My workout log for the last 18 years. Every workout that I have done since February of 2007 is listed here. I decided to move my training log from a notebook to online and needed a name for the URL. I was training with mostly Kettlebells back then, thus the name - Kettlbellrob.
10-5 of: OHS (135) C2B Pull Ups Then: 500M Row 8:29 Rx I wanted to do a WOD with heavier OHS in it while keeping it relatively short. This did the trick!
Box Squats 105x5 135x5 180x5 210x5 235x5 Last five were as tough mentally as physically. Getting all five the last set was a huge mental win! Week one of another wendler cycle.
Got 8 consecutive Bar Muscle Ups - PR of 1! "You say you “lose motivation” in the gym – that’s an easy cure. FIND A REAL REASON to train, not something that is cosmetic. Vikings never gave a shit how they looked when they swung the axe, only that the axe landed hard and with purpose". - Jim Wendler