Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Feeling Great: Because of Kettlebells & Clubbells...

I was just thinking about the fact that I turned 40 this year and feel the best I have in my life! I attribute most of this to my training, my diet and more time for rest and recovery. I have been training with kettlebells for 6 years now (ever since my wife gave birth to our triplets in October 2003) and am still hooked on them. There is nothing better than looking forward to training. I love it so much I have certifications from 3 different places (RKC, AOS & AKC) even though I do not train any clients. It is just a passion of mine.

Recently I have started using clubbells and feel that they are the perfect complement to my training. The clubbells have "filled in the gaps" in my training and my shoulders have blown up size wise while never felling better. They are everything that the kettlebells are....only different!

I feel better at 40 years old than I did at 20. My only question is how young would I feel at 20 if I could have started then??

The main point - find what you like and just do it!

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