50-40-30-20-10-5 reps of:
Mutt Bar Upright Row: @ 44lbs
5-10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Mutt Bar Military Press: @ 44lbs
*Alternate movements.
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar OH Raises - 5x5 @ 44lbs
DB Iron Cross - 3x3 @ 20lbs
AVG HR - 122 BPM
MAX HR - 149 BPM
50-40-30-20-10-5 reps of:
Mutt Bar Upright Row: @ 44lbs
5-10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Mutt Bar Military Press: @ 44lbs
*Alternate movements.
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar OH Raises - 5x5 @ 44lbs
DB Iron Cross - 3x3 @ 20lbs
AVG HR - 122 BPM
MAX HR - 149 BPM
50-40-30-20-10 reps of:
Mutt Bar Curls @ 33lbs
Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions @ 33lbs
10-20 reps of:
Mutt Bar Hammer Curls @ 33lb
Mutt Bar Skull Crushers @ 33lbs
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Curls, then move to 50 Extensions, then 40 Curls and 40 Extensions, and so on.
Cash Out:
Headbanger Roof Pull Ups - 3x5
Archer Pull Ups - 1x3/3
AVG HR - 119 BPM
MAX HR - 147 BPM
35-30-25-20-15-10/10-15-20-25-30-35 of:
Kettlebell Power Floor Fly @ 35lbs*
Kettlebell Row @ 35lbs*
Rest as needed in between sets. 105 reps of each.
* “The power floor fly is basically a cross between a fly and a dumbbell bench press. The elbows stay at roughly a 90 degree angle. This is normally done on a flat or inclined bench.
With this floor version, the triceps should touch the floor but not the dumbbells. This makes the chest do more work without compromising shoulder health. Pause briefly at the bottom of each rep”. - T Nation
Cash Out: Kettlebell Renegade Row - 7 x 3/3 @ 70lbs
“The renegade row targets nearly every muscle in the body, however places a higher emphasis on the back, arms and core. While using kettlebells, the increased stability and balance needed results in greater demands on the body. Below is a complete listing of the muscles used during the renegade row with kettlebells”. - Barbend.Com
Super Slow Pull Up: 49 seconds. 26 up & 23 down.
Dynamic Roof Front Lever: 3x5
AVG HR - 127 BPM
MAX HR - 154 BPM
Snatch - 33lb Mutt Bar - 25 sets of 8 - 200 reps
Time: 36 minutes. Next time - faster.
Q: What do you do for cardio?
A: I just lift weights, faster.
AVG HR - 140 BPM (85%)
MAX HR - 166 BPM (100%)
KB See-Saw Press - 8x8 @ 35lbs*
KB Iron Cross - 8x8 @ 35lbs*
Kettlebell Iron Cross (reverse lateral raise)
Cash Out: KB High Pull - 5x5 @ 35lbs
AVG HR - 124 BPM
MAX HR - 160 BPM
Mutt Bar Triceps Extensions - 7x15@ 44lbs*
Blue Band Curls - 7x15*
*Mutt Bar Reverse Curls - 4 reps in between each round @ 44lbs
Cash Out:
L-Sit Chin Up - 3x5
ISO Flex
L-Sit Chin Up…
“The L pull-up has features of both the pull-up and the half lever. This movement really forces you to use the back to pull properly, and as the legs and core have to be held in a static position as well, it means that it is almost impossible to cheat on this exercise, as long as it is performed correctly.
With L-sit pull-ups, your legs are raised in front of you which causes the center point of gravity to change. This shift in gravity makes this pull-up variation more difficult. In addition, holding your legs raised in front of your body creates an intense isometric contraction in your abdominals and prevents you from jerking to cheat”. - Bodybuilding Wizard
AVG HR - 116 BPM
MAX HR - 145 BPM
TRX Pelican Push Ups - 10x3
Bear Push Ups - 10x5
Around the World Pull Ups - 5x3/3
TRX Inverted Rows - 8x8 @ Bodyweight
AVG HR - 125 BPM
MAX HR - 162 BPM
30-20-10-5 @ 22-33-44-55
Cash Out: MB Snatches - 5x5 @ 66lbs
AVG HR - 120 BPM
MAX HR - 154 BPM
“You’re achieving advanced total body strength training when you perform snatches. The lift is a combination of both pulling (lower body) and pressing (upper body). It is a single motion of rapid power production, which is executed with the strength of the whole body at once.
Because the move requires so much speed and energy expenditure, the snatch can seriously burn energy and stimulate total body hypertrophy”. - Bar Bend
5 Rounds For Max Reps
Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 33lbs
Mutt Bar Bent-over Wide Grip Upright Row - 33lbs
30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar OH Raise - 2x15 @ 33lbs
AVG HR - 144 BPM
MAX HR - 163 BPM
4 Rounds - 30 reps each round
Mutt Bar Curls - 33lbs - 8 Wide, 8 Closer, 8 Hammer Grip & 6 Wide
Mutt Bar Extensions - 33lbs - Hammer Grip
30 reps each round. 240 total reps
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar Wide Curls - 5x6 @ 66lbs
Isometric Static Flex
Close Grip Grip Chin Ups - 3x5
Close grip pulls will take the lats out of the movement, putting your upper back muscles in a position of weakness, forcing you to rely on your biceps and forearm muscles to complete the movement.
The close grip pull up is not rocket science, its painfully simple and brutally effective, much more difficult than the standard pull up but rarely seen in gyms today. Start with your thumbs touching, and perform your pull up as usual, you’ll be feeling humbled very quickly especially if you are weighing north of the 200lbs mark.
AVG HR - 122 BPM
MAX HR - 150 BPM
Five sets of ten of:
Kettlebell Floor Press: 53lbs
Kettlebell Gorilla Row: 53lbs
Alternating KB Row - 5x5 @ 70lbs
KB Pull Overs - 3x5 & 53lbs
Cash Out:
Headbanger Pull Ups - 1x10
Typewriter Pull Ups - 3x3/3
“Archer pull ups are a unilateral pull up variation that uses one hand as a stabilizer while the other hand does the work. The main reason to be doing archer pull ups, is if you are working towards the one arm pull up. The archer pull up is the stepping stone to performing your first one arm pull up”! - PrimalStride.Com
AVG HR - 137 BPM
MAX HR - 164 BPM
AVG HR - 119 BPM
MAX HR - 144 BPM
LeverEdge Shoulder Press - 70lbs*
Prime Handle Upright Row - 70lbs*
Cash Out:
Slightly Bent-over Delt Sweeps - 5x5 @ 25lbs*
OH Plate Raise - 5x5 @ 25lbs*
Planche Leans
AVG HR - 125 BPM
MAX HR - 145 BPM