Saturday, August 3, 2019

Gironda 8x8 - Back/Triceps...

Ring Pull Ups*

Gorilla Rows - 53lbs*

PJR Pullover - 60lbs*

Ring Dips*


Cash Out: 

Lat Pullover - 3x8 @ 60lbs 

Close Grip Bench Press - Max reps @ 225lbs. Got two! Pumped after all that work. 

The Gorilla Row

1 Get your feet shoulder-width apart with two kettlebells between them. Hinge at the hip until you're able to grab the handles of the kettlebells. This should put you in a deadlift position.

2 Keep your knees out and sit back a little in order to engage the glutes and hams.

3 Row one of the kettlebells up towards your hips with a slight rotation in order to allow your elbows to come back farther. Keep a tight grip on the other kettlebell that's still stationary on the ground.

4 Return the kettlebell back to the ground and repeat on the other side. Keep your back flat and head neutral.

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