Thursday, April 30, 2020

1.5 mile farmers carry...

@ 70lbs. My forearms and traps are smoked! 

"The loaded carry does more to expand athletic qualities than any other single thing I've attempted in my career as a coach and athlete. And I do not say that lightly."" - Dan John

PM: Skier Swings - 5x10 @ 35lbs

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Kettlebell Chest/Back - 4x16...

Kettlebell Floor Press - 4x16 @ 35lbs

Reverse-grip Kettlebell Row- 4x16 @ 35lbs


Kettlebell Fly - 4x16 @ 35lbs

Roof Pull Ups - 2x16/Sternum Pull Ups - 2x8 @ 35lbs


Cash Out: 

Slow Kettlebell Fly - 40 seconds 

Kettlebell Pullovers - 1x25

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Kettlebells - Shoulders/Traps - 4x16...

Kettlebell Figure 8/Hold - 4x16

Kettlebell Upright Row - 4x16

Kettlebell Monkey Shrug - 4x16 

Cash Out: 

Reverse Iron Cross Push Ups -3x8

Kettlebell Lawnmowers - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Roof Sternum Chin Ups - 3x5 

Kettlebell Bent-over Lateral Raises - 3x5

*All @ 35lbs

Gironda Sternum Chin-up

  1. Right as you begin the pull, tip your head back and try to look behind you as if you were attempting to do a back flip.
  2. Continue looking back as you pull while keeping your chest elevated and your lower body still.
  3. Depending on the length of your arms, you should make contact with the bar anywhere between your lower chest and mid-abdomen.

If done correctly, the contraction you get in your upper back will be unparalleled and your lats will be on fire after just a few reps. This is an extremely advanced exercise, so make sure you've mastered other easier variations first before trying it. -T Nation

Monday, April 27, 2020

Kettlebells - Arms... 4x16...

Close Grip Kettlebell Press - 4x16

KB Hammer Curls - 4x16 


Ten Second Iso Hold then, Two-hand KB Curls - 4x16 

Kettlebell Skull-crushers  - 4x16


*All at 35lbs

Cash Out:

Max Close Grip Push Up - 60 seconds - 41 

90 Degree Curl Hold -  60 seconds @ 35lbs then, 20 seconds @ 70lbs

Iso Static Flex 

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Double Kettlebell Swings...

15 sets 10 @ 70lbs
* Farmers walk around pool in between each set. This really fried my grip!

“Whether this is because of greater unilateral control, heavier loads, or a combination of the two, double kettlebell swings can have a direct impact on grip strength and wrist control for lifters. By having to control the load throughout the entire range of motion, with no ability to transfer weight to one’s hand to the other, you force your gripping abilities to improve”. - Barbend 

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Kettlebell Chest/Back - 4x16...

Kettlebell Floor Press - 4x16 @ 35lbs

Reverse-grip Kettlebell Row- 4x16 @ 35lbs


Offset Kettlebell Push Ups - 4x16 @ 35lbs

Double Kettlebell High Pull - 4x16 @ 35lbs


Cash Out: 

Max Push Ups - 60 seconds - 63. Three rep PR! 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Kettlebell Complex: Shoulders/Traps...

8 rounds of:

8 Kettlebell Figure 8/Hold

8 Kettlebell Upright Row 

8 Kettlebell Monkey Shrug

*35lb Kettlebell 

Cash Out: Kettlebell Lawnmowers - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Kettlebell Lawnmowers: It's like a one-arm upright row, but done in an explosive fashion. You'll feel like the motion is similar to trying to start a difficult lawn mower. Lean forward a bit, then really explode the kettlebell upwards”. - T Nation

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...

Pelican Eccentric Curls - 9-7-5x2 @ BW (5 seconds)*

Pelican curls — “These are a often quite underrated bicep exercise that will work wonders for building arm size and strength. There are two ways of approaching this exercise. The first method, and usually best if you are new to this exercise, is to use long 6-8 second eccentrics, to break that muscle fiber down and strengthen it in it’s lengthening phase”. -

Close Grip Bench Press - 160-165-170/165-170-175*


PJR Pull Overs - 53-53-70/53-70-97

KB Hammer Curls - 35-53-70x2


Cash Out: 

Max Chin Ups -  30

Max Ring Dips - 27

Two-hand KB Curls - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Static Iso Flex

Static 90 Degree Curl Hold - 57 seconds @ 35lbs

“Unlike many exercises, neither the top or bottom of the range of motion is where peak muscle loading occurs. In fact both the top and bottom of the range offer nearly zero load and won’t build biceps at all. For most people the peak loading occurs near or just above the point where the elbow is bent 90 degree”. - Precision Training

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Russian Swing Ladder...

Every 2 minutes complete: 

for ten minutes then,

for 20 minutes. 

*21 reps each round for 315 reps total in  30 minutes. 

“The ladder method is the ultimate hack for muscle and strength. It helps you smash plateaus, speed up your workouts, and it doesn’t just work on bodyweight exercises—it can blow up your deadlift, squat, and bench press numbers too, as well as your kettlebell lifts.   

The whole point is to end up doing more work on an exercise than you’d normally be capable of. Instead of maxing out every set and burning out quickly, you leave a little in your tank and, subsequently, you’re able to get more total reps. Greater volume means greater overload for your muscles, and ultimately greater gains”. - Onnit

Monday, April 20, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Back & Chest...


Chin Up - 20-30-40/25-35-45

Guillotine Press - 160-170-180/165-175-185

KB Floor Press/Fly -


Reverse-Grip Row - 


“Reverse-grip rows better targets those stubborn lower lats. And because your hands are supinated, you’re automatically stronger because of the mechanical advantage and biceps involvement”. - Muscle & Performance

Cash Out: 

Archer Push Ups - 2x8

KB High Pulls - 2x8 @ 36lbs

KB Pullovers - 2x8 @ 53lbs

Assisted One-arm KB Press - 2x3 @ 97lbs


100 Push Ups - AFAP - 3:49

Barbell High Pull - 5x10 @ 45lbs

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The 45-pound bar shoulder workout...

*AMRAP in each movement. Rest 90 seconds then do it again! 

Bent-Over Rows - 45/35

Overhead Press - 30/20

Upright Rows - 20/15

Cash Out:

Overhead Plate Raise - 5x15 @ 25lbs

KB Bent-Over Lateral Raise - 3x8 @ 36lbs


Monkey Shrug - 3x8 @ 53lbs

Wide Upright Row - 3x5 @ 95obs

Friday, April 17, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Arms...


Pelican Eccentric Curls - 9-7-5x2 @ BW (5 seconds)*

Close Grip Bench Press - 155-160-165/160-165-170*


Ring Dips - 15–25-35/25-35-45

KB Hammer Curls - 35-53-70x2 

Cash Out: Static Iso Flex


Two-hand KB Curls - 5x10 @ 35lbs then, 5x5 @ 53lbs

KB Extensions - 5x10 @ 35lbs

Thursday, April 16, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Deadlifts & Russian Kettlebell Swings ...

AM: Snatch Grip: 185-205-225/205-225-245(2) 

Trap Bar (Low handle): 185-205-225/205-225-245 then, 2x3 @ 315 (slow)

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift: 10x5 @ 205

PM: Russian Kettlebell Swings  - 10x10 @ 97lbs

“Heavy kettlebell training is not just beneficial for size and strength, but for muscular endurance as well. The muscular endurance you build with heavy kettlebells is much more beneficial than light kettlebells for athletes. In addition, heavy kettlebell training engages the CNS more efficiently, teaches you how to master your own leverage points, and if used correctly, probably has a great benefit to optimizing anabolic hormones”. - Mike Mahler

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

9-7-5 Wave - Back & Chest..


Strict Pull Up - 15-25-35/20-30-40

Guillotine Press - 155-165-175/165-175-185

“A guillotine press is simply a bench press where you take a wider-than-shoulder-width grip and lower the bar to your neck. And, if you look briefly at the anatomy involved, you can see that it stimulates the chest muscles better than practically any chest movement.

When you lower the bar to your neck with your elbows flared, it stimulates the pectoral fibers along their lines of axis. You get supreme activation of all the fibers in the upper, middle, and lower portions of the chest muscles. Furthermore, you get less involvement/activation of the anterior delts, which are normally way too involved in the bench press”. - T Nation

KB Floor Press/Fly -


Trap Bar Row - 155-165-175/165-175-185

Cash Out: 

Ring Fly - 2x25 

KB Pullovers - 3x8 @ 53lbs


Cannon Ball Pull Ups: “Using the cannonballs is exactly what makes this pull-up variation a beast.  By holding a  ball in each hand, you’ll have to keep your wrist flexed the entire time.  The tension created in the wrists and into the forearms helps develop serious pulling strength.

You’ll instantly notice the tension created in your hands is carried across your arms into your upper back.  You’ll create much more stability and contraction throughout the movement”. - Muscle & Fitness 

I did 10x5 at bodyweight and 2x3 @ 55lbs. My forearm/grip strength was more of a limiting factor than anything else. Great pump across may arms and lats! 

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

9-7-5 Shoulders/Traps...

KB Bent-over lateral raises - 35-53-70 x2

KB Seal Rows - 35-53-70 x2 

This shoulder complex is going to cause the lactic acid to flow like a river. Just what the delts need for hypertrophy. 

Then, complex of:

6 hang snatches 

6 snatch grip presses

6 clean grip presses

6 hang cleans 

6 high pulls

*all at 65lbs. Repeat for 60 total reps.  

“The shoulders need plenty of time under tension (TUT) to grow. That means longer sets with lighter weights. The main thing to focus on is stimulating as much lactate build-up in the target muscle as possible. You need to have a high pain tolerance. Lactate accumulation through muscular work is maximized when the muscle is under tension for 45-70 seconds. This complex will take care of that”. - T Nation

Finished with:

Z-Press - 5x5 @ 65lbs

Rear Ring Flyes - 3x8 

Seated Band Upright Rows - 6x8

Monday, April 13, 2020

Chest/Biceps - Max Reps Bench Press & Chin Up in 5 Minutes...

Max Bench Press in 5 Minutes (155) - 51 reps 

Rest 5 minutes

Max Chin Ups in 5 Minutes - 60 reps 

*rest every 15 seconds for 15 seconds. 1:1 ratio of work to rest


Kettlebell Floor Fly - 3x5 @ 53lbs*

Kettlebell Cheat Hammer Curls - 3x5 @ 53lbs*



Cash Out: 

Negative Pelican Curls - 3x8 seconds 

Spider-Man Push Up - 3x5*

Horizontal Ring Pull Ups

Isometric Static Flex 

*The advantages of doing a Spiderman pushup are that it helps your chest and arm muscles work harder. When you move your leg forward, it shifts your weight, which means that your muscles have to adjust to the new position. This helps to work different muscle groups, increasing the resistance and helping you strengthen your muscles more quickly”. - StrongGains

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Deficit Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts...

50x3 @ 203lbs 

My traps, quads and grip are smoked! 

“Longer ranges of motion inherently have a longer time to completion, which is key when looking at increasing a lifter’s strength and muscle mass. Whether done with tempos at a purposeful slow pace or heavier pulls that involve a long and slow “grind”, deficit deadlifts can increase time under tension demands”. - 

Friday, April 10, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Double Kettlebell Rows - 8x8 - 53lbs*

Chin Ups - 8x8 @ 25lbs* then, 37 second 90 degree chin up hang 


Ring Dips- 4x8

Close Grip Bench Press - 4x8 @ 155lbs


Renegade Rows - 2x8 @ 70lbs

Cash Out:

Band Strait Arm Pulldown - 3x8

Band Triceps Pushdown - 3x8

*The renegade row targets nearly every muscle in the body, however places a higher emphasis on the back, arms and core. While using kettlebells, the increased stability and balance needed results in greater demands on the body. Below is a complete listing of the muscles used during the renegade row with kettlebells”. - Barbend 

  • Lats (back)
  • Wrists
  • Biceps
  • Rhomboids
  • Abdominals
  • Obliques
  • Glutes
  • Erectors
Cash Out: 26 second L-Sit

Last week I decided to try max reps bench press @ 225lbs. Got 5. Tried it again today and got SIX reps! Kind of pissed at myself because I know I can get seven. I had six in my head and it screwed with my mentality. I will take the 1 REP PR! Goal is double digits by the end of the lockdown! - 10+. “Gotta have goals”! 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 6x8...

Seated Kettlebell Lateral Raise/Upright Row Combo - 6x8 @ 35lbs*

Seated Kettlebell Bent-Over Laterals - 6x8 @ 35lbs*


Kettlebell Upright Row - 7x8 @ 53lbs*

One Arm Kettlebell Iron Cross - 3x8

@ 26lbs/Ring Rear Delt Raises - 3x8 


Cash Out: 

One KB Shrug - 3x8 @ 203lbs, then 1x5 @ 300lbs 

Band Front Raises - 2x15

Band Iron Cross - 2x15

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Chest/Biceps - 8x8...

Football Bar Beach Press - 8x8

@ 148lbs*

Low KB Incline Press - 8x8 @ 53lbs*


Headbanger Chin Ups - 4x8 @ 15lbs*

Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 4x8 @ 53lbs*



Cash Out: 

Kettlebell Fly - 2x8 @ 53lbs*

Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 2x8 @ 25lbs*

Isometric Static Flex*


Pelican Curls


Isometric Static Flex - “For this exercise, you don’t need any equipment.  All you need to do is flex your biceps as if you were curling a barbell or dumbbell and keep the muscle contracted with your arm at 90-degrees.  Then, using your opposite hand, apply downward pressure to the forearm associated with the flexed muscle.  Resist the pressure and hold for 10-15 seconds and then switch to do the same with the other arm. 

Isometric holds for biceps can help increase the metabolic demands and metabolites such as lactate which may result in an increased production of natural anabolic hormones in your body.  This increase in anabolic hormones can help facilitate new muscle growth (hypertrophy) through improved recovery and repair while the isometric hold itself is helping to flood the muscle with nutrients and blood – allowing you to further stretch out the fascia constricting your muscle. 

Through the use of isometric holds for biceps, you have the ability to recruit more muscle fibers as when compared to the standard concentric and eccentric movement of an exercise.  In order to increase strength, you need maximum fiber recruitment which can take place during isometric holds.  Using isometric holds in your training can help reprogram your neuromuscular system to recruit and fire more muscle fibers when training with weights which can help improve your overall muscle strength”. - Evogen Nutrition 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Legs...

Snatch Grip DLs* - 8x8 @ 185lbs then,  1x3 @ 275lbs

BarbellHack Squats -  8x8 @ 155lbs then, 3x5 @ 205lbs


“The Original Hack Squat: Most people think of the hack squat machine when they visualize this exercise, but there's an older, more effective version. Barbell hack squats can boost your squat and deadlift numbers as well as target the coveted "teardrop" muscle (the vastus medialis) in the quads.

Stand in front of the loaded bar with the bar either resting on the floor or supported on blocks. With feet shoulder-width apart, bend down, reach behind you and grasp the bar. With your back straight and shoulders pinched back, drive from the heels. Maintain an angle of ascent with the bar near the calves and as the weight nears your hamstrings, punch the hips forward. Return the weight to the floor by reversing the motion. Done correctly, this looks like a behind-the-back deadlift”. - T Nation 


Max Reps Bench @ Bodyweight -(155). Previous PR was 21. Got 25! A 4 rep PR! Puerto Rico! 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 I better come out of this pandemic the strongest I’ve ever been! 

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Kettlebell Seal Rows - 8x8 - 53lbs*

Neutral Wide Grip Pull Ups•  - 8x8 (2 sec eccentric)*


Reverse Ring Dips- 8x8*

Close Grip Push Ups - 8x8 - 25lbs*


Cash Out:

One-Arm KB Row -2x5 @ 97lbs*

Barbell Kickbacks - 2x15 @ 45lbs*

Reverse Ring Dips- 3x8*


Max chin ups @:

77.5lbs (50% Bodyweight) - 9!

110lbs - (70% Bodyweight) - 1! 

Chin Ups - 4x8 @ Bodyweight 

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Shoulders & Traps - 8x8...

Seated Two-handed Kettlebell Snatch - 8x8 @ 35lbs*

Kettlebell Bent-Over Laterals - 8x8 @ 35lbs*

Delt Sweeps - 8x8@ 35lbs*

Monkey Rows - 8x8 @ 35lbs*


Cash Out: 

Overhead Plate Raise - 3x8 @ 35lbs

Diamond HSPUs - 1x3

Band Front Raises - 3x8

Band Iron Cross - 3x8

PM: Barbell Climbs x3

Friday, April 3, 2020

Chest/Biceps - 6x8...


Football Bar Beach Press - 6x8 @ 148lbs*

One-arm KB Floor Press - 6x8 @ 53lbs*


Headbanger Chin Ups - 6x8*

Kettlebell Hammer Curls - 6x8 @ 35lbs*


“Headbanger chin-ups are one of the best body weight exercises to build up your biceps. To perform headbanger pull-ups you pull yourself up to the bar and then push and pull horizontally, head in line with the bar”. - Strength and Physique

Cash Out: 

Reverse Curls - 6x8 @ 45lbs

Kettlebell Fly - 6x8 @ 35lbs

Band Curls - 2x15


Band Curls - 2x15

Band Bench Press - 2x15

Pseudo Planche Push Ups - 2x5

Bent-arm Planche - 8 seconds! 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Deadlifts - Trap Bar, Kettlebell Sumo & Double Kettlebell...

Trap Bar Deadlifts - 10x3 @ 275lbs

Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts - 10x5 @ 203lbs

Double Kettlebell Deadlifts - 2x3 @ 300lbs

“The trap bar deadlift muscles used are a mixture between a squat and a deadlift. It utilizes more quadriceps than a typical deadlift and more hamstrings than a typical squat. For this reason, renowned strength training author Stuart McRobert mentioned that it should be called a squat-lift.

Simply put, the trap bar deadlift is more hip-dominant and will build the quads, hams, glutes, erectors, lats, traps, and grip musculature and build a ton of functional strength and power”. - Bret Contreras

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Football Bar Seal Rows - 8x8 - 78lbs*

Gorilla Rows - 6x8@53/2x8@70lbs*


Kettlebell Triceps Extension - 8x8 @ 53lbs

Front Lever - 8 x 5 seconds 

Cash Out:

Close Grip Bear Push Ups - 3x8

One-Arm KB Row -3x5 @ 97lbs

Barbell Kickbacks - 2x25 @ 45lbs