Thursday, January 30, 2025


KB Romanian Deadlift…

10x10 @ 70lbs (140)

Cash Out: Double Kettlebell March - 10x5 @ 70lbs - 50 steps each foot. 

The Kettlebell March is a kettlebell carry movement. It’s a full body blaster, that will engage your core, lower and upper body. 

As you inhale, bring your right knee up towards your chest in a march. As you exhale, return your leg to the ground. Repeat on the other leg.

The Kettlebell March is a full-body exercise with an emphasis on the following muscle groups:

  • Core
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Biceps
  • Legs

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 146 BPM


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