Sunday, March 25, 2007

EDT - Legs

In an effort to mix things up and do exercises that I do not usually do I started my training today with barbell squats & deadlifts. I love KB's but this addiction has taken me away from other methods of training.

My first PR looked like this: (15 Minutes)

Barbell Squats - 225lbs - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps
Barbell Deadlifts - 185lbs - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps

I also decided to do some KB hack squats.I have never really done them before so I am sure I will feel it in my hamstrings tomorrow. I alternated the hack squats with heavy (32kg) snatches. These felt light today and almost floated up! Nothing feels better than throwing around heavy weight. I had to keep myself from doing too much today because I felt so strong. Kinda funny since I have been in the No Carb phase of my Anabolic Diet for 3 days. I actually feel stronger. Whatever?!!

Second PR: (10 Minutes)

Snatches - 32kg bell - 7 sets of 3 - 21 reps each arm - 42 total reps
KB Hack Squats - 16kg bell - 6 sets of 5 - 30 reps

Bodyweight 158lbs


Mark Reifkind said...


I would be careful, very careful, supersetting deads and squats. its very easy to overwork the lower back this way. basically the weak point for each of those exercises is the lumbar area. combine that with high reps and fatigue and stabilizer shortage is soon to follow.
love your enthusiasm though!

Royce said...

Ok so, if you don't mind, enlighten me on the anabolic diet. I've got the basic concept down. High protien, high fat throught he week. Carb load on the weekend. More calories than say Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, but same principle.
Here is where I get confused, and have questions. There are 2 versions one for PL'r and one for Bodybuilders.
what about kettlebells? Or any other strength-endurance sports. How do you adjust your calories to this. I'm very interested in the diet for mainly one reason. I want to set up 6 week cycles of overfeeding and underfeeding to gain muscle and loose fat untill I'm lean and muscular. All the anecdotal information I have reviewed says the AD has incredible muscle sparing qualities. How do you set up your intake, bodyweight? lean mass? or something else?

Thanks very much in advance.

Rob O'Brien said...


Thanks for the advice. As I said..I was feeling very strong so I wanted to take advantage of it. I will not do that again and will scale back my intensity a bit. I have a tendancy to overdo things....I like to think this is a good quality but I guess everything in excess tends to be a bad thing.



PS. I am planning to try to run with my 40lb xvest tomorrow. We will see how my legs feel.

Rob O'Brien said...


I have followed the Anabolic Diet on and off for about three years. I just recently took a month off to see if it had any effect on my strength/stamina/body composition. Read my article - ( to get the whole story. I bought the original book when there was just one version. I basically follow a low carb diet 5 days a week and eat to my hearts content Friday night through Sunday night. I ouline how I do it in my article. I lost 30 lbs in about 6 weeks and dropped from a 34 waist to between a 28 & 29. My strength basically stayed the same. I just went back to eating this way because I feel better. Let me know if you have any other questions or if I did not give you enough info. The article is pretty thorough.



Royce said...

Great article, those circuits look deadly! So I take it stuff like lettuce, broccoli, and spinach are "free" foods? If so that's good. Fiber and all!

I guess I am looking for an exact formula. Grams of protien and fat per kilo of lean mass. ect ect. I should know better.
I imagine it's like anything else, it's highly subjective based on training, metabolism, age, and hormones, and goals.
Guess I need to experament and figure it out myself!!

Thanks for answers.

cheers :-)

Rob O'Brien said...


Thanks for the feedback. The article came out pretty well and is informative to the average person. Most green veggies are fine as they provide vitamins and fiber. I am as strict as possible during the week with nuts being my main fiber source (along with two low carb protein shakes that have 10 grams of fiber a piece).

There is no exact formula. Every one is different. Just try it out and make changes as you see fit to your individual situation, training, metabolism, etc.

