Thursday, May 23, 2024

Arm Complex: Pull Up/Swiss Bar…

Two Sets of:

Swiss Bar Press - 128lbs

Close x8

Wider x8

Even Wider x8

Close x6

*Elite Bar weighs 38lbs

Two Sets of:

Pull Ups x8

Close Grip Pull Ups x8

Wide Grip Chin Up x8

Close Grip Chin Up x6

60 Pull/Chin Ups & 60 CG Presses 

Cash Out: 

Gray Band Curls - 3x5

Gray Band Dips - 3x5

Atlas Stone - stood up the 215lb stone! 

AVG HR - 134 BPM

MAX HR - 159 BPM

The Gymnast Pull-Up Routine

Here's how it works:

  • Do pronated (hands facing away from you), shoulder-width pull-ups. Stop 2-3 reps short of failure. Rest 10 seconds.
  • After the 10 seconds of rest, move your hands in (4-6 inches apart) and perform pronated, close-grip pull-ups. Again, stop a couple of reps shy of failure. Rest 10 seconds.
  • Now switch your hands into a supinated position (hands facing you) and use a shoulder-width grip. Stop just short of failure and rest 10 seconds.
  • Finally, move to the close-grip supinated position and perform reps to just short of failure.
  • Rest 3 minutes and do the whole cycle again.
  • After 4 weeks, perform the full cycle 3 times.

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