After yesterday's off from training I felt great this morning and decided to do EDT again. I( did some KB pullovers on a Swiss Ball for the first time to mix up my chest training. It felt good and I got a great stretch. After I completed my EDT training I finished up with some farmers walks and sets of "The AX".
Also, my strength is back to 100% and I am at about 170lbs body weight with a body fat % of between 8 & 9%. Good Times!
My training looked like this:
First PR - 15 Minutes
KB Swiss Ball Pullover - 20kg - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps
Chin Ups- 20kg bell - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps
2 Minute Rest
Second PR - 10 Minutes
Iron Cross - 16kg bells - 4 sets of 10 - 40 reps
Goblet Squat - 32kg bell - 4 sets of 5 - 20 sets
I finished with:
Farmers Walks - 32kg bells - 150 feet each walk - 4 times
"The Ax" - 20kg bell - 5 sets of 5 reps - 25 reps
1 comment:
What's your opinion of taking supplements?
IMHO taking supplements is a personal decision that should be left to the individual. As in shall I have a cigarette or not.. Shall I have another whiskey or not...
Personally I am happy taking a bit of extra help to supplement all the hard work if I know it is coming from a reliable source.
I also found a wide range of body enhancement supplements at really great prices here. Check them out and see what you think. I can only speak well of their products, their prices and their service and support.
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