smith Machine Squats:

5x5 @ 225lbs - 5,625
5x5 @ 185lbs - 4,525
5x5 @ 155lbs - 3,975
5x5@ 135lbs - 3,274

100 total reps for 17,400 total pounds. That sucked! 

@ planet fitness in Watertown, NY

Monday, May 13, 2019

9-7-5 Shoulders/Traps

Couldn’t make it to the gym today. Thankful to have weights in the garage and driveway. It is a balmy 53 degrees!. Got a quick workout in. Something is always better than nothing!

9-7-5 Shoulders/Traps

Bent-over lateral raises - 35lb Kettlebell
Seal Rows - 35lb Kettlebell

Then, complex of:
6 hang snatches 
6 snatch grip presses
6 clean grip presses
6 hang cleans 
6 high pulls

*all at 65lbs. Repeat twice for 90 total reps.  

Finished with 400m trap bar farmers walk @ 155lbs and Trap Bar Upright Rows - 6x6 @ 65lbs

“Building a gym in my garage was one of the best thing I’ve ever done. I love the training environment of a gym but when life gets in the way - which is most of the time - I have zero excuses. Something is ALWAYS better than nothing. Discipline equals freedom”! - Jocko Willink

#garagegym #kettlebellrob #sobostrengthandconditioning 

Sunday, May 12, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

EZ Barbell Curls - 75-85-95/85-95-105

Dips - 55-70-85/70-85-105 then, 135x

Neutral LeverEdge Close Grip Bench Press - 

Banded C2B Chin Ups - 1x12 then 1x10

“I haven’t seen much out there by the way of banding the legs for CHIN UPS & PULL UPS. However, here’s why I think it may be a good move:

First, remember that the chains of fascia that go down the lat muscles, go across the lumbar region and go through the opposing glute and hamstrings. Why not pre-engage the glutes to reinforce this, by applying outward force ago against a bands resistance? I believe this can trigger a grater and more contracted stimulation for the target regions of the posterior chain. 

Second, doing this forces the litter to use stricter form. The attention to outward form forced the lifter from excessive kipping or otherwise “cheating”. - Coach Lee Boyce

Saturday, May 11, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Chest/Back...

Strict Pull Up - 25-35-45/35-45-55 (7) 

LeverEdge Press - 215-230-245/230-245-260

Incline DB Bench Press - 45-55-65/55-65-75 

Then, 90x5 (video)

Dumbbell Row - 65-75-85/75-85-95

Cash Out: Max Reps - L-Sit Pull Ups - 12 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

9-7-5 Legs...

Goblet Squats

Then, 2x5 reps @ 125lbs

Overhead Walking Lunges 
3x4 steps @ 100lbs 

Monday, May 6, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Shoulders/Traps...

DB Bent-Over Laterals - 25-30-35/35-40-45

Seal Rows - 30-35-40/35-40-45

Cable Upright Rows - 130-140-150/140-150-160

I finished with a complex I got from @coachleeboyce to hit my shoulders and traps hard:

6 kneeling snatches
6 pocket cleans 
6 high pulls

I used the 45lb bar. Repeat 3x with 60-90 seconds in between sets. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

Cyber Preacher Curls - 50-70-90/70-90-110

Triceps Extension - 55-60-65/60-65-70

Rotational DB Curls - 35-40-45/40-45-50

Rope Pushdowns - 90-100-110/100-110-120

9-7-5 Wave - Back & Chest...

Jumping Negative Pulldowns - 130-150-170/150-170-190

Jumping negatives! The purpose of this exercise is to work the negatives for your lats and rear delts with a heavier weight (just about your bodyweight). Jump up - pull the weight down - and focus on a slow negative. Jump again and repeat! 

Cybex Chest Press- 170-190-210/190-210-2300

DB Bench Press - 100x5x2 (Got ten reps at 100lbs and was spoke to by the staff... 😬
Negative Pull Up - 50 seconds 

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Hip-Belt Squat Workout ...

* Set 1: Warm up set, 20 reps. @ 200lbs

* Set 2 Warm up set, 15 reps. @ 290lbs

* Set 3: Warm up set, 10 reps. @ 380lbs

* Set 4: Working set, 8 reps @ 450lbs

* Set 5: HEAVY set, 5 reps @ 500lbs

* Set 6: HEAVY set, 5 reps @ 550lbs

* Set 7: HEAVY set, 5 reps @ 620lbs (4x body weight!)