5 Reverse Pendlay Rows (95)
10 EZ Bar Curls (60)
15 Close Grip Push Ups
10 rounds even - 300 reps!
(PR of - round a+ 12 reps)
Cash Out:
Red Band Strait Arm Fly - 8x8
5 Reverse Pendlay Rows (95)
10 EZ Bar Curls (60)
15 Close Grip Push Ups
10 rounds even - 300 reps!
(PR of - round a+ 12 reps)
Cash Out:
Red Band Strait Arm Fly - 8x8
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Ring Push Ups
Ring Row
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Push Ups, then move to 10 Rows, then 40 Push Ups and 20 Rows, and so on.
Cash Out: Flying Superman Push Ups
10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Machine Military Press: @ 60-80-100-120-140lbs
Cash Out: Double Medicine Ball Push Ups x2
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
EZ Bar Curls @ 40-50-60-70-80lbs
Parallel Dips @ 25-20-15-10-5lbs
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Barbell Curls, then move to 10 Dips, then 40 Barbell Curls and 20 Dips, and so on.
Cash Out:
Thick Orange Bamd Curls - 5x8
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
DB Military Press: @ 20-25-30-35-40lbs
Upright Row: @ 110-100-90-80-70lbs
300 Reps on under 19 minutes is no joke!
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Military Presses, then move to 10 Upright Rows, then 40 Presses and 20 Upright Rows,
and so on.
"For our first move, we’ll be performing dumbbell military presses. On this move you’ll want to push the dumbbell like if you’re pushing it through the roof and lock it out. Dumbbell military presses will work our anterior and lateral heads of our deltoids. We’ll follow this up with upright rows which will work our rear delts and to a lesser degree our traps. I like using cables for this movement because you get a good contraction all the way up and all the way down. Use the full range of motion for this exercise and make sure you keep your elbows up. We really want to isolate the target muscle". -
Cash Out:
KB Halo - 3x5
Tuck Planche Push Ups
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Curls (40)
Parallel Dips
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Barbell Curls, then move to 10 Dips, then 40 Barbell Curls and 20 Dips, and so on.
Cash Out:
Bodyweight EZ Bar Cheat Curl Eccentrics - 3x1 @ 155lbs
3 rounds of max reps:
LeverEdge Bench @ 180lbs
EZ Bar Curls @ 70lbs
Bench: 25-25-25 & Curls: 15-15-15
Hanging Ring Flyes - 5x8
Axle Curls (black bar) - 3x15 @ 25lbs
Machine Press - 100lbs
Lateral/Rear Lateral Raise Combo - 4x16- 20lbs
DB Shrugs - 4x16 - 75lbs
Slightly Bent-Over Plate Lateral - 4x8 @ 25lbs
Plate Lateral Raise - 5x5 @ 45lbs
Pulldown - 4x8 @ 130lbs
LeverEdger Row - 4x8 @ 90lbs
One-arm Cable Rows - 3x8 @ 80lbs
Strait Arm Pushdown - 3x8 @ 110lbs
CG Machine Press - 4x8 @ 120lbs
TRX Bodyweight Extensions - 4x8
Cash Out:
Pushdowns -3x8 @ 110lbs
DB Extensions - 2x5 @ 100lbs
Reverse Machine B. Press - 8x8 @ 135lbs
Low-to-High Flys - 8x8 @ 60lbs
Gironda Dips - 3x10
Step Forward DBL Cable Curls - 4x8 @ 70lbs
Two-Handed KB Curl: 4x8 @ 53lbs
Log Curls - 3x10 @ 72llbs
Cash Out: Bent-arm Planche
DB Lateral Raise – 15lbs
DB Bent-over Laterals - 15lbs
*Superset (15 second rest)
Lean Back Cable Laterals - 8x8 @ 30lbs*
Cable Upright Row - 80lbs
*Dynamic Front Lever in between sets
DB Lateral Raise – 15lbs
DB Bent-over Laterals - 15lbs
*Superset (15 second rest)
Lean Back Cable Laterals - 8x8 @ 30lbs*
Cable Upright Row - 80lbs
*Dynamic Front Lever in between sets
Horizontal Cable Row - 8x8 @ 150lbs
BTN Pull Ups - 8x4
One-arm Cable Rows - 3x8 @ 60lbs
Strait Arm Pushdown - 3x8 @ 100lbs
CG Bench Press - 2x3 @ 185lbs
Green Band Dips- 8x8
Pushdowns - 3x12 @ 120lbs
Reverse Machine B. Press - 4x8 @ 150lbs
Green Banded Decline Push Ups - 4x8
Low-to-High Flys - 8x8 @ 50lbs
Step Forward Double Cable Curls - 4x8 @ 60lbs
EZ Bar Curls: 4x5 @ 90lbs
Cash Out:
Thin Green Band Curls - 30 reps
EZ Bar Curls - 2x25 @ 40lbs
Ab Wheel Rollouts on Barbell - 2 reps
Klokov Press - 8x8 @ 75lbs
Overhead Rope Raise - 40lbs
*Superset (15 second rest)
Cash Out:
6 Way Delt Raise - 3x5 @ 12.5lbs
DB Shrugs - 3x5 @ 125lbs
Overhead Plate Raise - 3x5 @ 25lbs
AVG HR - 128 BPM
BW Row
Close Grip Push-Up
Cash Out:
Eccentric Pull Up/Dip Circuit|
Slow-Eccentric Pull-Up – 5reps
Slow-Eccentric Dip – 5 reps
Quasi-Isometric Training
This is what it's called when you do the super slow work, and it's so effective it's disturbing. There is eccentric (lowering) quasi-isometric and concentric (lifting) quasi-isometric. But that's not all – there's also a passive and active element to this that you need to know about too. More on that in a bit.
So what exactly is quasi-isometric (QI) contraction? It's moving so slowly that the movement is almost imperceptible. When you do isometrics you lock yourself into a specific joint angle without moving. But quasi-isometric movement can include the entire range of motion, though both partial and full ranges of motion are effective.
It will give you unmatched strength throughout the full range of motion. This includes conscious and unconscious control of that strength, meaning, you destroy sticking points and bust plateaus if you're willing to suffer a little bit.
Remember that power comes from the nervous system. All muscular contraction is caused by neurological stimulation. It's neurological control that develops inter and intra-muscular control. - T Nation
Yoke Carries - 20x30M @ 185lbs
Trap Bar Deadlifts (High Bar)
560 - FAIL
550 - FAIL
545 - FAIL
530 - FAIL
*1RM is 542.5
Reverse Machine Bench Press - 8x8 @ 135lbs
Incline DB Bench - 8x8 @ 60lbs
Low-to-High Flys - 6x6
Step Forward Double Cable Curls - 8x8 @ 50lbs
Axle Bar Curls: 8x5 @ 85lbs
Cash Out: Plate Crush Curls - 5x5 @ 90lbs
Max Reps Dips @ 155lbs - Got 3!
Orange Band Close Push Ups - 8x4
Orange Band Dips- 8x4
Pushdowns - 8x8 @ 120lbs
Catchers Stance Cable Row - 8x4 @ 130lbs
Reverse Grip Barbell Rows - 8x4 @ 185lbs
8 rounds of:
8 Kettlebell Figure 8/Hold
8 Kettlebell Upright Row
8 Kettlebell Monkey Shrug
*35lb Kettlebell
Cash Out: Kettlebell Lawnmowers - 3x8 @ 35lbs
Kettlebell Lawnmowers: It's like a one-arm upright row, but done in an explosive fashion. You'll feel like the motion is similar to trying to start a difficult lawn mower. Lean forward a bit, then really explode the kettlebell upwards”. - T Nation
TRX Rows - 8x8
TRX Extensions - 8x8
* Superset
Cash Out: Roof Sternum Chin Up
Gironda Sternum Chin-up
If done correctly, the contraction you get in your upper back will be unparalleled and your lats will be on fire after just a few reps. This is an extremely advanced exercise, so make sure you've mastered other easier variaztions first before trying it. - T Nation
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Mutt Bar Bradford Press: 22-33-44-55-66lbs
Mutt Bar Overhead Raise: 66-55-44-33-22lbs
Cash Out: TRX Face Pull/Rear Fly - 5x8
The Bradford Press: "Begin with a standard front or clean grip position with the bar just above your upper chest. Press up like you would for a military press. But once the bar clears the top of your head you need to bring it behind your neck until it comes in line with your ears. And from there you press it back up and return to the front position. There’s no lock out at the top of the movement, and practically all of the work is done by your deltoids and upper trapezius rather than pressing the whole way up by using your triceps. That’s one rep. When you perform a standard shoulder press you find that you ‘lose’ tension at the top of the movement as the triceps extend to drive the weight upwards and take over.
But with a Bradford press you never give your delts any respite. They never get a chance to rest at the top of the movement. By minimizing intra-set recovery and momentum, you can place a huge stimulus on your shoulders through every rep and every set. Continuous tension helps you build muscle, even with lighter loads. When the muscle is in a constant state of contraction it suffers from a reduction in blood flow and therefore oxygen (this is called a hypoxic state)". - SpotMeBro.Com
50-40-30-20-10/10-20-30-40-50 reps of:
Mutt Bar Curls @ 22-33-44-55-66lbs
Floor Press @ 66-55-44-33-22lbs
Alternate movements. Start with 50 reps of
Curls, then move to 10 Floor Press, then 40 Curls and 20 Floor Press, and so on.
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar Curls - 5x10 @ 66lbs
TRX Fly - 3x8
Pelican Curls - 5x5
Pelican curls — “These are a often quite underrated bicep exercise that will work wonders for building arm size and strength”. -
5 Rounds For Max Reps
Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 33lbs
Mutt Bar Wide Grip Upright Row - 33lbs
30-30-30-30-30 reps each. 300 total reps
Cash Out:
Mutt Bar Overhead Raises - 3x8 @ 33lbs
Mutt Bar Klokov Press - 1x30 @ 33lbs
“Feels like” - 97° 🔥🔥🔥
5 Rounds For Max Reps
Mutt Bar Hammer Grip Floor Press - 66lbs
Mutt Bar Rows - 66lbs
Close Grip Floor Press: 25-25-25-25-25
Reverse Grip Rows: 25-25-25-25-25
250 total reps!
*rest as needed between sets and movements. Post reps for both exercises in all rounds.
AVG HR - 139 BPM
“Feels like” - 91 @ 9AM! 🔥🔥🔥
Reverse LeverEdge Bench Press - 4x8 @ 200lbs
Incline Bench - 4x8 @ 120lbs
Gironda Dips - 5x5
Cable Curls - 5x8 @ 120lbs
Axle Bar Curls: 5x5 @ 85lbs
Cash Out: Plate Crush Curls - 5x5 @ 70lbs