Thursday, April 30, 2009


Escalating Density Training (EDT)...

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Goblet Squats - 32kg bell - 44 reps
Two Handed Swings - 32kg bell -55 reps

4 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes
Incline KB Press - 32kg bells - 30 reps
Renegade Rows - 40kg bells - 15 reps each arm

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

VWC - Vo2max - 36:36 - 15 Sets of 18....

Today I decreased my volume by 25% from Sunday. I went from 20 sets of 18 to 15 sets of 18 in the 36:36 protocol. After the steady climb to 20 sets from 12 last week I needed a back off training session - enough to keep my training level static but also to give myself a break. The difficulty level from the 15:15 to the 36:36 is pronounced. Sets of 18 really sap your strength and grip.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 15 sets of 18 - 270 reps

I finished with 30 Deadlifts with the 40kg bell.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I took it easy this morning as I have been pushing hard lately.

My training looked like this:

Windmills - 24kg bell - 30 reps
Overhead Squat - 24kg bell - 30 reps
Hanging Leg Raises - 30 reps
Snatches - 24kg bell - 30 reps
Spiderman Planks - 3 sets

I finished with:

Gladiator - 24kg bell - 1 set of 30 seconds each side

Monday, April 27, 2009


My training looked like this today:

Incline KB Presses - 32kg bells - 40 reps
One Arm Rows - 32kg bell - 40 reps each arm
Pull Ups - 40 reps
Dips - 40 reps

I finished with:

Shrugs - 40kg bells - 20 reps

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 20 Sets...

Today I increased my volume by 25% from Friday. I went from 16 sets of 18 to 20 sets of 18 in the 36:36 protocol. The lactic acid buildup seems to be affecting my strength and grip more than my breathing. Obviously by slowly building up the volume it allows the body to buffer the lactic acid. I hope! 35 sets seems like a mile away right now!

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 20 sets of 18 - 360 reps

I finished with 50 push ups.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Escalating Density Training (EDT)...

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Goblet Squats - 24kg bells - 35 reps
Two Handed Swings - 24kg bell -70 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes
Pull Ups - 15 reps
Double Long Cycle C & P - 24kg bells - 15 reps

Friday, April 24, 2009

Summary & Review of RKC...

I am going to try to summarize my RKC experience as best as possible. It is hard to verbalize all the information that was thrown into the 23 plus hours of instruction that was given over the three days in St. Paul...but I will try.


It is amazing to be surrounded by 80 plus like minded people who are focused on getting things done in the strictest, most correct way. Most of us train with kettlebells because we want to take the quickest path to the eventual goal whether it be strength gains, fat loss, or both. But, most importantly we love it because is it fun and helps define who we are as individuals. This weekend was great for just those reasons: everyone paid to be there, gave it their all and wanted to have fun and enjoy the experience.


The staff was great from John and Pavel on down. The Senior RKCs, Team Leaders and Assistant RKCs were very helpful and encouraging during the entire experience. It was an atmosphere that made you want to be a member even more.


After the snatch test (which is changing to 100 reps male or female regardless of bodyweight in September) we headed out to the field for what turned out to be 23 hours of instruction on the six exercises that make up the foundation of RKC training.

They are:

  1. Swing
  2. Press
  3. Snatch
  4. Get Up
  5. Clean
  6. Squat

We spent considerable time going over the minutia of each exercise and got a better understanding of having one move flow into another. After going over the different parts of each exercise we had to practice our skill at the movement and then were given a workout that incorporated our newly refined practice. There were nine total workouts over the 3 days and each was very difficult in its own right.

For example at the very end of day two we did Vo2max training! After 10 hours of work they had us do the test to get the number of snatches for the protocol (which was about 85 snatches total for 6 minutes with the 16kg bell) and after resting for a minutes do 40 sets for 20 minutes. I ended up getting 7 as my number (which I was happy with after the day of training) and completed 40x7 for 280 total snatches. This not only tested your physical ability and toughness but made you focus on managing your fatigue, controlling your breathing and working on keeping every rep as crisp as the first.

On the last day each team is put through a test of their technique on each of the 6 exercises and are graded on that and the ability their have shown all weekend.

What is RKC?

Some of the mantra of RKC training are as follows:

  • Power production over power conservation
  • Maximal acceleration in quick lifts, maximal tension in slow lifts
  • Using "tense-loose-tense" in ballistic lifts like the snatch
  • Utilizing "relaxed tension"
  • Using "virtual force"
  • "Do not act passive. Use power at the lockout"
  • Biomechanical breathing match
  • Viewing safety as a part of, not the opposite of performance
  • Eliminating "leakages" in the chain of your body from the ground up
  • "Viewing strength as a skill and proactive, not a workout"

It can be summarized as:

"RKC teaches how to focus the scattered energies of the body into a directed all-out effort while minimizing the odds of injuries" - RKC Instuctor Manual


It was a great weekend where I increased my knowledge of the sport tremendously and honed my skills at the 6 foundation exercises. I would highly recommend this weekend to anyone interested in kettlebells and strength and conditioning.

Finally, I would like to thank and commend the whole staff from John Du Cane and Pavel to all the RKCs who trained and assisted in the course. Special thanks go to Senior RKC Doug Nepodal and asst RKC's Betsy Collie, Ellen Stein and Gus Peterson for their hard work and patience with me as I grappled with my technique flaws and eventually earned my RKC!

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 16 Sets...

Today I increased my volume by 33% from Wednesday. I went from 12 sets of 18 to 16 sets of 18 in the 36:36 protocol. The lactic acid buildup difference from the 15:15 is pronounced as you get winded quicker and your hip snap & grip weaken considerably faster. I can see that this will be a slow steady climb to 35 sets.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 12 sets of 18 - 288 reps

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The RKC Grad Workout...

Today I did the workout we did to complete Day 3 at the RKC.

Using the 24kg bell:
  • Snatch/Squat/Press
  • 10 Two-Handed Swings
  • Rest about 20 seconds
  • Switch Hands
  • Repeat 20 times

I finished with:

Floor Press - 32kg bells - 30 reps

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - First Attempt @ 36:36 - 12 Sets...

Today was my first attempt at the 36:36 protocol. There is a definite difference from the 15:15 protocol as your grip and strength wane a lot quicker and it was more difficult to regulate my breathing. Only having 36 seconds of rest after 36 seconds of snatching forces you to hone in your breathing skills. Thirty five sets is going to be a killer. I am planning on increasing my volume by 5 - 10% each workout with a few back off days depending on how I feel .

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 18 with each arm in 36 seconds with approximately 36 second rest between hand switch. I did 12 sets of 8 in 12 minutes and 12 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 12 sets of 18 - 216 reps

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

5 Sets of 5....

I took yesterday off from training after the RKC and my legs are still fried. I wanted to get the blood flowing so I kept my volume low today. I plan on adding more leg training to my workouts in addition to my snatches.

My training looked like this today:

Bodyweight Bench Pistols - 5x5
Double Front Squat - 24kg bells - 5x5
KB Deadlift - 24kg bell - 5x5

I finished with:

Swings - 24kg bell - 5x10

I might start the 36:36 this week in the Viking Warrior Conditioning regimen. Have not decided.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Three Letters.......RKC!

Yesterday I achieved a goal of mine that I have had for almost 6 years since I started training with kettlebells. I became an RKC. I will post my review of the weekend and overall thoughts hopefully later this week as I am physically and mentally drained from this weekend.

I will say that the snatch test is not the worry...I got my 72 required in about 3 minutes and 30 seconds. The whole three days are a marathon - not a sprint. For example at the very end of day two we did Vo2max training! After 10 hours of work they had us do the test to get the number of snatches for the protocol (which was about 85 snatches total for 6 minutes with the 16kg bell) and after resting for a minutes do 40 sets for 20 minutes. I ended up getting 7 as my number (which I was happy with after the day of training) and completed 40x7 for 280 total snatches.

My wife was not as fortunate as me and was extremely disappointed when she did not pass. She had some minor technique flaws (caused by flat feet and a light touch of scoliosis) that need to be addressed by a local CK-FMS and then she should become certified.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bodyweight Exercises & Arms...

After all the 1000 plus snatches I did on Sunday and Tuesday (46x9 = 414 & 80x8 = 640) I gave my legs a rest and focused on upper body. I just did some bodyweight exercises for upper body and finished with some traditional arm exercises.

My training look like this:

Push Ups - 50 reps
Dips - 50 reps
Pull Ups - 50 reps

I finished with:

Rope Hammer Curls - 120lbs x 10, 130lbs x 10
Rope Push Downs - 100lbs x 10, 120lbs x 10

I am planning on taking tomorrow off from training and will post my review and synopsis of the RKC when I return next week.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 80 Sets of 8...

I hit the 80 sets of 8 for the second time today in the 15:15 protocol. I did it for the first time on Feb 3rd (my 40th birthday) and backed off for a bit before I started at it again. It was really tough today. It is really more mental than physical after you have been training for a while. I felt really beat this morning and was spent after 25 sets but took it one set at a time.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 80 sets of 8 in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 80 sets of 8 - 640 reps

After I get back from the RKC this weekend I plan on starting the 36:36 protocol.

Monday, April 13, 2009


I took it real easy this morning as I prepare for the RKC this week. I plan on doing VWC tomorrow with the 16kg bell and either Ladders or EDT Wednesday. I am taking Thursday off from training as Fabiana and I fly to MN.

My training looked like this:

Windmills - 16kg bell - 30 reps
Hand 2 Hand Cleans - 16kg bell - 30 reps
Figure 8/Hold - 16kg bell - 30 reps
Dive Bomber/Pike - 10 reps

I finished with:

Snatches - 20kg bell - 80 reps

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Submaximal Vo2max - 46 Sets of 9...

Today I increased my volume 15% from last week and went from 40 sets of 9 to 46.

Check out the book from Kenneth Jay - Master RKC - Viking Warrior Conditioning: The Scientific Approach to Forging a Heart of Elastic Steel: An Application of The Theory Behind Proper VO2max Training -{subid}

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 9 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 46 sets of 9 in 22 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 46 sets of 9 - 414 reps

Saturday, April 11, 2009


My training looked like this:

Windmills - 24kg bell - 50 reps
Turkish Get Ups - 24kg bell - 10 reps
Spiderman Plank - 5 sets of 5 reps each side

I finished with:

Farmer's Walks - 32kg bells - 6 reps @ 150 feet each

Friday, April 10, 2009

Strength - 3x5...

My training looked like this today:

Incline KB Presses - 32kg bells - 3x5
Military Presses - 32kg bells - 3x5
Renegade Rows - 32kg bells - 3x5 each side
Double Cleans - 32kg bells - 3x5
Sumo Squats - 48kg bell - 3x5

A week from today is the RKC and my wife Fabiana and I are looking forward to it. I plan on posting an extensive review when I return.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 66 Sets of 8...

This afternoon after work I went back to the gym and did another Vo2max workout. I have to go to Waterville, ME tomorrow for work (450 miles round trip) and will not be working out so I wanted to do tomorrow's training today. My wife was not impressed.

I added about 10% (6 reps up from 560) to my last workout with sets of 8 to bring it to 66 in 32 minutes and 45 seconds with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 66 sets of 8 - 528 reps

I only have 14 more sets to go and I am at 80 for the second time. Then I will focus on sets of 9.

5 Minute Snatch Test & Triples...

I have not tried the snatch test in a while so did that this morning before my strength training. I did not get the best nights sleep and I think it translated into a number of 82 reps in 5 minutes. I want to be able to get between 100 and 110 with the 24kg bell. Especially as I begin training for the SSST (200 reps in 10 minutes) after I get back for the RKC next weekend. Oh well, not the worst number.

My training looked like this today:

Snatches - 24kg bell - 82 reps in 5 minutes

Smith Machine Incline Press - 275lbs - 3x3 - 9 reps
Military Press - 32kg bells - 3x3 - 9 reps
Goblet Squat - 40kg bell - 3x3 - 9 reps

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 60 Sets of 8...

This morning I added about 20% (10 reps up from 50) to my last workout with sets of 8 to bring it to 60 in 29 minutes and 45 seconds with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 60 sets of 8 - 480 reps

As of today I passed 25,000 total snatches in my quest toward 50,000. I am half way there and looking forward to completing the challenge sometime in October. You can check out the leader board at :

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day Off...

I am taking today OFF from training. My last day off was March 23rd.....Over training is an understatement.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Submaximal Vo2max - 40 sets of 9....

Today I increased my volume 33% from last week and went from 30 sets of 9 to 40. It was very tough but I felt great when I was done. 24 hours of carbs and a good nights sleep definitely helps!

Check out the book from Kenneth Jay - Master RKC - Viking Warrior Conditioning: The Scientific Approach to Forging a Heart of Elastic Steel: An Application of The Theory Behind Proper VO2max Training -{subid}

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 9 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 40 sets of 9 in 19 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 40 sets of 9 - 360 reps

I finished with:

Windmills - 24kg bell - 50 reps

Then I alternated walking @ 4 mph and running @ 8.5 mph with my 40lb Xvest for 10 minutes total time. I walked for about a minutes and run for 30 seconds.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

C & P/Pull Up Ladders...

I eased off of my volume today during my strength training because of all the VWC I have been doing. I also plan on taking a few days off in the next two weeks before the RKC so I do not burn myself out or get injured. I am aiming to do 33 sets of 9 reps with the 16kg bell tomorrow. I hope my backing off today help. We shall see....

Today I did ladders with the 24kg bell on the C & P and Pull Ups. I did 3 ladders with 5 rungs on each ladder.

The 3 ladders looked like this:

C & P - L & R then Pull Up
1 x 1 1 rep
1 x 2 2 reps
1 x 3 3 reps
1 x 4 4 reps
1 x 5 5 reps

I did the above 3 times.

There were 15 reps each ladder for a total of:

45 C & P reps left
45 C & P reps right
90 total C & P reps

45 total Pull Ups

Friday, April 3, 2009

Xvest Training...

I put on the 40lb Xvest today for my training. I have to remember to keep my Xvest training short because the 40lb weight really adds a lot more resistance than it seems and because it sits on your chest it restricts your ribcage/breathing a bit. You can really feel the difference when you take it off. I weighed 160 this morning so the 40 extra lbs is 25% of my body weight.

My training looked like this:

Step Ups - 50 reps per leg
Prisoner Squats - 50 reps
Pull Ups - 25 reps
Push Ups - 25 reps

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Viking Warrior Conditioning - Vo2max - 50 Sets of 8...

This morning I added about 15% (6 reps up from 44) to my last workout with sets of 8 to bring it to 50.

I did timed snatches with the 16kg bell today. I did sets of 8 with each arm with approximately 15 second rest between hand switch. I did 50 sets of 8 in 24 minutes and 45 seconds.

Snatch - 16kg bell - 50 sets of 8 - 400 reps

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Escalating Density Training - (EDT)...

My training look like this today:

PR One - 10 Minutes:
Renegade Row - 24kg bells - 25 reps each side
Kettlebell Incline Press - 24kg bells -50 reps

3 Minute Rest

PR Two - 5 Minutes
Handstand Push Ups - 25 reps
Two Hand KB Curl - 32kg bell - 25 reps