Wednesday, October 2, 2024

“Heavy Mutt Bar Lynne"...

4 Rounds For Max Reps

Mutt Bar Reverse Floor Press - 66lbs

Yates Rows - 66lbs

Floor Press: 30-30-30-30

Rows: 30-30-30-30

240 total reps! 

*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.

“The Yates row is a variation of the barbell bent-over row. It’s done using a shoulder-width, underhand grip. However, the main difference between Yates rows and other rowing variations like Pendlay rowsand T-bar rows is the angle of the torso.

Instead of bending over until your upper body is parallel to the floor, with Yates rows, you only lean forward about 45-degrees. This takes stress off your lower back and also allows you to lift more weight”. - T Nation

Cash Out: Renegade Rows - 3x3 @ 70lbs 

AVG HR - 128 BPM

MAX HR - 161 BPM

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