Friday, July 21, 2023

Arms - 6-12-25…

Three Rounds of :

  • KB Curls x 6 reps (4;4)
  • Reverse EZ Bar Curls x 12 reps (50)
  • Empty EZ Barbell Curls x 25 reps (50)


  • KB Skull-crushers x 6 reps (44)
  • CG Bench Press 12 reps (135)
  • Banded Pushdowns x 25 reps (Thick Green)

Cash Out: 

Weighted Dips - 10 reps @ 100lb plate! 

Isometric Static Flex 

Smith Floor Curl Throws - 3x8 @ 95lbs

How to do a Smith machine bicep curl throw

  1. Set the Smith bar to mid-thigh level and load it with a light weight.
  2. Grab the bar with an underhand shoulder-width grip.
  3. Ensure that your thumbs are underneath the bar—not wrapped around it.
  4. Throw the weight up forcefully as high as you can.
  5. Catch the bar in the top position (where your biceps are contracted) and then lower the weight back down.
  6. Repeat for 2-3 sets of 3-8 reps.

"The reason this works so well is because doing explosive reps like this targets the fast-twitch muscle fibers. Those are the muscle fibers that grow the biggest, the strongest, and the fastest." - Dr. Jim Stopanni

“Catch the bar in the contracted position. This way, you get to reap the rewards of the eccentric, and you keep your joints safe.

Training for power and explosiveness isn't the same as training for strength.

Strength is about moving a weight by whatever means possible. Whether that weight moves quickly like a lightning bolt or as slow as a tortoise is irrelevant.

With power, on the other hand, you're aiming to reduce the amount of time that it takes to apply a given force. In layman's term, this means that you're trying to lift as explosively as possible. 

So, by ego lifting, you essentially rob your body of the ability to generate power. This is a great shame if you want to build bigger biceps—let me explain why. 

Faster bar speed = more power, more power = greater strength, greater strength = more tension on your muscles, more tension = bigger muscles”. - Lee Thomas

AVG HR - 121 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM 

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