Thursday, December 31, 2009

December 2009 Snatch Numbers...

At the end of October I decided to start snatching more and counting my snatches on a daily basis. I found a website that makes my job easier in a effort to reach 50,000 snatches.

It is -

According to the website: "We have added Snatch Challenge to the menu. This is a temporary add-on feature supporting a current 50,000 snatch challenge. The feature will display a list of all participants complete with their total number of snatches and total number of points. In addition, you will be able to view details for each daily entry (what date, how many snatches, which kettlebell and notes)."

As of today I completed 5,670 snatches in the month of December and feel great. My snatch total is 45,670. I only need 4,330 to reach my 50,000 goal. My target date is my 41st birthday of 2/3/10.

Various Snatches...

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Double Snatch - 20kg bells - 50 reps (100 snatches)
Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 75 reps (150 snatches)
Hanging Pikes - 50 reps

I alternated the hanging pikes with the double 16kg snatches at the end. My forearms were fried but the stretch felt good going from one exercise to the other.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Kettlebell Doubles - 5 Sets of 5...

 I did some double kettlebell exercises today trying to got my whole body.

My training looked like this:

Double Military Press - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Snatch - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Floor Press - 32kg bells - 25 reps
Double Snatck Into Double Viking Push Press - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps
Double Cleans - 24kg bells - 5x5 - 25 reps

The double snatches with the 24kg bells felt great! Yoyu can really feel the power and strength in the exercise.

Finally I wanted to post a link to my 6 year old daughter Jaiden doing pullups after her gymnastics class today. She has been putting up impressive numbers over the last few weeks and today pulled a 29!!!! I had trouble posting it on YouTube but I have one from Monday when she idid 24 reps. I bet most of the guys I know can't do 29 consecutive pullups. She is an animal!

Check it out:   Jaiden Pull Ups!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - MVo2 - 25 sets of 8 & Double Snatches...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 25 sets of 8 in 12 minutes and 15 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 25 sets of 8 - 200 reps

Then I did:

Double Snatch - 16kg bells - 25 sets of 5 - 125 reps - 250 snatches

After my MV02 warm up I decided to train for power and strength and switched to double snatches. My heart rate stayed elevated for the whole time during my 25 sets. I am going to do alot more double snatches going forward.

I am now at 45,310 snatches in my quest for 50,000. Check out the leaderoard - Snatch Race Leaderboard

Monday, December 28, 2009

Swing That Bell...

I was going to take today off from training but since I am on vacation this week and went a bit crazy with ice cream (1/2 gallon!) and Chinese food yesterday I decided to get some work in with the 24kg bell.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg  bell - 400 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 24kg bell - 100 reps

Doing heavy Figure 8s/Hold really works your arms especially after 400 reps of swings. My hands are pretty beat up as the 24kg bell really pulls as you rotate the bell diagonally.

Whatever.....Back to MV02 snatches tomorrow.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


I decided to mix it up today and just do whatever came to mind.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Renegade Rows - 24kg bells - 50 reps
Floor Press - 24kg bells - 50 reps
Walk/Run with 40lb Xvest for 10 minutes
Farmers Walk - 40kg bells - 10 reps @ 150 ft each
Hanging Pikes - 25 reps
Windmills - 16kg bell - 50 reps

I finished with: Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 100 reps

Saturday, December 26, 2009

500 Reps...

My training looked like this:

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 5/5 - 400 reps
Dips - 24kg bell - 20 sets of 5 - 100 reps

Snatches - 14,080lbs
Dips - 21,280lbs (160lbs body weight + 24kg bell)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

No Training Xmas Day....

I want to enjoy the day with my family and need to rest after a week of hard training. Back at it on Saturday! Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

I used the 45lb clubbell this morning.
My training looked like this:
Front Swing - 3x8- 24 reps
Clean to Order - 3x8 - 24 reps
Front Pendulum Lunge - 3x8 each leg - 24 reps each leg
Barbarian - (Gama Cast to Flag Position) - 3x8 -24 reps
Barbarian Squat - (Gama Cast into Flat Foot Squat in Order Position) - 3x8 - 24 reps

I finished with:

•30 Double Swipes - 15lb clubbells - (2 Clubbells)
•30 Mills Alternating (- 15lb clubbell - 15 Right / 15 Left)
•30 Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - (two-handed: 15 Clockwise / 15 Counter-Clockwise)

High Toss Lunge - 12lb shotput - 30 reps

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Revised Weekly Training Schedule...

Now that I am back on track to hit 50,000 snatches by my 41st birthday (2/3/10) I have revised my weekly training schedule to get back to a more balanced training regimen. It is 6 weeks from today and if I do about 900 a week I will hit 50,000 on my birthday! That is the plan.

It is as follows:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Kettlebell Circuit Training
Wednesday - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Thursday - Off
Friday - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Saturday - Kettlebell Circuit Training
Sunday - Bruiser Clubbell Training or Viking Warrior Conditioning

I also want to work in the "shot" & "Xvest" from time to time

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the fifth time today in the 15:15 protocol. I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am @ 44,460 total.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps
Today totally sucked as I was hurting the whole way. I am reminded of a great quote...“Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.”
I plan to take the next few days off from snatches.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Snatches & Push Ups...

I kept it simple this morning.

My training looked like this:
Snatch - 16kg bell - 400 reps
Push Ups - 150 reps

There is something about just keeping it simple. Snatches and push ups sounds boring but when you think about it by just doing a push and a pull you are hitting your whole body and just doing one rep at a time. I completed a fair number of reps with my eyes closed to concentrate on the "feel" of each rep and make sure I was completing each one perfectly.

Many times we are all caught up and the next great program when sometimes simplicity is the key. Albert Einstein put it best: "Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler".

Monday, December 21, 2009

Just Snatches....

Kept it real simple:

Snatches - 16kg bell - 25x5/5 - 250 reps

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - V02max - 16kg & 20kg Bell....

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

I kept going and increased the intensity of my VWC by increasing the bell size from 16kg to 20kg on the 15:15. The 20kg bell definitely made it alot more challenging. I dropped the reps from 8 to 6 because my callous started to rip on my right hand and I wanted to get 20 sets.

I did timed snatches with the 20kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 6 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 20kg bell - 20 sets of 6 - 120 reps
I was planning on trying to finished with 10 sets of 5 with the 24kg bell and got 2 sets done before the callous ripped and I started to bleed. They tend to freak out at the gym when you are bleeding and not stopping training. Oh well....should have brought my gloves but I like the feel better with bare hands.
Snatch - 24kg bell - 2 sets of  5 - 10 reps
Not a bad session overall but far below what I wanted as I try to close the gap between Rif and myself as we approach 50,000 total snatches.
Total for session:
Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps
Snatch - 20kg bell - 20 sets of 6 - 120 reps
Snatch - 24kg bell - 2 sets of 5 - 10 reps
450 reps
Check out the leader board: Snatch Race to 50k!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

"Providence" & Snatches...

I did AOS "Providence" this morning for the first time since January 12th. I did 2 minute rounds with the 16kg bell and kept my rest at one minute. I finished with 150 snatches.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day Off today And Finally Home!

I got back form CA this morning and am happy to be able to get back to my routine.....although cold - it was in the 70s there and was about zero when I got off the plane @ 5AM!

The Ader bell that I had tore a callous the first morning doing 36:36. I might have to go back to 15:15 until hands heal.

The weeks training looked like this:

Monday - Off

36:35 10x18 - 180 reps
15:15 5x8 -40 reps
Tore callous on hand. Whatever.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 150 reps
Push Ups - 150 reps
Swings - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Dive Bomber/Pike - 25 reps
Flip & Squat - 50 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 50 reps
Crush Curl - 50 reps
Snatch - 50 reps
All with 16 kg bell
I am taking today OFF from training and will get back at it tomorrow. I only got 440 snatches in 3 days of training but I need to manage my hand injuries.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

This Weeks Training....

I have to go to San Diego, CA tomorrow for a training class for work and will be there until I take the Red Eye home Thursday night. Luckily I have a friend who lives in CA that is picking me up @ the airport. I sent him a 16kg kettlebell a few years ago to use when I go to CA. (My previous company is located in S. CA and I would have to go there a few times a year - so i figured why miss out on kettlebell training. It has been work the investment)

So, after probably taking tomorrow of from training I plan to train in the 36:36 & 15:15 this week. I may do double sessions a few days since I will have extra time. Plus I need to close the gap between Rif and I as I approach 50,000 total snatches.

I am currently @ 42,150 and have done 2,150 in the last 9 days! I am hoping to be able to get about 2,000 snatches done this week. Which may be pushing it but..... whatever!

Viking Warrior Conditioning - 36:36 - 15 Sets of 18...

Today was my first attempt at the 36:36 protocol since May 6th. After getting 100 sets of 8 in the 15:15 on Saturday it is time to progress to the next protocol. I am still planning on mixing in some 15:15 training as well.

There is a definite difference from the 15:15 protocol as your grip and strength wane a lot quicker and it was more difficult to regulate my breathing. Only having 36 seconds of rest after 36 seconds of snatching forces you to hone in your breathing skills. Thirty five sets is going to be a killer. I am planning on increasing my volume by 5 - 10% each workout with a few back off days depending on how I feel .

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch. I did 15 sets of 18 in 15 minutes and 54 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 18 - 270 reps
My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 167 or 930% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 182 or 102% of max

According to a site I found I burned 279 calories based on an AVG heart rate of 167 over 16 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Clubbell "Trial By Fire" Practice & Misc...

After yesterdays snatches my hands are still fried so I decided to do more of a recovery training session and make it light and short. I did 50 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

My training looked like this:

•50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
•50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left)
•50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise)

I finished with:
Windmills - 16kg bell - 50 reps (25 Right/ 25 Left)
Ab Wheel Rollouts - 50 reps

Friday, December 11, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 100 Sets of 8!

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time last Friday 12/4 in the 15:15 protocol and I planned on trying to complete it for a fifth today but felt great at 80 sets so I kept going to complete 100 total sets of 8 for 800 snatches in 50 minutes.  My hands are hamburger but whatever!  I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 41,880.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 100 sets of 8 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 800 reps
I decided to wear my heart rate monitor to get a feel for the intensity of the training and ended up with the following data over the 50 minute workout:

My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 180 or 100% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 192 or 107% of max

According to a great website I found I burned 970 calories in 50 minutes based on an AVG heart rate of 180 over 50 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

PS - I was also motivated by my wife  - Fabiana O'Brien RKC - as she completed 700 swings with the 16kg bell next to me as I was training.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 24kg  bell  - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Two Handed Kettlebell Curls - 28kg bell - 100 reps
One-Handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps each arm
Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 30 reps each arm

My strength has going through the roof with the GVT! To be able 100 strict dips with a 24kg bell around my waist blows my mind. This will be my last week using GVT for a while as it has been 5 weeks. I plan on going back to more of kettlebell circuit training (AOS Providence or The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout), clubbell training and Viking Warrior Conditioning.

My main goals over the next 6 weeks are to lose 2% body fat and reach 50,000 snatches by 2/3/10 - My 41st BD.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - V02max - 40 Sets of 8...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps
I kept going and finished with:
two-handed swings with the 24kg bell. I did 10 sets of 10 in 4 minutes and 45 seconds. I did sets of 10 with approximately 15 second rest between round.

Swings - 24kg bell - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 149 or 83% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 182 or 102% of max

My heart rate was in the 170s the last 15 sets of snatches but dropped into the high 150s when I switched to swings. You can really see why Kenneth Jay says the snatch is THE kettlebell exercise to maximize V02. I plan on wearing my heart rate monitor more as I train and am looking forward to seeing the numbers from a training session of 80x8.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

Feeling strong today so I pushed it.

My training looked like this:
Smith Machine Incline Press - 185lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- 24kg bell - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Incline Clubbell Flys - 15lb clubbell - 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 40kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm

Monday, December 7, 2009

Recovery Day - VWC - 15 Sets of 8...

After the last four days of training:
  • GVT - Arms & Shoulders
  • VWC - 16kg bel - 80x8 - 640 reps
  • Swings - 24kg bell - 1000 reps
  • GVT - Legs 
I needed to back off big time. I just did 120 snatches this morning and called it a day.

My training looked like this:

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 15 sets of 8.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 120 reps

Sunday, December 6, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Legs...

My training looked like this today:
Swings - 48kg bell - 10x10 - 100 reps
Overhead Lunges - 16k bell - 10x10 each side - 100 reps each side
Bruiser Clean To Order - 45lb clubbell - 10x5 - 50 reps

Saturday, December 5, 2009

1,000 Swings In 50 Minutes - 24kg Bell!

After last weeks swing workout in which I did 200 swings with the 24kg bell and 800 swings with the 20kg bell Mark Reifkind informed me that his wife Tracy has completed ALL 1000 reps with the 24kg bell in 50 minutes. So, obviously I had to man up and take the challenge.

Here is what Tracy had to say about the experience:

"I knew right away this was going to be a long one! Geez, looking at the clock in the beginning and realizing the I had to do the same thing over and over for 50 minutes....5-0!

You can check out video of her completing the event by clicking  HERE.

I need to give much respect to Tracy because this kicked my ass! I did do 640 snatches yesterday with 80 sets of 8 with the 16kg bell but I am not making any grip was friend @ 65 sets and I had to grind it out.

I decided to wear my heart rate monitor to get a feel for the intensity of the training and ended up with the following data over the 50 minute workout:

My Maximum Heart Rate @ almost 41 years old: 179
Avg Heart rate: 156 or 87% of my max
Highest Heart Rate Reached: 179

Tracy is an inspiration. If you do not know her story please check out the following article on her 100 lb weight loss in less than a year!

My training looked like this:

I did timed two-handed swings with the 24kg bell today. I did 100 sets of 10 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds. I did sets of 10 with approximately 15 second rest between round.

Swings - 24kg bell - 100 sets of 10 - 1000 reps - 52,800 lbs

According to a geat website I found I burned 789 calories in 50 minutes based on an AVG heart rate of 156 over 50 minutes. Here is the website: Calculate Calories Burned.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I felt really strong this morning after eating about 1/4 gallon of Creamsicle ice cream last night. I have been pretty strict for the last three weeks eating more of a 40% protein, 40% carb & 20% fat diet instead of my modified low carb diet and needed to curb by sweet tooth. I think the change in my diet has helped my strength significantly and positively effected my body composition.

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the forth time today in the 15:15 protocol. I plan on doing more of this as I get closer to my goal of 50,000 total snatches. As of today I am at 40,640!

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps

Thursday, December 3, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 45lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Two Handed Kettlebell Curls - 24kg bell - 100 reps
One-Handed Shield Cast - 15lb clubbell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 50 reps

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Day Off...

First one in a week.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

My training looked like this:

Smith Machine Incline Press - 165lbs  - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- 45lbs- 8 sets of 10 - 80 reps
Kettlebell Flys - 20kg bells- 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 32kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm

Monday, November 30, 2009

Incline Walk & Pikes/Dive-Bomber Push Ups...

Today I needed to take a break from regular training so I walked for 20 minutes at between a 10% and 15% incline. I burned (according to the treadmill) 235 calories.

I finished by doing 25 reps of:

Floor Pikes/Dive-Bomber Push Ups

Sunday, November 29, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Legs...

My training looked like this today:

Double KB Front Squat - 24kg bells - 5x10 - 50 reps
Barbell Deadlift - 135lbs - 5x10 - 50 reps
Bruiser Front Swings - 45lb clubbell - 5x10 - 50 reps
Shoulder Park Squat - 45lb clubbell - 5x10 - 50 reps
I finished with:
Barbarian Squats - 45lb clubbell - 10x5 - 50 reps

Saturday, November 28, 2009

1,000 Swings!

I decided to so dome swings today to get back to basics while trying to get my heart rate going. I know that Viking Warrior Conditioning is really meant for the snatch but I figured if I could swing for 50 minutes and 1000 reps - I would be wiped out.

My training looked like this:

I did timed two-handed swings with the 24kg bell and 20kg bell today.  I did 100 sets of 10 in 49 minutes and 45 seconds. I dropped from the 24kg bell to the 20kg bell after 200 reps because I knew my grip would go very early at that weight. I did sets of 10 with approximately 15 second rest between round.
Swings - 24kg bell - 20 sets of 10 - 200 reps - 10,560 lbs
Swings - 20kg bell - 80 sets of 10 - 800 reps - 35,200 lbs

45,760 lbs total.

My grip is fried! I had trouble opening my water bottle when I was done.

Friday, November 27, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 35lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 rep

Alternating Seated Incline KB Hammer Curls - 16kg bells - 10 sets of 10 per arm - 100 reps per arm

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning (MV02) - 49 Sets of 8 - 40,000 Total - Happy Thanksgiving!

My training looked like this:

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 49 sets of 8 in 24 minutes and 15 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 392 reps

As of today I am @ 40,000 total snatches in the Snatch Challenge

I finished with:

•50 Double Swipes (2 Club bells)
•50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left)
•50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise / 25 Counter-Clockwise)
All with the 15lb clubbell

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day Off......Maybe...

I am probably taking today off from trainig after yesterday. I might do some clubbell exercises to get my heart rate up and loosen up my muscles. Tomorrow I plan on doing Viking warrior Conditioning with the 16kg kettlebell before my Thanksgiving free for all.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

My training looked like this:

Kettlebell Incline Press- 32kg bells - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps - 14,080 lbs

Chin Ups- 8kg bells on feet - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps - 20,000 lbs (165lbs bodyweight + 16kg)

Incline Kettlebell Flys - 20kg bells- 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps - 1,760 lbs

One Arm KB Rows - 36kg bell - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm - 3,168l bs

39,000 total lbs lifted!

Monday, November 23, 2009


 I just did some flexibility and core work today.

My training looked like this:

Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps
Arm Behind the Back Windmills - 16kg bell - 50 reps
Spiderman Plank - 25 reps

Sunday, November 22, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Legs...

My training looked like this today:

Double KB Front Squat - 20kg bells - 10x10 - 100 reps
Double KB Deadlift - 24kg bells - 10x10 - 100 reps
Bruiser Front Swings - 45lb clubbell - 3x10 - 30 reps
Shoulder Park Squat - 45lb clubbell - 3x10 - 30 reps

I finished with:

Snatches - 16kg bell - 100 reps
25,580 total lbs lifted.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning (MV02) - 40 Sets of 8, Bruiser Clubbell Front Swings & Xvest Training...

My training looked like this:

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

Then I did:

Bruiser Front Swings - 45lb clubbell - 50 reps

I finished by alternating walking @ 4mph for a half mile @ a 10% incline while wearing the 40lb Xvest. It took me 8 minutes. It felt great to get the vest off at the end!

Friday, November 20, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

My training looked like this today:

Dips - 25lbs - 10 sets of 10 - 100 rep

Alternating Seated Incline KB Hammer Curls - 16kg bells - 10 sets of 10 per arm - 100 reps per arm

Two Handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps

I finished with:
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 50 reps

I added 25lbs per rep to my Dips for and extra 2,500 lbs lifted and an extra 8kg to my KB Curls for an extra 1,760 lbs lifted.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training today. Back at it tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clubbell "Trial By Fire" Practice & Kettlebell Snatches...

I did 100 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

My training looked like this:

•100 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
•100 Mills Alternating (50 Right / 50 Left)
•100 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 50 Clockwise / 50 Counter-Clockwise)
I finished with:
Snatches - 16kg bell  -150 reps

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Chest & Back...

My training looked like this:

Kettlebell Incline Press- 28kg bells - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- 4kg bells on feet - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps

I finished with:

Incline Kettlebell Flys - 16kg bells- 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm
I went from the 24kg bells to the 28kg bells on the incline presses and added 8kg total to my chin ups for a total of 16kg total added per rep to my training.
16kg x 200 reps = 7040 extra pounds lifted from last time!!! I am going to try to increase it again next week to the 32kg bells for the incline presses and the 8kg bells for the chins.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

German Volume Training (GVT) - Legs...

My training looked like this today:

Double KB Front Squat - 16kg bells - 10x10 - 100 reps
Double KB Deadlift - 20kg bells - 10x10 - 100 reps
Bruiser Front Swings - 45lb clubbell - 3x10 - 30 reps
Shoulder Park Squat - 45lb clubbell - 3x10 - 30 reps

I finished with:
Clockwork Squat - 25lb clubbell - 5x10 - 50 reps

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Change in Training & Diet....

While still training with kettlebells and clubbells I have decided to change up my training and diet for the next 4 weeks.

I plan on doing German Volume Training three times a week:
  • Chest & Back
  • Arms & Shoulders
  • Legs
Using both kettlebells and clubbells. I will also include a day of just kettlebell snatches "Viking Warrior Conditioning" style and a day of high reps clubbell work like "Trial By Fire" to keep my cardio in check. This plan also calls for two days off from training a week.

During the same time I plan on moving away from my weekly 5 day no carb/2 day high carb eating plan and am going to a more medium protein/medium car and lower fat diet. I hope to stay on this plan for four weeks before I change it up again. It will be interesting to see the progress that is made.

German Volume Training (GVT) - Arms & Shoulders...

The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180 lbs for this exercise.

My training looked like this today:
Dips - Bodyweight - 10 sets of 10 - 100  reps
Alternating Seated Incline KB Hammer Curls - 12kg bells - 10 sets of 10 per arm - 100 reps per arm
Bent Over Lateral Raises - 12kg - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
Seated Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 3 sets of 10 - 30 reps
I finished with:
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 30 reps
Behind The Back Shrugs - 48kg bell - 20 reps

Friday, November 13, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Submaximal Vo2max - 20 sets of 9...

Today I stepped up my Vo2max training and added another rep to the 15:15 protocol to make it 9 every 15 seconds. This adds 12.5% more work in the same amount of time and takes me to 112.5% of Vo2max.

Check out the book from Kenneth Jay - Master RKC - Viking Warrior Conditioning - The Scientific Approach to Forging a Heart of Elastic Steel: An Application of The Theory Behind Proper VO2max

My training looked like this:
I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 9 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 9 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 30 sets of 9 - 180 reps

I finished with:
Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Trial By Fire" Practice....

I did 100 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

My training looked like this:
  • 100 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
  • 100 Mills Alternating (50 Right / 50 Left)
  • 100 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 50 Clockwise / 50 Counter-Clockwise)
I plan on taking tomorrow off from training! The German Volume Training from yesterday created a lot of Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) today. The clubbells worked out the soreness but I need to recover before I head into Viking Warrior Conditioning on Friday.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

German Volume Training...

I decided to switch to from Escalating Density Training (EDT) to German Volume Training for the next couple of  months or so.

The goal of the German Volume Training method is to complete ten sets of ten reps with the same weight for each exercise. You want to begin with a weight you could lift for 20 reps to failure if you had to. For most people, on most exercises, that would represent 60% of their 1RM load. Therefore, if you can bench press 300 lbs for 1 rep, you would use 180 lbs for this exercise.

Check out more: German Volume Training

My training looked like this:
Kettlebell Incline Press- 24kg bells - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps
Chin Ups- Bodyweight - 10 sets of 10 - 100 reps

I finished with:
Double Kettlebell Swings - 24kg bells- 2 sets of 10 - 20 reps
One Arm KB Rows - 32kg bells - 2 sets of 10 each arm - 20 reps each arm

Monday, November 9, 2009

Active Recovery....

After my last three says of hard training I just did some light stretching this morning and threw around the 12lb shot to get the blood flowing.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Clubbell "Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning"...

I used the 45lb clubbell this morning and increased my total reps from 90 last time to 144 by going from 3x5 to 3x8.

My training looked like this:
Front Swing - 3x8- 24 reps
Clean to Order - 3x8 - 24 reps
Front Pendulum Lunge - 3x8 each leg - 24 reps each leg
Barbarian - (Gama Cast to Flag Position) - 3x8 -24 reps
Whack a Mole - (Gama Cast into Flat Foot Squat in Order Position) - 3x8 - 24 reps
I finished with:
Brusier Clubbell Front Swing - 50 reps
Kettlebell Snatches - 16kg - 50 reps

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Escalating Density Training (EDT)...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Smith Machine Incline Press - 185lbs - 40 reps
Kettlebell Snatches - 16kg bell - 80 reps

3 Minute Rest
PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Bear Crawls - 32kg bells - 20 steps
Triple Crush- 16kg bell - 20 reps

I finished with:
Farmers Walk - 32kg bells - 10 reps @ 150 feet each
Shrugs - 40kg bells - 50 reps

Friday, November 6, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 30 Sets of 8 & Clubbell "Trial by Fire" Practice...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 30 sets of 8 in 14 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 30 sets of 8 - 240 reps


I did 50 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammer Swings.

50 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
50 Mills Alternating (25 Right / 25 Left)
50 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 25 Clockwise /25 Counter-Clockwise)

I finished with:

Double Snatches - 16kg bell - 25 reps

For more info on the above workouts click below:

Kettlebells - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Clubbells - Circular Strength Training

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kettlebells - 6 Years And Counting....

I got to thinking today that at 40 years old I feel the best that I have ever felt (physically and mentally) in my life. I think I owe a lot of it to kettlebells!

 It was about 6 years ago last month that I bought my first kettlebell after seeing an ad in Muscle Media 2000. My wife was just about to give birth to our triplets and I know getting to the gym on a regular basis would be an even tougher task than it already was with one child who was 5 at the time.

Little did I know that the one decision to buy that single 16kg kettlebell would have such and pronounced affect on my thoughts about training. Since then I have become certified from various places in kettlebell lifting (RKC, AOS & AKC) and got my wife Fabiana hooked as well! She and I became RKC's this April and she is currently training local clients at an rapidly increasing pace.

I started this blog about 3 years ago as a way to track my training and it has morphed into a great way to share ideas with like minded individuals. The kettlebell, clubbell and "alternative" training community has been a great place to spur my growth physically and mentally as it relates to training and nutrition.

My life was changed forever when I found out I was going from one child to four - in one pregnancy but I think also having the kettlebell enter my life at the same time made the process easier to tackle and also more enjoyable.

I think that any other girevik would agree!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking Thursday off from training. First day off in a week. I may shoot for 80x8 on Friday in Viking Warrior Conditioning.

Anabolic Bruiser Conditioning...

I used the 45lb clubbell this morning and it was a commitment to say the least. I kept it short as to not over-do it and stopped after 3x5. I was aiming for 5x5 but felt that my form was deteriorating.

My training looked like this:

Front Swing - 3x5- 15 reps
Clean to Order - 3x5 - 15 reps
Front Pendulum Lunge - 3x5 each leg - 15 reps each leg
Barbarian - (Gama Cast to Flag Position) - 3x5 -15 reps
Whack a Mole - (Gama Cast into Flat Foot Squat in Order Position) - 3x5 - 15 reps

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Snatch Challenge Update - 38,438

At the end of October 2008 I decided to start snatching more and counting my snatches on a daily basis. I found a website that makes my job easier in a effort to reach 50,000 snatches.

It is -

According to the website: "We have added Snatch Challenge to the menu. This is a temporary add-on feature supporting a current 50,000 snatch challenge. The feature will display a list of all participants complete with their total number of snatches and total number of points. In addition, you will be able to view details for each daily entry (what date, how many snatches, which kettlebell and notes)."

I have moved away from snatching multiple days a week and have been only doing "Viking Warrior Conditioning" about once a week. I am going to ramp up the volume as the year ends to get the 50,000 done!

As of today my snatch total is 38,438. I hope to break 50,000 by my 41st birthday - February 3, 2010.

Got "The Bruiser"

My 45lb clubbell came today. It seems crazy heavy. I am going to have to take it easy at first so I do not end up at Mass General Hospital with a separated shoulder. Good times!

The picture with the wrestling shoe is just to show you the dimensions of the club.


My training looked like this:

Barbell Clean & Press - 135lbs - 3x3 - 9 reps
Smith Incline Press - 225 - 3x3- 9 reps
Barbell Squats - 185lbs - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Row - 48kg - 3x3 each arm - 9 reps each arm
Kettlebell Pullover - 36kg - 3x3 - 9 reps

Monday, November 2, 2009

Swings & Push Ups....

I backed off today and took it easy on purpose. My shoulders need a rest as I get ready to get "The Bruiser" clubbell this week.

My training looked like this:

Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps
Push Ups - 50 reps

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Snatches, Swings & Swipes...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 8 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 20 sets of 8 - 160 reps

Then I:
Walked a half mile with the 40lb Xvest @ 10% incline @ 4MPH
I finished with:
Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps
Double Swipes - 15lb clubbell - 100 reps

Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Crazy 8's"...

My training looked like this today:

Double Swipes - 25lb clubbells - 8x5 - 40 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 8x5 each direction - 80 reps
Hammer Swings - 25lb clubbell - 8x5 each direction - 80 reps

I finished with:

Bear Crawls - 24kg bells - 8x10 - 80 steps
Snatches - 24kg bells - 8x5 each arm - 80 reps

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kettlebell & Clubbell Escalating Density Training (EDT)...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Kettlebell Incline Press - 32kg bells - 50 reps
Double Clubbell Snatches - 15lb clubs - 50 reps

4 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Bear Crawls - 24kg bells - 40 steps
Two Hand KB Curls - 32kg bell - 40 reps

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Training & Diet Reference Materials...

I often get asked about different training methods I use and where one might find good information on my diet or different diets available. So I decided to put together a list. It has been somewhat updated since my last post on this subject.

Training Books:

The Big Book of Clubbell Training - Clubbell® Training provides a unique blend of functional, full-range, three-dimensional muscular development that stands in stark contrast to the problematic limitations of conventional two-dimensional linear training. Practicing this system revitalizes, reenergizes and reorganizes every unused and overabused cell in your body from head to toe, core to periphery, and bones to skin.

Muscle Logic - Trainers and Olympic athletes agree that Escalating Density Training (EDT) really works. Now everyone who works out can learn how to benefit from this superbly effective, time-efficient system. (

Enter The Kettlebell - “Pavel’s Kettlebell Training System—The Shortcut To Extreme Strength and Elite Conditioning. Guaranteed.” ({subid})

Viking Warrior Conditioning - The Scientific Approach to Forging a Heart of Elastic Steel: An Application of The Theory Behind Proper VO2max Training - ({subid})

Diet Books:

Men's Health TNT Diet - The Explosive New Plan to Blast Fat, Build Muscle, and Get Healthy in 12 Weeks (

Better Than Steroids - The meat of the book is the eating plans. I have reviewed the top four eating plans for guaranteed success. They come with detailed instructions on how they work, when they work best, and how to design one for yourself. From leaning up to bulking up, these are the eating plans that work. They teach you how to use the most powerful drug out there, food, to your advantage. I say it all the time, "Anyone can exercise, but only the ones who know HOW to eat make improvements!" (

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I decided to train for strength today and mix in a few exercises that I normally do not perform.

My training looked like this:

Barbell Clean & Press - 115lbs - 25 reps
Smith Incline Press - 205 - 25 reps
Double Suitcase KB Deadlift - 40kg bells - 25 reps

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning & Clubbell MVo2 (Mills) ...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 8 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.
Snatch - 16kg bell - 20 sets of 8 - 160 reps
Then I did:
Clubbell Viking Warrior Conditioning - MVo2 - 40 Sets of 7...

I did timed One-handed Mills with the 15lb clubbell today. I did sets of 7 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 7 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

One-handed Mills - 15lb club - 20 sets of 7 - 140 reps
300 total reps in 10 minutes total work time.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Just Ordered "The Bruiser" Clubbell...

I am having so much fun with my clubbells in addition to my usual kettlebell training that I said "why not" and ordered the 45 lb clubbbell - "The Bruiser". I have been doing some strength/size training with the 25lb clubbell (5x5 - singles and doubles) and want to start working in the 45. I know it is going to take a long time to be able to use it for reps but it give me another goal.

The one thing I like about training for strength is it puts things into perspective. Either you are getting stronger or you are not. I remember when I first snatched the 16kg bell it whipped me so bad it took me days to recover and before long I was able to snatch the 40kg bell at a bodyweight of 159.

So, I may be way over my head but.......I accept the challenge!

Clubbell 5x5, Xvest Training & KB Bear Crawls...

My training looked like this today:

Double Swipes - 25lb clubbells - 25 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Barbarian Squat - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Two-handed Swipe - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 25 reps

Then I:

Walked a half mile with the 40lb Xvest @ 10% incline @ 4MPH
Pull Ups - 40lb Xvest - 25 reps
Push Ups - 40lb Xvest - 25 reps

I finished with:

Bear Crawls - 24kg bells - 100 steps
I definitely fried my CNS as my arms and hands are shaking right now. I am beat!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

HIIT Cardo, DB Snatches & HLR...

Still no Kettlebells and Clubbells....

I did a HIIT cardio session today in the treadmill. I alternated walking at 4.0 mph and running at 12 mph for 1.5 miles. I finished in 12 minutes.

Then I did:

DB Snatches - 25lbs - 100 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps
I will probably take tomorrow off from training as I am flying home.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Bodyweight Training & Misc...

My training looked like this:

Pull Ups - 50 reps
Dips - 50 reps
One Leg Lunge - 50 reps
Plyometric Incline Push Ups - 50 reps
Cable Hammer Curls - 110lbs - 50 reps
Smith Machine Squats - 225lbs - 25 rpes

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dragon Tattoo With Kettlebell In Claw...

Attached is the finished product (for now) of my Dragon Tattoo with the kettlebell in it's claw.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Training Tomorrow...

I am going to Florida for business tomorrow and am taking the day off from training. No kettlebells and/or clubbells for 4 days. Not fun!

Extreme Kettlebell Cardi Workout & Clubbell Training...

I did 4 rounds of the Extreme KB Cardio Workout with the 16kg bell. It was pretty tough. There were 560 total reps.

My training looked like this:
  • The Manmaker - 100 reps
  • Upper Body Blast - 160 reps
  • Leg Burner - 120 reps
  • Swing Workout - 180 reps
I finished with some clubbell training:
  • 50 One-handed Mills (25 on each side)
  • 50 Double Swipes and
  • 50 Two-handed Hammer Swings (25 per direction)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


My training looked like this today:

Smith Machine Incline Press - 225lbs - 5x3 - 15 reps
Double Snatch - 24kg bells - 5x3 - 15 reps
Double Clean - 32kg bells - 5x3 - 15 reps
Double Row - 32kg bells - 5x3 - 15 reps
One Leg Deadlift - 32kg bell - 5x3 - 15 reps/leg

Monday, October 19, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8 & Clubbell Training...

I felt really strong this morning after eating cleaner carbs yesterday. I am going to try and clean up my eating on the weekends during my reload to see if it effects my training and body composition. By the results of my training this morning I think it will significantly.

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the third time today in the 15:15 protocol. The last tine I completed 80 sets was April 14th and I have backed off since.  It is really more mental than physical after you have been training for a while. It was tough today but easier than the previous two times. Maybe it is the clubbell training?

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps
I felt great when I was done so I finished with:
One-handed Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 100 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 100 reps

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Kettlebell EDT...

My training looked like this:
PR One - 10 Minutes:
Kettlebell Incline Press - 32kg bells - 60 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 60 reps

4 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Renegade Reverse Flys - 12kg bells -  40 reps
Alternating Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg bells - 40 reps

I finished with:
Bear Crawls - 24kg bells - 100 steps
One-handed Mills - 15lb clubbell - 100 reps

Friday, October 16, 2009

Clubbell 5x5 and Xvest Training...

My training looked like this today:

Double Swipes - 25lb clubbells - 25 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Barbarian Squat - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Two-handed Swipe - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 25 reps

Then I:

Ran half mile with the 40lb Xvest in 4:30.

I finished with:

Pull Ups - 40lb Xvest - 25 reps
Push Ups - 40lb Xvest - 25 reps

I am beat!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training. My hands and forearms are still sore from my "Trial by Fire" yesterday. The days off are helping a great deal with my recovery.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Trial by Fire" - 15lb Clubbells & Clap Push Ups...

I completed the "Trial by Fire" this morning with the 15lb clubbells in 28:22 which is 2:22 minutes faster than my last attempt at 30:44. It seemed tougher AGAIN than last time because my grip was gone as I approached a third of the way through! It became as much mental as physical as I just kept pushing to get done.

My training looked like this:

Trial by Fire is done with a set of 15 lbs Clubbells®, and consists of:

130 One-handed Mills on each side
130 Double Swipes and
130 Two-handed Hammer Swings (65 per direction)

I finished with:
Clap Push Ups - 25 reps

I plan on taking tomorrow OFF from training.

Day Off..

I am taking today off from training.

Monday, October 12, 2009

"300" Kettlebell & Clubbell Reps PLUS Ran One Mile with 40lb Xvest...

My training looked like this today:

Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 100 reps

Then I ran one mile in 10:45 while wearing the 40lb Xvest.

I finished with:

One Arm Incline KB Press - 32kg bell - 50 reps
One-Handed Mills - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Two-handed Hammer Swings - 25lb clubbell - 50 reps
I have been feeling great lately strength wise. I may practice yoga and/or do some light stretching tomorrow or take the day off from training. I also plan on going almost carb free for the next 2 weeks just to press reset. Sometimes that is all I need to lean out a bit.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Kettlebells, Clubbells & "Xvest" Training...

My training looked like this today:

I started with timed snatches with the 16kg bell. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 8 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 20 sets of 8 - 160 reps
Then is did:
Double Swipes - 25lb clubbells - 25 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Barbarian Squat - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Two-handed Swipe - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps
Crucifix - 15lb clubbells - 25 reps
I finished with:
Alternating walking @ 3.7 MPH and a slow run @ 7.5 MPH for a half mile while wearing the 40lb Xvest. It took me 6 minutes to finish the half mile. I eventually want to be able to complete a mile in under 10 minutes while wearing the vest.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

EDT - Kettlebells & Clubbells...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Incline KB Press - 24kg bells - 90 reps
High Pull - 24kg bells - 90 reps

5 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 70  reps
One-handed Swipes - 25lb clubbell - 70 reps

I finished with:

One-Handed Mills  - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Two-handed Hammer Swings - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps

The 15lb clubbell felt like a feather afer 140 reps with the 25lb clubbell in 10 minutes. This workout kicked my ass big time!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Core Training: Kettlebell & Clubbell...

I used the kettlebell and the clubbell this morning to do some core exercises that I would normally just use a kettlebell. I also wanted to keep my session short andf light as more of a back off/recovery workout.

My training looked like this:

Hand 2 Hand Clean - 16kg bell - 40 reps
Windmill - 16kg bell - 20 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 40 reps
Hand 2 Hand Clean - 15lb cubbell - 40 reps
Windmill - 15lb clubbell - 20 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb clubbell - 40 reps

I finished with:
Hanging Leg Raises - 25 reps

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Feeling Great: Because of Kettlebells & Clubbells...

I was just thinking about the fact that I turned 40 this year and feel the best I have in my life! I attribute most of this to my training, my diet and more time for rest and recovery. I have been training with kettlebells for 6 years now (ever since my wife gave birth to our triplets in October 2003) and am still hooked on them. There is nothing better than looking forward to training. I love it so much I have certifications from 3 different places (RKC, AOS & AKC) even though I do not train any clients. It is just a passion of mine.

Recently I have started using clubbells and feel that they are the perfect complement to my training. The clubbells have "filled in the gaps" in my training and my shoulders have blown up size wise while never felling better. They are everything that the kettlebells are....only different!

I feel better at 40 years old than I did at 20. My only question is how young would I feel at 20 if I could have started then??

The main point - find what you like and just do it!

"Trial by Fire" - 15lb Clubbells...

I completed the "Trial by Fire" this morning with the 15lb clubbells in 30:44 which is 4 1/2 minutes faster than my first attempt at 35:18. It seemed tougher than last time because my grip was gone as I approached a third of the way through! It became as much mental as physical as I just kept pushing to get done. Definately a good feeling of accomplishment when I put the clubs down after my last double swipe.

My training looked like this:
Trial by Fire is done with a set of 15 lbs Clubbells®, and consists of:

130 One-handed Mills on each side
130 Double Swipes and
130 Two-handed Hammer Swings (65 per direction)

I plan on taking tomorrow OFF from training.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


My training looked like this:

One Arm KB Floor Press - 40kg bell - 25 reps per arm
Double KB Row - 40kg bells - 25 reps
Upright Row - 48kg bell - 25 reps
Two-handed Shield Cast - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps each direction
One-handed Arm Cast - 25lb clubbell - 25 reps per arm

I finshed with:

Two-handed Swipes - 25lb clubbell - 25 consecutive reps

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day Off...

Today is another scheduled off day from training.

My weekely schedule should look like this:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Heavy Day
Wednesday - Clubbells
Thursday - Off
Friday - Flow Yoga
Saturday - EDT (KB & CB)
Sunday - Kettlebell MVo2

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 30 Sets of 8 & Clubbell "Trial by Fire" Practice...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 30 sets of 8 in 14 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 30 sets of 8 - 240 reps

I did 100 reps with the 15lb clubbell in each of the Trial By Fire exercises: Swipes, Mills and Hammers.

  • 100 Double Swipes (2 Clubbells)
  • 100 Mills Alternating (50 Right / 50 Left)
  • 100 Hammer Swings (two-handed: 50 Clockwise / 50 Counter-Clockwise)
For more info on the above workouts click below:
Kettlebells - Viking Warrior Conditioning
Clubbells - Circular Strength Training

Anabolic Diet Goes Mainstream....

If you have read this blog then you know that I have been following the "Anabolic Diet" for over 5 years with much success. Recently I ran across an article in Men's Health touting the TNT Diet which is basically the Anabolic Diet presented in a more mainstream manner. Funny how what was once viewed as strange, weird or extreme is getting great feedback from the general public...maybe because it works?

My only problem is that no credit is given to previous versions of the diet like the original "Anabolic Diet" or "Body Opus" - the reader is lead to believe that the authors are the ones who created this "groundbreaking" nutritional plan for separating carbs from protein and fat.

Attached is a link to the book :

and a synopsis of the material contained within. Enjoy!

Book Description:

"Hey, Guys! Want to trade your fat for muscle? It's finally possible, thanks to the Men's Health TNT Diet. TNT - or Targeted Nutrition Tactics - is a scientifically designed program that can be customized for any body, including yours. It's as easy as knowing what to eat, and when to eat it. So whether you have a lot of fat to lose or just a little, TNT has a plan to fit your goals. In fact, TNT works not only for the guy who wants to lose 50 pounds of flab but also for the guy who wants to trade 10 pounds of fat for 10 pounds of muscle. Just as important, the TNT diet significantly reduces the risk for heart disease and diabetes, a finding that's been scientifically proven in studies at the University of Connecticut. The results of these studies, which you'll read about inside, are amazing. The best part? The TNT Diet and accompanying exercise plan couldn't be simpler. In fact, throughout the book, you'll find out why you can:-Stop counting calories. The TNT Diet reprograms your appetite, allowing your own body to regulate the amount you eat. So you'll never feel like you're on a diet, even though you'll look like it. -Go back to enjoying the foods you love - like prime rib, omelets, and even butter. Through a revealing report, you'll see why fat - even saturated fat - isn't the dietary demon it's been made out to be. -Exercise just 90 minutes a week. Instead of exercising in the so-called fat-burning zone, you'll learn how to exercise in the carb-burning zone. This is the secret to making your workouts both shorter and more effective.So what's stopping you? The Men's Health TNT Diet provides all the tools you need to dramatically transform your body - both inside and out."

I truly believe that my passion for kettlebells was also fueled by me finding this diet at about the same time. I was able to totally transform by body in a few short months with the combination of kettlebell circuit training and the anabolic diet.

Check out my article for yourself -

Saturday, October 3, 2009

EDT - Kettlebells & Clubbells...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Incline Kettlebell Flys - 20kg bells - 70 reps
Double KB Rows - 24kg bells - 35 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
One-handed Mills - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Two-handed Swipes - 15lb clubbell - 25 reps

I finished with:
Shield Cast - 15lb clubbell - 40 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb clubbell - 50 reps
Windmill into Overhead Squat - 15lb clubbell - 9 reps of each exercise each side

Friday, October 2, 2009


I performed Intu-Flow® this morning as a way to give my body:
  • Deep Relaxation
  • Whole Body Tension Release
  • Enhanced Joint Mobility

Intu-Flow® is an exceptionally effective joint mobility program which produces pain-free, energized results faster than you would ever think possible! Referred to variously as ‘yoga in motion,’ ‘tai chi without the fluff,’ or ‘hi-tech Qigong’.

Check it out here: Intu-FLow

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

"Trial By Fire" - First Attempt - 15lb Clubbells...

I completed the "Trila by Fire" this morning with the 15lb clubbells in 35:18. It was very tough as my grip started to give way half-way though the workout! I can only compare it to how my hands/grip feels at the end of Viking Warrior Conditioning with a 16kg bell (80 Sets of 8). My heart rate was through the roof at about 5 minutes and stayed there the whole time. It is going to take me some time to work up to the 25lb clubs. I plan on taking tomorrow OFF as my hands and forearms will need it.

The following is taken from Coach Steer's blog about clubbells:

"The Trial by Fire is quite simply one of the most grueling full body tests of strength-endurance that I can think of".

The official Trial by Fire is done with a set of 25 lbs Clubbells®, and consists of:

130 One-handed Mills on each side
130 Double Swipes and
130 Two-handed Hammer Swings (65 per direction)

The exercises themselves are presented on the following link in the middle of the page:

"Suffice it to say that the Trial by Fire will rip the skin off your hands and wring every last ounce of muscular strength-endurance from your entire body while it taxes your cardio-vascular system to its limit. It will test your mental toughness and require absolute technical efficiency".
I would agree with the above statement 100%!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kettlebell Triples....

My training looked like this today:

Goblet Squats - 40kg - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Rows - 48kg bell - 3x3 each arm
Double Deadlifts - 40kg bells - 3x3 - 9 reps
One Arm Incline Press - 36kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
Pullovers - 36kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps
My training schedule going forward should look like this:
Monday - Heavy Day (Triples,5x5,etc)
Tuesday - Off
Wednesday - Clubbells (Trial By Fire, Freestyle, etc)
Thursday - Off
Friday - Flow Yoga
Saturday - EDT (Kettlebells, Clubbells, Bodyweight, Etc)
Sunday - Kettlebell Viking Warrior Conditioning (MVo2)
That way I get:
  • 1 heavy/low rep strength day
  • 2 off days
  • 1 day metabolic conditioning with clubbells (Trial By Fire)
  • 1 day if yoga
  • 1 day of EDT (stength/strength endurance combo)
  • 1 day of metabolic conditioning with kettlebells (MVo2)
Seems like a good plan. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Got My Second 15lb Clubbell Today!

I plan on trying the "Trial By Fire" on Wednesday with the 15lb clubs. It is meant for the 25's but I do not have them yet and have not even tried double swipes with the 15's. Should be interesting.

Just to recap:

The following is taken from Coach Steer's blog about clubbells:

"The Trial by Fire is quite simply one of the most grueling full body tests of strength-endurance that I can think of".

The official Trial by Fire is done with a set of 25 lbs Clubbells®, and consists of:

130 One-handed Mills on each side
130 Double Swipes and
130 Two-handed Hammer Swings (65 per direction)

The exercises themselves are presented on the following link in the middle of the page:

"Suffice it to say that the Trial by Fire will rip the skin off your hands and wring every last ounce of muscular strength-endurance from your entire body while it taxes your cardio-vascular system to its limit. It will test your mental toughness and require absolute technical efficiency".

For me it is something to shoot for as I get more familiar and adept at clubbell training. I am going to have to work up to using double 25lb clubbells but I make the comparison to a kettlebell snatch test - How fast can you complete a number of reps with good form.

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Kettlebell, Clubbell, Bodyweight & "Shot" Training...

I mixed up kettlebell, clubbell, bodyweight & "Shot" training today for 500 reps. I tried to rest as little as possible and hit my body from as many angles as possible.

My training looked like this today:

Kettlebell Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps
One-handed Mills - 15lb club - 100 reps
One-handed Swipes - 15lb club - 100 reps
Shield Casts - 15lb club - 100 reps
Plyometric Incline Push Ups - 75 reps
Hanging Pike - 25 reps
Overhead KB Hold Walks - 24kg bells - 2 reps @ 150ft
High toss Lunge - 12lb "shot" - 30 reps

I finished with:
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb club - 75 continuous reps

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 40 Sets of 8...

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

I finished with:

Farmers Walks - 40kg bells - 4 reps @ 150 ft each

Friday, September 25, 2009

Video: One-handed Clubbell Mills

Attached is a short video of myself doing One-handed Clubbell Mills with the 15lb club. My wife shot this after my training today and I was wiped so my form and grip strength was not the best. Notice the kettlebells behind me at the gym.

EDT - Kettlebells & Clubbells...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 15 Minutes:
Incline Kettlebell Press - 32kg bells - 80 reps
One Arm Rows - 40kg bells - 80reps

4 Minute Rest

PR Two - 10 Minutes:
One-handed Mills - 15lb clubbell - 80 reps
One-handed Swipes - 15lb clubbell - 80 reps

I finished with:

BArbell Leverage Curls - 10lbs - 50 reps
Check out how to do them - Crazy Arm Exercise!

I am going to post a short video of myself doing One-handed Clubbell Mills with the 15lb club. My wife shot this after my training today and I was wiped so my form and grip strength was not the best. Notice the kettlebells behine me at the gym.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clubbell Viking Warrior Conditioning - MVo2 - 40 Sets of 7...

I began my experiment with MVo2 and clubbells this morning. I started doing sets of 8 but found I had to reallly rush to get 8 reps per 15 seconds and I was sacrificing form. So 7 is the number with the 15lb club for me. My heart rate got up there quickly and I felt great after I got into the grove but I will say that my grip started to go after the 30th set. You can really see the difference in grip strenth between kettlebell snatches and clubbell mills. I do not know if 80 sets of 7 is possible without launching the clubbell a few times as your hands and grip start to tire. My shoulders, arms, lats and chest were all wiped at the end.

My training looked like this:

I did timed One-handed Mills with the 15lb clubbell today. I did sets of 7 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 7 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

One-handed Mills - 15lb club - 40 sets of 7 - 280 reps

I am taking tomorrow off from training and plan to start to take at least every Tuesday & Thursday off. I may even try to add a third day off a week for a while to ease back and recover.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gained 33lbs of Athletic Muscle and 40 Years of Life!

Impressive feat by coach and Clubbell inventor - Scott Sonnon who @ the age of 39 gained 33lbs of lean muscle in 10 months just by diet and exercises!

As he says - "I had to be both coach and athlete, always… be intelligent, consistently driven and meticulously honest about every repetition and each bite of food".

Great advice from Scott. Check out the rest of the story in the following link:

Clubbell Training & A Question: Viking Warrior Conditioning With A Clubbell???

My training looked like this:

One-handed Mills - 15lb club - 75 reps
One-handed Swipes - 15lb club - 75 reps
Two-handed Hammer Swings - 15lb club - 75 reps
Incline Barbell Push Ups - 75 reps
I finished with:
Shiled Casts - 15lb club - 30 reps
Shoulder Casts - 15lb club - 30 reps
I plan on doing Viking Warrior Conditioning tomorrow with the 16kg kettlebell.
I was thinking about VWC & MVo2 training in general wondered if you could do it with a clubbell? Also, if you could what exercises would be best suited in terms of recruiting the most muscle and getting the heart rate up? My answer was the One-handed Mill.
The One-handed mill is a good compliment to the kettlebell snatch because the range of motion is almost opposite of the snatch and you are using your legs and hip snap to help drive the club from the bottom position.
I am going to start to working on One-handed Mills at 8 reps per 15 seconds with 15 seconds off in between sets with the 15lb club. I might need to adjust the club weight and/or the reps per 15 seconds but we shall see.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How Do Kettlebells And Clubbells Differ?

As I have begun to train with clubbells in addition to my kettlebell training I have been getting questions about the difference between the two and how they compliment each other. I found a series of articles that deals with that very question.

"Kettlebells and ClubbellsTM do tend to emphasize different parts of the body as you use them. The kettlebell, as used in exercises advocated by the party, works the body in more of a "ground up" fashion. The clubbell works more from the hands down. When you pick them up, they are very clumsy to handle, you constantly try to balance them ".

Read the entire article here - Kettlebells & Clubbells

Flow Yoga...

I took an hour long flow yoga class this morning after my weekend eating frenzy. Nice to work out the toxins and get ready for another week. Yoga definately points out the tight areas of your body and helps you stretch and lengthen the muscles. It is a great compliment to my other training.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kettlebell, Clubbell & Bodyweight Training - 500 Reps...

I mixed up kb, cb and bw training today for 500 reps. I tried to rest as little as possible and hit my body from as many angles as possible. I will time it next time to have a point of reference.

My training looked like this today:

Kettlebell Snatch - 16kg bell - 100 reps
One-handed Mills - 15lb club - 100 reps
One-handed Swipes - 15lb club - 100 reps
Gama Cast - 15lb club - 100 reps
Push Ups - 75 reps
Hanging Pike - 25 reps

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kettlebell & Clubbell Escalating Density Training PLUS Viking Warrior Conditioning...

I felt great today after yoga and pushed it hard. I am going back to carbs today after 5 days off and am looking forward to 36 hours of eating pleasure.

Check out my diet -

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 28kg bells - 60 reps
Renegade Rows - 28kg bells - 60 reps

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 1/2 Minutes:
One-handed Mills - 15lb clubbell - 40 reps
One-handed Swipes - 15lb clubbell - 40 reps

Then I did:

Two-handed Hammer Swings - 100 reps
Clockwork Squats - 15lb clubbell - 100 reps

I finished with:

Timed snatches with the 16kg bell. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 20 sets of 8 in 9 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 20 sets of 8 - 160 reps

Friday, September 18, 2009

Barbaric Tool For The Truely Hardcore...

Great article by Marty Gallagher that states - "The Clubbell is a patented strength training tool which combines modern technology with ancient science. Here is an ultra basic, elemental Clubbell workout that a true hardcore trainee can sink their teeth into - The Mill & The Swipe".

Check out the article in it's entirety -

Flow Yoga...

I practiced Flow Yoga this morning for the first time in about 2 years. It was great! I have not sweat like that in a long time and really needed to get the toxins out, stretch my muscles and push myself mentally in addition to physically.

I really do feel kinda euphoric during the whole process and it allows me to press reset and try to prioritize my life's craziness. I know I am getting a bit philosophical and I apologize but it is nice to step back once and a while and smell the roses.

I have a beautiful wife, four great healthy kids, a great job and home....and am healthy. I need to remember this more and care less about sets, reps, and body fat percentage.

Here is a description of the class:

"Flow Yoga covers a wide variety of yoga styles. Including; Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Bikram and Baptiste. It is a vigorous practice that strengthens the core muscles in the body, enhances flexibility, while encouraging deep concentration and focus. Flow Yoga is practiced in a heated room. The heat encourages perspiration, which helps to detoxify and cleanse the body. The muscles respond to the heat by relaxing and allowing us to move deeper into a posture. This practice will tone and sculpt your body and heal your soul. Be prepared to sweat, and discover your inner strength!"

I am going to try to practice Yoga 2/3 times a month in addition to my other training methods.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Clubbells - "Trial By Fire"...

The following is taken from Coach Steer's blog about clubbells:

"The Trial by Fire is quite simply one of the most grueling full body tests of strength-endurance that I can think of".
The official Trial by Fire is done with a set of 25 lbs Clubbells® (15 lbs for the Ladies), and consists of:
  1. 130 One-handed Mills on each side
  2. 130 Double Swipes and
  3. 130 Two-handed Hammer Swings (65 per direction)
The exercises themselves are presented on the following link in the middle of the page:
"Suffice it to say that the Trial by Fire will rip the skin off your hands and wring every last ounce of muscular strength-endurance from your entire body while it taxes your cardio-vascular system to its limit. It will test your mental toughness and require absolute technical efficiency".
For me it is something to shoot for as I get more familiar and adept at clubbell training. I am going to have to work up to using double 25lb clubbells but I make the comparison to a kettlebell snatch test - How fast can you complete a number of reps with good form.

Clubbell Core Work...

I used the clubbell this morning to do some core exercises that I would normally used a kettlebell. It was a nice change of pace.

My training looked like this:

Woodchop - 15lb clubbell - 60 reps
Hand 2 Hand Clean - 15lb cubbell - 60 reps
Windmill - 15lb clubbell - 30 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb clubbell - 60 reps
Gladiator - 6 reps @ 30 seconds
Hot Potato - 15lb clubbell - 60 reps
I finished with:

Hanging Leg Raises - 24 reps

300 total reps.

I also found a great website for clubbell info from Coach Steer : Check it out.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Clubbell EDT (Escatating Density Training)...

I decided to try EDT with my 15lb clubbell this morning. It felt great and I plan to use this method with the 25lb club when I get it. I will use the 15lb club for more high rep training or to back off in intensity and density.

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Mills - 80 reps
Shield Casts - 80 reps

2 minutes rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Barbarian - 40 reps
Shoulder Cast - 40 reps

I finished with:
Parry Cast - 50 reps

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off from training.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Tools Of Choice...



Now - Just do it!


My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Swiss Ball Incline Press - 32kg bells - 50 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 50 reps

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Reverse Flys - 32 reps
Alternating Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg bells - 40 reps

I finished with:

Upright Rows - 32kg bell - 25 reps
Hanging Pikes - 25 reps

I plan on taking tomorrow off from training as I have not taken a day off since September 3rd. I also want to start doing hot yoga on Fridays.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 40 Sets of 8...

I did VWC today for the first time since August 29th - 2 weeks. It was tough for the first time out in a while - especially after my 1000 clubbell reps yesterday.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 8 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 8 - 320 reps

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Clubbell Training - 1000 reps!!!

I was inspired somewhat by Viking Warrior Conditioning this morning and decided to do a marathon clubbell session today (1000 reps) . It took me 1 hour and 19 minutes to complete.

My training looked like this:

Mills - 15lb club - 100 reps
Shield Cast - 15lb club - 100 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb club - 100 reps
Hand 2 Hand Cleans - 15lb club - 100 reps
Torch Press - 15lb club - 100 rep
Slingshot - 15lb club - 100 reps
Arm Cast - 15lb club - 100 reps
Shoulder Cast - 15lb club - 100 reps
Barbarian Torch Press - 15 lb club - 50 reps
Crucifix - (2) 5lb clubs - 100 reps
Mills - 15lb club - 100 reps

I tried to rest as little as possible between sets, reps and exercises and can probably get it to about and hour if I push it. Maybe down the road I will try.

I can't wait for my 25lb club to get here so I can start mixing that in as well.

Friday, September 11, 2009

EDT, Clubbell Casts & Hanging Pikes...

My training looked like this:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Corkscrew Press - 24kg bells - 50 reps
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 50 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Reverse Flys - 20 reps
Alternating Bottoms Up Curl - 16kg bells - 40 reps

Then I did some casts with the 15lb club:

Arm Cast - 40 reps
Shoulder Cast - 40 reps
Shield Cast - 80 reps

I finished with:

Hanging Pikes - 30 reps

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Snatch/Pull Ladders & Clubbell Training...

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the Snatch and Pull Ups. I did 3 ladders with 5 rungs on each ladder.

The 3 ladders looked like this:
Snatch - L & R then Pull Up
1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

I did the above 3 times.

There were 15 reps each ladder for a total of:
45 Snatch reps left
45 Snatch reps right

90 total Snatches
45 total Pull Ups

Then I did some clubbell training:

Mills - 15lb club - 100 reps
Front Squat Pendulum - 15lb club - 100 reps

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Zuzana's 2nd Kickass Clubbell Fitness Challenge...

I got the following from Scott Sonnon's Facebook page:

Clubbell: Ancient Tool for the Modern Warrior -

Zuzana returns with another Kickass Clubbell Challenge. In 20 minutes, how many rounds of the following circuit can you complete? Zuzana finished 6 rounds with 20 seconds to spare!

Here’s the circuit:
* Front Lunge Pendulum - 20 repetitions
* Sumo Jumps - 20 repetitions
* Dive Bomber Pushups - 5 repetitions

Here’s her video performance:

Zuzana says, “Working out with the clubbell provides great resistance, because of the way the weight is distributed. You would never guess how heavy a 10 pound clubbell feels in your hand, but it is great because you can leverage the weight to make the exercise either easier or harder simply by changing your grip. As I mentioned in the intro video, you do not need a clubbell to take part in this challenge and practice this workout. You can use either a medicine ball or some other weight, or even just the resistance offered by your own bodyweight. This workout is not about the equipment, it is about your effort and how much energy you are willing to invest in yourself. If you give this workout a try, even if you don’t make it a time challenge, please let me know how it went for you.

“Besides the Front Lunge Pendulum, you can change up the variation in your routine by substituting Rear Lunge and Side Lunge Pendulums. Here are 3 tutorials on how to complete these muscle-building, fat-burning incinerators:

And if you don’t yet have a real Clubbell, check out this do-it-yourself homemade Clubbell until you can afford the real thing. And don’t think I’m crazy for giving you a homemade design, because once you experience the training value of this tool (the oldest fitness tool in history and the most popular fitness tool worldwide!!!) you’ll want the real thing!

Just Ordered Another Clubbell!

I am loving the clubbell training and just ordered a 25lb bell! I have two 5lb clubbells and a 15lb clubbell. The 25lb club will be a nice addition as I try to eventually work up to the 45lb club!!!


I decided to go a bit heavy today and keep my reps on the low side for a change of pace.

My training looked like this:
One Arm Incline KB Press - 40kg bell - 15 reps per arm
Upright Row - 40kg bell - 15 reps
Renegade Rows - 40kg bells - 15 reps per arm

I finished with:

Cable Flys & Cable Curls

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Clubbell Training - 500 Reps!

My training looked like this:

Mills - 15lb club - 50 reps
Shield Cast - 15lb club - 50 reps
Lunge Step Pendulum - 15lb club - 50 reps
Shoulder Cast - 15lb club - 50 reps
Head Cast - 15lb club - 50 reps

Then I did used the club for some exercises where I usually use a kettlebell - it was a great change to pace!

Snatch - 15lb club - 100 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 15lb club - 100 reps
Slingshot - 15lb club - 50 reps

Monday, September 7, 2009


My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Renegade Reverse Fly - 12kg bells - 50 reps
Incline KB Press - 32kg bells - 50 reps

2 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Triple Crush - 16kg bell - 23 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 32kg bell - 23 reps

I finished with:

Upright Row - 40 kg bell - 25 reps

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Bodyweight, Kettlebell & Clubbell Training....

I got the first exercise of my bodyweight training from Steve Maxwell's blog -

It is called the L - Seat Pull-UP. It was a nice change of pace from my regular pull ups.

My training looked like this:

L - Seat Pull-Up - 25 reps
Explosive Clap Push Up - 25 reps
Handstand Push Up - 25 reps
Prisoner Squats - 50 reps

Then I did some hand to hand kettlebell work:

Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 100 reps
Hand 2 Hand Cleans - 16kg bell - 75 reps

I finished with some clubbell exercises:
Mills - 15lb clubbell - 70 reps
Crucifix - (2) 5lb clubbells - 30 reps

Saturday, September 5, 2009

"300" - Clubbell Training & Snatches...

Arm Cast - 15lb club - 60 reps
Barbarian Torch Press - 15 lb club - 30 reps
Shield Cast - 15lb club - 60 reps
Crucifix - (2) 5lb clubs - 60 reps
One Arm Dive Bomber Push Ups - 30 reps
Shoulder Park Squats - 15lb club - 60 reps
Mills - 15lb club - 30 reps

300 reps with the clubbells. The Barbarian Torch Press and One Arm Dive Bombers were tough!

You can check out those exercises at the following link:

I finished with 100 snatches with the 16kg kettlebell.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Great Clubbell Video From Scott Sonnon..

"In addition to the superior muscle gain and fat burn, there’s another unique feature to swinging a Clubbell. It has to do with getting to your greatest strength. But how does a Clubbell do that? You can hold more than you can lift, and you can yield (or brake) more than you can hold. So, if you’re only lifting weight, you’re only never tapping into your greatest strength reserves.

Instead of performing conventional short range “negatives” and “iso-holds” - the Clubbell elicits a continual negative with no rest position. Even the “order position” is an isometric hold building the biceps and traps. Swung, the Clubbell must be accelerated by your piston-like action of your legs, while braking with the strength of your core and torso. It’s the best of all worlds for tapping into your potential and giving you fast, full results

Combining the “time under tension” superiority of swinging weight, with the virtue of tapping into concentric (lifting), isometric (holding) AND eccentric (yielding) strengths, my 18 Minute Abs and Arms Workout will absolutely give you chiseled arms, shoulders and abs! Implement this workout 1-2 times per week for 3 weeks."

Check out the video here:

EDT with Kettlebells, Barbells & Bodyweight...

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Incline Bench Press - 135lbs - 40 reps
Snatch Pull & Press - 24kg bell - 40 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Chin Ups - 45 reps
Dips - 45 reps

I added 20 more reps from last time to make it 170 reps in 15 minutes work. That equates to a 13% increase in volume over the same work time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Another Day Off...

I am taking another day off as I am swamped with work and am going to the Patriots game tonight. I am planning on an EDT training session tomorrow and MV02/Clubbells on Saturday.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kettlebells In Motion....

I kept it simple today trying to hit my muscles from all angles in a circular strength fashion.

My training looked like this:

Iron Cross - 24kg bells - 25 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Swings - 24kg bell - 100 reps

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today off after 4 days of hard training.

Monday, August 31, 2009

EDT with Kettlebells, Barbells & Bodyweight...

I did not get to train till this afternoon and decided to do some Escalating Density Training and get in as many reps as possible in 15 minutes time.

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Incline Bench Press - 135lbs - 35 reps
Snatch Pull & Press - 24kg bell - 35 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes:
Pull Ups - 40 reps
Dips - 40 reps